View Full Version : Broke lose, now what?

11-11-2010, 04:38 PM
I have an sp11 that seized up on me over the summer. I popped the head and sprayed some lubricant down on the pistons. I was able to break it loose today but it still does not move very easily (1/2 horse electric motor was not able to move it but I can move it by hand). What should I do with it now to get it back to operational? Thanks in advance.


11-11-2010, 07:20 PM
Chris - If things don't work out, I have a mostly rebuilt (but still in pieces) Delaval 75 that I would make you a very good deal on. The 75 is rated for 1.5 hp 635 rpm 12 cfm, 2 hp 885 rpm 18.5 cfm

I was going to rebuild for an extra pump to have around, but at this point with the family and such, I'll never get to it.

Dennis H.
11-11-2010, 08:19 PM
I would think that if you pour alittle oil into the cylinders either down thru the exhaust or somehow into the inlet port and then trun it some that it will clean up the cylinder walls and be back to good condition.

Do you have a larger HP motor. Maybe you could also put the oil in the cylinder and with the bigger motor let it run for awhile.

11-11-2010, 08:32 PM
Change the oil and spray engauge in the cylinders... You probably got a little water in the oil and then turn it like 50 times and then hook it up to somethimg and let it run a while... this summer my dad gave me one that he took out of an old farm and thats how i loosened it up and now it will pull 25" hg pretty easy

11-11-2010, 08:52 PM
try one of two things either put diesil in for oil and rotate by hand or tranny fliud that should loosen things up

red maples
11-12-2010, 06:41 AM
Add a little marval mystery oil in the crank case along with the oil and put some into the intake side and turn it over a 10 to 20 times and then let lit sit for a about 2 days. be sure to take off the muffler if you have 1 and put a something over the exhaust or just turn it so it faces into a container so nothing sprays out. then put in a bit more. The mystery oil is a great cleaner and penitrating oil as well. if there is in fact rust in there it will help clean things out. then start it up and let it run for a bit drain the oil add in new oil let it run for a few hours and you should be all set. My dad showed me that for a partially seized up lawn mower engine. the inside of the motor was full of rust and we were able to get it running again. good luck

11-14-2010, 07:39 AM
got it running on the the half horse electric pump yesturday. Changed the oil a couple of times while running it for a half an hour each time. Probably going to try the mystery oil trick to handle any rust that could be in there and I hope I am good to go. Thans for all the input/advice
