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View Full Version : whats with the new leader fittings why are they bigger?

11-01-2010, 05:06 PM
i had some leader tees with plug that i bought last spring, and some that i bought last week, well sitting on the couch making droplines and going great, then the bag of newer T fittings gets opened and all the sudden the tubing sometimes wants to bunch up or not go on straight, 4 seasons tube as i always used, and they are taking way more force. so i get studying them and found that the new leader fittings have a bigger id and od????? are these for like 3/8 tube or something crazy??? not alot bigger just enough to make them a sob to assemble

11-01-2010, 08:51 PM
Leader catalog says they are bigger. Humm? Haven't gotten any for a while. Thanks,

11-01-2010, 08:56 PM
I think they are designed to ensure the tubing doesn't pull loose from the fittings, especially Leader tubing as it may have a touch larger ID and thinner walls.

11-02-2010, 07:04 PM
yea just found my leader catalog and see that they brag about how they maximized the barb diameter. so any crafty solutions for assembling them?? even with the two hand tube tool they sometimes bunch up the soft 4 seasons tubing and make a messy restrictive spot, or at best they take alot of force to push together with the tube tool, and that was in the 70 degree living room not even out in the cold woods!

Dennis H.
11-02-2010, 07:30 PM
Heck it might be easier with cold tubing, not as flexible won't bunch up.

Just a thought.

11-02-2010, 08:02 PM
Yea maybe they work fine on the stiffer 30P?


11-02-2010, 08:21 PM
yea maybe the cold tube is the trick, i noticed that in the woods some of the fittings i had used were the newer type, and didnt notice a problem till i was making drops in the house. they still went together harder in the woods but didnt bunch up atleast

11-03-2010, 09:37 AM
try wetting the fittings before you press them togather with tool they will not bunch up. dry on dry does not work well

farmall h
11-04-2010, 05:51 PM
For sure!!!;)

11-04-2010, 06:45 PM
funny i was just thinking the same thing, just finnished up some drops an hour ago. the t's were a bit harder to insall.

11-05-2010, 04:59 AM
Brandon nailed it....The leader fittings have a larger barb area, mainly because 30p tubing has a larger i.d. I think that they made the change last year. I really like the Ts and connectors, and have started using them exclusively in all of my new stuff that I put in.

11-05-2010, 09:11 AM
we spray a little pam cooking oil in a bag of tees.they slide on easy,and dont come off. been doing this for 30yrs. this year we switched from ipl ridged to leader ridged.after installing 10 rolls,in a new sugarbush,went back a week later to find it all on the ground. tubing had split at every t. dont know why. is olive oil that bad to break down plastic? it wasnt as much fun setting up a new sugarbush the second time

Buffalo Creek Sugar Camp
11-05-2010, 10:09 AM
I had trouble with some 30-P splitting too. I tried using cooking oil to make the fittings go on easier when i made drops and I initially thought that was the problem. After talking with some producers on here, I realized it was the tubing. It was only one small section of woods, probably 10 or so rolls as well. I told my dealer about it and they did give me new tubing to replace the split, but that didn't help the labor lost.

Amber Gold
11-21-2010, 06:54 PM
I got some new Lapierre fittings (tees and stubbies) and the barbs on those are bigger than the one's I was comparing to from last year. I don't know if they're as big as Leaders, but they appear to be following their lead.

11-21-2010, 07:03 PM
a buddy of mine put his fittings in some water then put them on. Seems to work, i just did 800 drops this way and it makes a huge difference. Just a thought.

11-21-2010, 07:10 PM
when i was at bascoms i decided to try 2 rolls of the leader max flow grip tubing, i like that its more stretchy than ridgid, yet not so stretchy as the ipl 4 seasons i usualy use. seems like a great comprimise, i realy dont like ridgid tubing as i have too much falling branches etc in my woods, so this stuff works great that way. but i dont like that its not as clear and smooth as the ipl 4 season so not sure i will like that when looking for vac leaks this season. i think if i have to buy more tubing i will go back to the ipl 4 seasons. the leader goes on the fittings a bit easier, but not too much realy

red maples
11-21-2010, 08:38 PM
I like the new leader fittings deaper barbs. seem to hold tighter we'll see.

11-22-2010, 09:51 AM
I stopped in at Leader this summer and noticed the tubing tools had larger clamps. The part that clamps on the tubing is larger and the edges do not cut in to the tube which causes the split tubing. I was surprised they know what causes the tubing to split at the fittings and don't do more to get the info out. Since I just bought three of the two handed tools I filed the edges of the clamp smooth so it does not cut in.
I am going back to IPL tubing.

11-22-2010, 02:27 PM
I have used all the major brands, and the IPL seems to be the easiest to string, and by far lasts longer in the woods then any other tubing out...

I have 30P that is just a few years old and it is brittle as all get out!

11-22-2010, 02:52 PM
I agree with Sugarmountain, just use water to put fittings in. Oil degrades the plastic and is messy.

11-22-2010, 08:30 PM
thats interesting about the new tubing tools with bigger jaws, kinda pisses me off tho that they had to go mess with something that was standardized for so long, you could use any brand tube,fitting, and tools with any others, but now they seem to want to keep you to there fittings.

11-28-2010, 03:36 PM
thats interesting about the new tubing tools with bigger jaws, kinda pisses me off tho that they had to go mess with something that was standardized for so long, you could use any brand tube,fitting, and tools with any others, but now they seem to want to keep you to there fittings.

All in the name of progress, if things didn't change, where would be be. Like vehicles and everything else, they change about every year. Imagine if we were still using the original lamb tubing and.......

11-28-2010, 05:28 PM
yea thats a good point is suppose, but i cant see that tiny bit of diameter making a huge difference, maybe im wrong tho! its just frustrating that now its harder to mix and match fitting and tube brands, not everyone makes all the fittings i like, and the same with tubing

Haynes Forest Products
11-28-2010, 06:26 PM
WVM thats true about vehicles I bought a dodge and didnt think much about the cool big rims until I had to get tires...YIKES 20" RIMS $345.00 PER TIRE SO Markct I feel your pain....Now all we need is Jarthe to make up a chart showing all the differant types of tubing and fittings with a cross referance guide and we will all save a fortune. Im sure that its only a simple phone call to the manf to be informed that they only work on their supplies. :mad:

11-28-2010, 07:08 PM
haynes i know what ya mean about tires, i know a local tire dealer that was saying how in the last 10 years he has had to stock way more odd size tires than ever before! said 35 years ago when he opened up they had one rack with about 15 different sizes of tires on it and that took care of nearly all the cars and light trucks that came in. now he has trailers full of tires and tires stacked all over, and still often has to order in tires! i dont know why they ever got away from regular 16 inch tires on pickups, they were cheap, durable and easily interchanged, only a couple different sizes there were.