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View Full Version : Newbie Q - Open or closed ends between seasons

10-25-2010, 11:29 AM
Hi all, thanks for all the info I learn from MT. I've searched for about an hour with no luck yet on this particlular issue, so here goes:

It's October and I am installing a new mainline (first time tubing) 3/4", 250'. 5/16 max flex laterals, all new tubing.

1) Should I leave the ends open or closed until the season starts? It seems that when I seal glass jars for storage, they get mold in them, so I'm worried about getting mold in a closed tube. But of course an open tube would allow insects, bacteria, etc... to enter. What is the most sanitary method?

2) I want to do as much now as possible, so I can install my laterals and just leave them at the trees with no drop lines for now, right?

Thanks a bunch - Scott

10-25-2010, 12:22 PM
Leave everything closed. If it's open dirt, bark, bugs etc... may get into them. You won't get mold growing in new tubing, especially in the winter due to the freezing temps.

Thompson's Tree Farm
10-25-2010, 01:50 PM
#2. Yes, do the laterals now and go back later and cut in the drops.

red maples
10-25-2010, 02:41 PM
Close everything up!! Get as much done now!!!! Def. get your laterals in!!! if you can get T's and drops in now do it. The more you have done now the less you have to worry about when it time to tap trees and also you don't have to worry about numb fingers this time of year when putting in fittings!!!

10-30-2010, 02:53 PM
Thanks all - I installed some laterals today - after a few I got into the groove and it's pretty straightforward. I think I'm going to install everything including the drops and spiles, and just cap the ends. Then when the season hits it's just drill and tap in the spile - should be quick and easy.

Thanks again for the tips.