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70 Buick
10-24-2010, 05:42 PM
Well after my first ever attempt at making maple syrup last year
I am trying to do a little better this year

I built my first sugar shack this weekend

this was last year


here is my shack, small 8x10 but at least we won't get wet or be cold


Starting on my barrel evaporator this week

BTW to keep the wife off my back this whole thing cost me 145.00$
I got everything chimney included from the free section on craigslist, unbelievable LOL

10-24-2010, 06:07 PM
nice job. your not going to be cold this season.

70 Buick
10-24-2010, 06:10 PM

we have about 60 sugar maples on our property & we just purchased the lot next door about 2 acres that has another 150 or so for 2000.00

Our biggest problem is it is our cottage & we are only there on the weekends, so for now I only tap about 20 or so
also we do not have winter water so cleanup is a real bitch

But it is a blast to do with freinds & family

10-25-2010, 04:38 AM
Good for you. you are well on your way. That is pretty much out how I started 36yrs ago. I had a outside fire pit with a small flat pan and then bought a barrel evaporator. Then a 2X6 followed by a 3X8 and now a 3X12 with an RO
Good luck

70 Buick
12-18-2010, 04:01 PM
well I have finally got started, been busy
not much done but it is a start LOL




12-18-2010, 08:20 PM
Thats a cool shack for the price looks great. Barrel stove should work good . A friend of mine made one and he used large buffet pans and it worked good for him. Enjoy!!!

70 Buick
12-18-2010, 09:41 PM
I am going with the full steam pans also
20x13x 6 deep 2 of them

looked at your pics , very nice job RipTyd

12-19-2010, 06:45 AM
Hey 70 Buick --- Good going --- The Sugar Shack is going to make boiling a lot more fun - Out of the wind - snow and rain. Great deal you got on the evaporator and sounds like You also got a good buy on the property. May your sap have high sugar and Your Maple Syrup extra sweet. --- Mike

70 Buick
01-07-2011, 05:19 PM
got some more work done this week
slow going but trying LOL

BTW the piece I cut out I welded to the bottom where the firepit will be , figured a double bottom was better

70 Buick
01-12-2011, 01:52 PM
got alot of welding done
I am not very good, warping the thin metal with the heat
also burning right through my barrel, but seem to have it all repaired

here is the frame in place welded


here is with the pan in , I have pans for both sides but only have one here in Montreal (for size)


Here is a shot from the front


01-12-2011, 02:58 PM
Hey 70 Buick - Looks like things are coming together. Thought for a simple preheater would be to have a small platform on either side of your stack - which could hold a couple of stainless pots to preheat your sap prior to putting in your sap pan. ------have a great year --- Mike

Clan Delaney
01-12-2011, 04:45 PM
70 Buick -

Do you have the dimensions of that Vogelzang door on hand? I need to get something to replace the piece of junk on my barrel, but now I'm worried that the Vogelzang won't be wide enough to cover the current opening. If you get the time to measure the height and width of the outside dimensions, I'd sure be grateful!

01-12-2011, 05:26 PM
70 Buick -

Do you have the dimensions of that Vogelzang door on hand? I need to get something to replace the piece of junk on my barrel, but now I'm worried that the Vogelzang won't be wide enough to cover the current opening.
The door opening for the "standard" barrel kit is 10" x 11" - not sure of the over all size.

01-12-2011, 05:44 PM
That shanty and evaporator look great, 70 Buick. Hope you have a great season and perhaps you can post some pictures when it gets set up. Love the 'freecycle' approach, too.

70 Buick
01-12-2011, 05:45 PM
Hey 70 Buick - Looks like things are coming together. Thought for a simple preheater would be to have a small platform on either side of your stack - which could hold a couple of stainless pots to preheat your sap prior to putting in your sap pan. ------have a great year --- Mike

Already got that covered LOL, I bought 2 plates 10x12 at the scrap yard yesterday for 4.00 LOl, just have to get them on won't be a great preheater but it should at least warm it up a tad

70 Buick -

Do you have the dimensions of that Vogelzang door on hand? I need to get something to replace the piece of junk on my barrel, but now I'm worried that the Vogelzang won't be wide enough to cover the current opening. If you get the time to measure the height and width of the outside dimensions, I'd sure be grateful!

