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10-01-2010, 12:57 AM
Rise and shine everyone....October is here, the last month before the white stuff begins to fall and we are all scrambling to get things together before tapping...it ain't long coming now. My wood is 90% done, but lots of other jobs to be done...brick new arch, setup new tank...etc can't believe how short the days are getting..

Thad Blaisdell
10-01-2010, 06:28 AM
I have to laugh, because last year at this time I had no sugar house, no pipe in the woods, no nothing. We started putting pipe in the woods this week last year and we poured the slab for the sugar house on Oct 7. All I have left for this year is to run the tubing for 2500 trees and build an 8x16 shed to hold a tank and releaser. This year is looking much easier.

red maples
10-01-2010, 06:35 AM
Wow is this Oct. or July!!! 77F this morning and very humid!!! monsoon coming in a few hours.

10-01-2010, 07:17 AM
Good luck weathering your monsoon. We had ours last week. 8"of rain in the course of 5 days. Enough side road culverts were washed out that schools were cancelled Friday.
Peak color is at hand and the woods is suffused with that magical aroma only fall can bring.
For whatever reason, my ambition is losing the battle with the workload forthcoming. Could be that as 60 approachs, the thought of less work and responsibility is becoming appealing. Somehow the "sandwich" of 2 kids in college and aging parents doesn't allow for much wiggle room.
Anyway the woodshed needs about 10 more cord to be full, there's plenty of mainline that needs attention after a particularly stormy summer, and those 200 Black Angus sure get an appetite this time of year.
I probably shouldn't get on my soap box, but here goes anyway.
#1. Be careful what you wish for. #2.Take some time to smell the roses everyday.
Rock on fellow Sugar Makers!!

Father & Son
10-01-2010, 07:22 AM
I just submitted some pictures and plans to have some hoods built. Cool temps and fall colors have brought the Maple Bug back! Good luck with all the fall projects and stay safe!


10-01-2010, 08:44 AM
I wish I had cut down a couple of the oak trees that are over my sugar house. Nothing like a heavy acorn crop, a metal roof and high winds. Sounded like a running gun battle out there last night.

red maples
10-01-2010, 10:55 AM
those things acorns hurt too. I was in the woods on monday hanging a little mainline and it was a little breezy and rainy (quite nice for working inthe woods) and they kept pelting me in the head. Shoulda put on my hard hat:rolleyes: a few colors here getting more and more every day I am guessing once we get this little chilly snap on Sunday we should be in the low 40's at night so we should peak next weekend.

10-01-2010, 11:38 AM
Addition is complete, RO is is and I have about 20 cord of seasoned wood under cover. This month I have to plum the RO, set up my big feed tank and start to build a sap ladder for 50-75 taps. I also have to pick up my steam hood and suspend that. I should be in the best shape ever to start a season this year (seems like I say that every year).

Dill, As I was cleaning out the shack I found 2 plugs you can use on that D&G. Let me know what the best way would be to get them to you. I will be at the NYS conference in Verona (January).


10-01-2010, 12:09 PM
the past few weeks i,ve been building a 10x14 sugarhouse.i have the walls up and the roof pretty well done.i,am sawing my own lumber for it.i,ve also been building a fuel drum arch.i have that pretty well along.
this weekend is busy (youngest nieces wedding) but after that i,ll be full bore on everything maple.


10-01-2010, 07:05 PM
Mains are all up, tight, and flowing great, same for the lats in the main bush.
Got another 50 taps off the buckets, 20 on the East end, 30 on the west end of the woodlot. Just ran a couple lines of 5/16 in each area to a good pick-up spot. Still need to grade those out, but the hard stuff is done.

Managed to find and/or reach about 15 more taps while stringing up the new stuff, plus another 5 in the main. Trees that just made 10” this year or were too far in to drag my sorry arse back there to fetch a bucket. Tubing is a beautiful thing!

Still leaves me about 40 buckets, but those I can pull the tractor up next to. Don’t mind that in the least, but humping buckets out of the bush is for the birds…or young-uns, if you got ‘em. :lol:

Picking up a new Leader 2X8 next month. Still no shack (next year’s project), but I’m going to pour a slab for the camper to sit on, I’ll throw up a couple of walls and a quick roof over it to get us through next season.

Amber Gold
10-01-2010, 08:01 PM
I went to the tubing seminar today at Bascom's. Even though we didn't go outside because of rain, it was still very informative and learned quite a bit.

Tomorrow, going to finish tying up mainline now that I've spent enough money at Bascom's. Sunday will be stringing more wire and mainline.

