View Full Version : Star Sap Lift

Amber Gold
11-07-2010, 06:22 PM
Is the rule of thumb for the star style lifts 10 taps per 5/16" tubing? I wasn't sure with the new guidelines coming out if this should be reduced. I have two star lifts and want to make sure they're size appropriately.


Thompson's Tree Farm
11-07-2010, 06:49 PM
Rule of thumb appears to be 10 taps per 5/16 line. However, I called one of the mnfg. companies a couple years ago when I was installing a bunch of ladders and asked for their recommendations. Results: They suggested 25 taps per six way star. I didn't go that high but I am a bit cautious about going all the way to ten taps per tube. I'd rather add an extra star and some extra tube and have it work well than to overload and not get good vacuum transfer.

Amber Gold
11-09-2010, 07:44 AM
25 taps per star doesn't seem like many, but it would be about in line with the strive for five rule. Is there a downside to having too many stars?

I have a 45-50 tap lift, maybe I'll go with a 6 and a 3 star. The other is about 80 taps, maybe two 6-way stars.

Thanks for the info.

11-09-2010, 07:51 AM
I'll add that I keep mine about a foot apart and always have the bigger star first. In this case the 6 way will be upstream of the 3 way. I had one set up the other way and it seemed like the 3 way was being overrun by sap since it was first in the chain to lift before I switched them.

11-09-2010, 08:32 PM
so refresh my memory- what are my other options for a lift if I don't want to put in a 5 star lift? I have close to 200 taps that I need to lift...

11-09-2010, 09:28 PM
That should be enough taps to warrant a two-pipe 3/4" ladder.

11-10-2010, 12:33 PM
so refresh my memory- what are my other options for a lift if I don't want to put in a 5 star lift? I have close to 200 taps that I need to lift...

I've got a 2-pipe 3/4" lift for 170 taps and it works great. Give it a try and if you're not happy you can easily switch it out for 3 star lifts later.

11-10-2010, 04:55 PM
have asimular question but my is regarding how much cfm a star lift needs to operate correctly. For less than 50taps.


11-10-2010, 07:47 PM
is there a thread on how to do a two pipe 3/4" lift? I don't think I've seen one before in operation...

I looked at royalmaple's youtube video to do the star lift I used in the past- but never done a two pipe 3/4"


Amber Gold
11-10-2010, 08:44 PM
Eric, Russ has some good pics. There are a few threads which cover these. The problem I found with these is the 3/4" lines don't thaw out as quickly as the 5/16 lines, especially on a cloudy day. On a sunny day they do OK.

Thompson's Tree Farm
11-11-2010, 04:06 AM
I have several of the commercial "lift" too. They are a bit expensive but work pretty well. I lift as many as 400 with them about 12 feet and if set up right are supposed to lift 600 or more.

11-11-2010, 08:06 AM
Has anyone tried the lifts that use "T" I have a about 6 spots where there's 5 or 6 trees that run just below one of my main lines? It seems like a waste not tapping them when there so close plus anytime you can pick up a couple dozen trees it seems like you should do it. My next question is I don't know how much vacuum my almo 30 is going to pull. So I don't know if a latter is even an option.

11-11-2010, 11:57 AM
Has anyone tried the lifts that use "T" I have a about 6 spots where there's 5 or 6 trees that run just below one of my main lines? It seems like a waste not tapping them when there so close plus anytime you can pick up a couple dozen trees it seems like you should do it. My next question is I don't know how much vacuum my almo 30 is going to pull. So I don't know if a latter is even an option.

Yes, using T's to make mini ladders with 5/16 works great. You can just let vac pull sap up a single line, but I think you'll get better vac transfer with these mini ladders instead. I made one last year with 6 taps on it and it worked great.

11-11-2010, 12:33 PM
anybody have apic of the mini t lift. This seems very applicable for a few trees that I have

11-11-2010, 03:27 PM
Here is a quick diagram of the 5/16 ladder I built, hope it helps. Suggestions are welcome!