View Full Version : Free RO

10-08-2010, 08:50 AM
I have this RO machine that I picked up a few years ago. I had planned on converting it to use for sap but never got around to it. It is a medical RO that was only used on the upstream side so its perfectly ok to use for maple. All pumps seem to work, I did run it with plain water. I am moving to Acworth, NH and will not be taking this RO so I am offering it to any Mapletrader that wants it. I will give it to whom ever wants to come to Troy, NH and get it. I will happily take a few gallons of syrup if you see fit other wise I will just give it to you.

Let me know ASAP if you are interested in dubbing with this thing!


Hurry Hill Farm
10-08-2010, 09:08 AM

I am interested!!

Jan Woods
Hurry Hill Farm
Edinboro PA 16412
814.734.1358 home
814.572.1358 mobile

10-08-2010, 09:12 AM
Are you going to drive up here?

10-08-2010, 09:57 AM
if there not coming to get it.i might be intrested.i,ll drop you a message later today..right now i have to head to work..and yep i,de drive over to get it.when,are you moving??


Hurry Hill Farm
10-08-2010, 10:13 AM
Yep. SW corner of NH. Just looked at the map. When are you moving? I'll make some arrangements in my schedule to come and get it. Many Thanks. Jan Woods

3% Solution
10-08-2010, 03:20 PM
Let me know if the folks in Pa or Del can't get there.
I am interested.
I live less than an hour from you.
Acworth, next door to Bascom's.
Lots of Maples up there!