If I get to the garage tomorrow or the next day I will get the outside dimensions for you
just a thought if it too small for your hole just make a plate to fit over your hole & put the kit door on that

Clan Delaney
01-12-2011, 09:40 PM
If I get to the garage tomorrow or the next day I will get the outside dimensions for you
just a thought if it too small for your hole just make a plate to fit over your hole & put the kit door on that

That's totally my fall back plan. :)

70 Buick
01-13-2011, 06:44 PM
That's totally my fall back plan. :)


Was going to say Great minds think alike, but you know the rest

Measured it
14 " by 14", outside to outside
Hope you can take the easy path

Clan Delaney
01-13-2011, 06:49 PM

Was going to say Great minds think alike, but you know the rest

Measured it
14 " by 14", outside to outside
Hope you can take the easy path

Yup. Gonna have to fudge it. The current opening is 15" wide, but only 11" high. Thanks for the measurements. I'm off to eBay!

01-13-2011, 07:58 PM
Check out the one at Home Depot before you do. It sounds a lot bigger and cheaper than the Volzegang door.


If this link doesn't work, just do a search for "stove kit" on the home depot site.


70 Buick
01-13-2011, 08:43 PM
Wow , wish I had seen this one first
that is a nice size door, should be better for you Clan Delaney

Damm now I want that door

Clan Delaney
01-15-2011, 10:19 PM
That is a nice lookin' door, and with shipping thru Home Depot it's only gonna be 65 bucks more than the Vogelzang I found on eBay.

Buick - is your Vogelzang door gasketed, or if not, do you think it could be? This needs to be pretty air tight since I'm gonna be pushing air into it.

70 Buick
01-16-2011, 04:16 PM
not air tight or sealed Clan
just metal on metal no gasget
I guess they could be the bolts are about an inch & a 1/2 long that come with it

NH Maplemaker
01-16-2011, 04:40 PM
When I built my Vogelzang barrel stove. I put thermal blanket between the barrel and the door frame! Also under the stove pipe collar worked great !Jim L.

70 Buick
02-12-2011, 03:57 PM
Began the final sprint today

added my pre heater


Ceramic blanket 1/2 inch the whole interior of the barrel


added a shelf inside to define my firebox, & push the heat up


Covered the shelf with arch board & will brick it once I get it in the bush


70 Buick
02-12-2011, 03:59 PM
Painted the whole arch with high heat resistant paint



Only thing is I am trying to figure out what to put on the front of the arch
I have both archboard & blanket left

I am also puting 2 inches of sand on the bottom covered by archboard before i brick it, figured that would give me a flat start for the bricking

02-12-2011, 05:39 PM
Very nice job. I'm sure your going to get good use out of it this season.

02-12-2011, 07:45 PM
Hey - 70 Buick -- Very nice job. Wow - the paint job really makes it a sharp looking rig. If it wasn't so cold in my sugar shack I'd be tempted to put a coat of high temp. black on mine. I like the look - better then stainless. The Black Paint makes it look like a Lean - Mean - Syrup Making Machine -- Make lots of Maple ----- Mike

70 Buick
02-13-2011, 10:05 AM
I was thinking of how to insulate the door
Is it necessary?, if so I seen fireplace sillicone at the store , would that hold arch board to the door?
or how about gasget silicone for car engines?

02-13-2011, 03:40 PM
Hey 70 Buick -- I have an older Volgelzang Door on mine and never bothered to insulate it. Have used it for at least 15 years now. I think if You went to forced air instead of natural draft it might be necessary as the rig could easily go under pressure and You would want everything sealed to keep the smoke out of the shack. You should be just fine --- Mike

70 Buick
02-20-2011, 02:49 PM
Well finally brought it up to the cottage
dragged it through 3 feet of snow for a 1/4 mile

got it into the new sugar shack.


Here is a side view from the left side
with all the pans & preheater pot


Chimney all installed


Firebrick loose fitted in


70 Buick
02-21-2011, 05:52 PM
Hey 70 Buick -- I have an older Volgelzang Door on mine and never bothered to insulate it. Have used it for at least 15 years now. I think if You went to forced air instead of natural draft it might be necessary as the rig could easily go under pressure and You would want everything sealed to keep the smoke out of the shack. You should be just fine --- Mike

i did try a little bit of insulation for the door
I put a piece of arch board on the back of the door & used 4 blobs of fireplace silicone to attach it

02-21-2011, 05:58 PM
70 Buick,
Nice looking barrel arch and steam pans! Your going to have a great time boiling it there this year!
May your syrup be light!

