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View Full Version : 30p line

11-01-2010, 05:14 AM
Question- I got a bunch of 30p sapline the other day from a friend. Do I have to get leader fittings to keep it from coming apart. I have all cdl fittings and I remember something about you guys having it come apart on you and my buddy Dan said that the inside diameter of the tube is a little bigger than the four seasons tube. I just wondered if you have to get the other fittings or if it was just a quirky thing you guys having it come apart. Theron

11-01-2010, 06:36 AM
I have 30p that was originally installed with Darveau tees -they will come apart if you look at them the wrong way.
That said, I have been replacing with CDL tees and straight connectors and have done so for four years with no problems. The barbs are bigger and further apart and hold quite well.

11-01-2010, 07:01 AM
I think pretty much all the brands have enlarged the barbs on their fittings. I use 30p, and have a bunch of D&G and Lapierre T's in the woods, they don't come apart.

maple flats
11-01-2010, 05:17 PM
I have only bought Leader fittings for 2 years but before that I tried some Lapierre fittings. I only had a couple come apart, but even with that I went back to all Leader. The Lapierre were lower price by 3-4 cents a tee or tap, but having to fix a couple made me think it was not worth the pennies saved. I think I had 425 taps the year I used Lapierre, so I might have saved $35, but sap on the ground made me change back.

11-01-2010, 06:44 PM
Are you guys saying then that I should be alright with my cdl fittings? I tried some tonight and they seemed to work pretty good. I just dont want to put a whole bunch up and having it come apart. Thanks for the help. Theron

Thad Blaisdell
11-01-2010, 07:27 PM
I use the CDL end hooks. Used them last year with the 30P and had no issues what so ever. Using them again this year. Go for it.

11-01-2010, 08:01 PM
I have used Lapierre fittings with 30P tubing for quite some time. I have never had a fitting pull off. All of my new droplines however, will have Leader Ts. Once you see the difference in how they look in the pipe you'll know what I mean. I have been suspicious for quite a while about leaks with Canadian fittings in the 30P. I have been able to turn them inside the tubing. There is no way in hell that you can turn a Leader T in 30p!

11-01-2010, 08:47 PM
2 more cents and no real answer.
I have been mixing fittings between Leader and CDL for several years.
I ran into a problem with Leader 30P coming off some Leader tees. Called Brad and he said that they may have had some tubing on the high side of the I.D. tolerance and sent me a free roll of 30P for my troubles. I have all Leader tees at the drops.
Most of my tubing failures are where I have had the tubing way tight when warm, got a severe cold spell and it just pulled off one fitting in the line.

11-02-2010, 05:19 AM
Appreciate the help you guys. Ive never run anything but four seasons from cdl ever so the 30p is new to me. This is the impression of the two tubes to me. The four season is a softer tube. It grips the fittings and if a tree takes it down it just stretches but the fittings will never come apart. It also doesnt really pull up tight and look quite as good as the 30p it seems like. The 30p is harder and pulls up fiddle string tight but maybe it would be a little more prone to come apart becouse of it being a little stiffer. Anyway Im just going to go for it with my fittings. Thanks Theron

Homestead Maple
11-02-2010, 11:11 AM
Elasticity is the thing here between 4 seasons and 30p. I wouldn't try to make my 30p fiddle string tight because when it contracts and expands, depending on the air temperature, the 30p is apt to pull off easier. Snug, is good when stringing 30p depending on the temperature.
(this ought to bring some comments!)

11-02-2010, 08:06 PM
I agree with Homestead.
When I have gotten it (30P) to tight in warm weather I have had pull a parts in a extreme cold snap. I am not using the new larger Leader tees. And I hate when that happens and sap is lost.
