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View Full Version : Tubing Plan Review - Distance Between Sap Ladders

10-01-2010, 09:27 AM
Here is a link to my current plan for tubing the first section of my sugarbush: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF&msa=0&msid=
107990691083117332699.0004912b0792403eb554b (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF&msa=0&msid=107990691083117332699.0004912b0792403eb554b) (click on the satellite button)

I plan on having a 1" (blue on the map) main line wrapping around the base of the hill with 3/4" (yellow on the map) branches running across the hill. The reason they are run like this is because the hill is too steep (>6%) to run directly up the face and I'm worried about turbulence.

The plan is to have 400 taps and collect them all at the first sap ladder (green on the map), which I plan on lifting 12'. The second lift will then be another ~130' down the line which will lift another 15' in order to get enough elevation to go directly to the sugarhouse. The sap ladders will dual 1" tube. I plan on only using these sap ladders one or two seasons before I put in more taps and put an electrical extractor and pump down at the collection point and pump it into the sugarhouse.

The first question is: Do you guys see any problems with my current tubing layout and ladders?

The second question is: How far should sap ladders be spaced apart?

Amber Gold
10-01-2010, 07:49 PM
It's hard to say w/ the information provided, but it should work fine.

If you can avoid ladders, I would. They say you lose 5-15% in production beyond the lift. With two lifts that would be considerable.

I don't think distance apart on the lifts matters.