02-21-2011, 06:12 PM
Boy you did a beautiful job on the construction of that.
Have fun boiling

70 Buick
02-27-2011, 04:07 PM
Last week of February and almost all ready
even though the long range forecast is saying at least 2 more weeks before we see any Plus temperatures

Got the inside of the shack finished up & brought all the equipement up north
added a cement board behind the evaporator for heat

Finished all the interior & we are ready to rock n roll LOL




70 Buick
02-27-2011, 04:07 PM
Put out my 55 gallon drums for my sap


and put out 40 taps , trying a new collection method than the hanging pails,
We are only there on the weekends & they overflow by day 2 not to mention the rain, snow & crap that gets in the pails, this should solve all those issues
going to see if this method works better, each container can hold 78 litres


02-27-2011, 05:59 PM
WOW!! Everything looks so neat and clean! Good luck, when we first started it was over an old box stove,big old homemade thing with a friend, 1/2 pint,used 2'4'. then this year went whole hog and a custom designed 2'x8' CDL wood fired and all tubing on vac. so you never know.... be careful about using those tubs for collection, they are not food grade. I know lots of people use all sorts of stuff, even galvanized water troughs, but, stainless is the only safe way or food grade plastic. Really neat job and I can't believe you carried, it, My husband says you're a better man then he is... and he is a tough old farmer. Best of luck.

70 Buick
02-27-2011, 06:46 PM
the tubing is food grade I got it at a maple supply store
as is the 55 gallon drums
also the plastic containers are sterlite which I found out here are also food grade
Thanks for the compliments!! I sure appreciate it

03-14-2011, 07:35 AM
Looks great 70 Buick! I have a similar design and it works well for our hobby (at least for now). Good luck! -John

70 Buick
03-20-2011, 05:34 PM
Well here is the first boil of the year
I was anxious to see how the evaporator would work, (No test boil)

I am very happy with it, boiled really well, got rid of about 25-30 gallons of sap in about 4 hours
ended up with 3 litres of syrup
we only had 2 days of OK weather for the sap to run, & Saturday night it dropped to -10 again , with 5-10 cm of snow on the way again


as always it is nice to have our freinds to watch while we do this LOL


BTW the syrup was a very nice light color

03-20-2011, 06:31 PM
You have everything so neat and orderly and the DEER!!! I love our deer here on our farm.. I use a wildlife cam to catch 'em! Ususally right out in the little orchard enjoying the fruit trees! With all the goodies I leave them!! Have a wonderful time!

70 Buick
03-20-2011, 07:16 PM
The wife can almost feed them by hand
in the morning we have between 30 & 40 waiting for her

they are quite tame , we can sit & drink coffee 15ft away from them
for 7.50 for a 60lb bag of food it is well worth it, the city folk we bring up for the weekend freak out !! LOL

BTW I wanted to add that the ceramic blanket arch board & firebrick really did an awesome job
I could put my hand anywhere on the outside of the arch & it was cool to touch

03-20-2011, 07:39 PM
When I get home from work everyday, they are waiting for me. If I think I deserve a "day off", they let me know otherwise! I have loved every minute of it!https://picasaweb.google.com/103968764779354846524/Wildlife?feat=directlink

03-22-2011, 08:13 PM
I am so sick of deer....
planted 250 maples have about 125 left between the deer rubs and the beavers, but the deer have gotten more of them than the beavers!
same for the oaks, hickorys and walnuts
to bad i do not enjoy venison...
one bunch comes through the yard in the morning headed east. a different bunch in the eve headed west LOL

04-24-2011, 02:35 PM
You are a handyman, wish I could weld like that, heck wish I could build a shack like that...

70 Buick
04-24-2011, 03:20 PM
You are a handyman, wish I could weld like that, heck wish I could build a shack like that...

Not really, never built one before , bought a welder just for the project, none of it is rocket science, you just have to try

04-25-2011, 11:19 AM
Very good way of thinking 70buick.. you want it, try it..make it.. it will be only better.