View Full Version : New Sugar House

10-01-2010, 02:34 PM
Finally after weeks of work I have completed what I told my wife was a garden shed.:lol: It took here about 2 weeks to realize what she agreed too. It's all good though she likes it. Now I need to get to work on an evap and finish up cutting wood.

I do have to thank everyone who posts on this site. You all contributed to the design of the shack and you have also aided me in my addiction:D I've been reading up on this site everyday for the last month! Will March ever get here?

Thanks agian.

10-01-2010, 06:32 PM
That's awesome....I want to see lots of pics. Inside and out. Your just teasing us with that little pic.:lol:

10-01-2010, 08:03 PM
Ahhhhhh! Another Garden Shed completed and very nice work. If the Mrs. questions the steam coming from the roof area of the garden shed in early March - we all know the greenhouses start their little seedlings about then in our part of the country and the little seedlings must be kept warm with steam heat----- Hey - Congratulations on a nice job -- make lots of good maple..