View Full Version : 16th Annual New York Maple Producers Winter conference

maple flats
10-29-2010, 04:35 PM
The winter conference is Friday and Saturday Jan 7-8, 2011 at VVS High School in Verona, NY 13478. Advance registration forms are available online at Cornell' website. The price this year is $13 Fri nite only, $25 All day Saturday or $34 Fri and Sat. The prices at the door will be $15 Friday and $30 Saturday.
This is the 12th year in Verona and the event gets better every year. Last year they had almost 600 attendees. There is plenty of parking but you may need to walk a ways. The deadline for pre registration is a 12/15 postmark.
Friday's fee includes a light meal, trade show and a key note speaker or 2, Saturday's fee includes a continental breakfast and an all you can eat luncheon buffet. I have always found the presentation selection very good with several given concurrently, and 4 or 5 time slots. Some presentations are given more than once to help you arrange your schedule to fit what you want to attend.

Thompson's Tree Farm
10-29-2010, 06:01 PM
See you there:)

maple flats
10-30-2010, 07:28 AM
I will try to find the application and any other info and post a link on this thread.
TTF, do you usually attend? I am sure there are likely dozens of Traders at this , maybe even hundreds but I only meet a few. We need a quick way to know each other. We'll have to work something out before the show. Lacking any better way, my wife and I will add the name "Maple Flats or Mrs Maple Flats" as appropriate in our name tags.

maple flats
10-30-2010, 07:39 AM
I must be doing something wrong, but I tried to copy the application and post it here but it does not copy properly. I have an email that was sent to me about it from Gary Goff, with Cornell. If anyone would like me to forward the email PM me your email address and I will forward it to you. The email has the promo, application and calendar attached, but I for some reason can't copy those attachments to post here.

maple flats
10-30-2010, 07:42 AM
Also, for those with some patience, I will ask my kids when I see them how I can post it directly here.

10-30-2010, 08:09 AM
:) thats my school... and its a good conference for anyone willing to go they will teach you most anything. i get the daunting task of making the floor plan and setting up the workshops..

Thompson's Tree Farm
10-30-2010, 07:20 PM
My wife and I usually attend. She has relatives in the area so we combine with a family visit thus a free hotel:) I think I saw you there last year but in the rush and hub bub didn't get close enough to say hello. We'll try to make contact this year.

Fred Henderson
10-30-2010, 07:51 PM
Oppsite your name tags you could have another tag with MT on it.I would like to attend also but with burning wood for heat its hard to get away, and trust someone else to load the outdoor boiler. BTW Dave we had a bumper crop of blue berries this year.

maple flats
10-31-2010, 07:26 AM
We also had a great blueberry crop, 2nd best year ever and we have been doing it since picking first started 25 yrs ago, on 3 yr old bushes.
Doug, I would like that. Where is your local relation? Towards the conf. we could exchange cell phone #'s and make contact, if you would like. It sure is a very busy place with so much to see and do.

maple flats
10-31-2010, 07:42 AM
Fred, I used to deal OWB's before I sold out in '99. We had several people who went on vacations and had someone elso watch the heat. If you have good wood (properly seasoned), turn the t'stat down and have a number available for them to call with questions it goes well. We had a few babysitters call us if they had any questions. Some used to tend twice a day, most did it 3x because of being extra careful. Now, if your wood is not dry, all bets are off. It takes a seasoned operator to burn wet wood dependably and there is no 12 hr burn times. Those who use wet wood need to keep a closer eye, just to make sure the fueling caught and kept burning.