View Full Version : Mystery Vacuum Pump

10-11-2010, 06:23 PM
I'm new at this but I was able to buy my first vacuum pump from a fellow trader this weekend. It wasn't originally his but he was kind enough to explain a little bit about it. My questions are perhaps a little more general. I'd like to know what make and model it is. There isn't a discernable marking on it except for a cast F on the side under one of the ports. I have attached some pictures, they aren't great just keep in mind the pulley when orienting yourself looking at them.

Any input is appreciated, I need to get the oil reclaimer, moisture trap and vac gauge all set up to give it a test run before it goes in to service, I'm still not 100% sure where everything goes.


10-12-2010, 09:15 AM
mike a did some research. that is a universal massport m2. the vanes are available are 150 bucks. to see a pic of it go to milkingmachines.co.uk. shows how the oiler and everything are set up on a new one. they are still made.

10-12-2010, 09:21 AM
thanks again.