10-01-2010, 09:08 PM
Opening of deer season starts in PA, wood cutting for syrup about 50% along, tending bees last night I gathered 200+ lb of honey.
Hope things are well in maple land:)


10-01-2010, 09:40 PM
There is just no break from the weather here to do anything much outside. Rained all summer and so far the fall is the same. Salmon River reached a record breaking level today and was running at 7000cfs at the gates plus all the runoff and feeder streams going into it was an amazing site to see. Water was over the altmar bridge at one point. I went to the south trestle parking lot and can you believe there were idiots fishing in it. I sure hope snowfall is easy on us this year. Not sure how much more wet crap I can handle. Would of hated being a salmon this week.

Just went to the USGS water sight for the salmon river and they have peak waterflow at pineville bridge ( that is not there anymore) at 20,000cfs. WOW average for the fall 750cfs. Put some photos up on my picasa picture page for you salmon guys to look at http://picasaweb.google.com/104105556199577456315/UntitledAlbum#

10-03-2010, 08:37 AM
Hope that water level goes down some be for next weekend. im going to be up to winterize the camp and try to do some river fishing.

10-03-2010, 09:46 AM
3rdgen - did you see the vertical crack in the dam on the upper res. Saw some pics on the Salmon Crazy site. Now, that's just scary. I have not been up in a couple of weeks, but wonder how low they brought the res. I heard guys were fishing in parking lots and farm fields. Crazy!

red maples
10-03-2010, 10:25 AM
geez rivers only gets that way here in the spring during the thaw/monsoons.

Went to the fair last night. Went to sap house when we first got there and it was packed. So we figured we'd stop by after we got a bite to eat. went back about 1 hour later still packed!!!! Crazy!!! but still got some maple cotton candy:) when we left at like 945 or so it was still busy in there!!! The best thing about the sap house at the fair is the prices, I love it because the prices are not inflated they are what they are supposed to be!!!! Had all the treats warm apple cider, cider donuts, funnel cake, hot choc, wanted apple crisp but the line was too long!!! only spent about $100 usually its more. So expensive anymore to go to the fairs. the kids were a little chilly but a good time was had by all.

38F this morning with a very light frost in some patches of the yard. that should really get the trees going!!!

Cleaned out the wood stove, got the chimney all cleaned, Found a dead bat in the wood stove. don't know how he got in there, there is a spark arrestor on the cap? usually takes me about 25 minutes to take everything apart and clean it ad get it back together. When I first moved I had a company do it $185 for 35 minutes of work. But I didn't have a choice. paid $40 for brush and pole!!! gotta bring in some wood with some chilly days ahead it time!!!

Love this time of year!!!

10-03-2010, 11:08 PM
3rdgen - did you see the vertical crack in the dam on the upper res. Saw some pics on the Salmon Crazy site. Now, that's just scary. I have not been up in a couple of weeks, but wonder how low they brought the res. I heard guys were fishing in parking lots and farm fields. Crazy!
Waterline says the river is at 2000cfs till midnight monday. From what I understand it is water being released out the snow gates. If that is true then the reservior is still very very high. As far as the crack if you remember the last time that happened they drained the reservior so much you could walk across it with hipboots so the could repair it. And in 37 years living here I have never seen such a bunch of idots fishing this river. The desparation to catch a salmon has turned their brains to jello. These idiots are trying to wade out into the river to catch a fish while they are basically intoxicated from drinking to much beer while drowning their sarrow. It was a wild and sad site to see full grown 100 year old maple trees floating down the river.

220 maple
10-04-2010, 02:00 PM
Closed up shop at the Old Time Apple Harvest Festival at 5 pm yesterday. Only a two day event. Sales was extremely brisk. Sold out of Maple coated nuts on Saturday and Maple Candy by 1 pm on Sunday. Festivals are hard to judge. I could have sold twice as many packages of coated nuts. Maybe next year. Syrup sales was very brisk also. Customers was shopping for christmas gifts. Met several people who in the past make some syrup for themselves and some who have helped others make syrup. Always meet people that have no idea how Maple Syrup is made. We always give a sample taste of the syrup I have for sale. That helps move product always.

Mark 220 Maple

red maples
10-05-2010, 04:46 PM
Got the rest of the mainline branches up still have to put the ladders together and a few more ball valves and then re- direct the laterals put in saddles and should be all set. Hopefully Iwill be building the platform for the holding tank in 2 weeks.

Signed on for a six week class of bee kepping with the seacoast NH bee Assoc. classes start tomorrow. and signed up for the year for the assoc. as well.

Got 6 more chickens and a rooster. got 15 layers all together. so getting plenty of eggs to sell.

Syrup levels very low. but its selling like crazy!!! :) had about 4 gallons of commercial. decided to bottle it up. sold all but 1 gallon. people love it because you can't get it. and its not bad tasting either. it has just enough off flavors that I won't qualify it as B. and its flying out the door. And got an offer to sell my syrup at an x-mas tree farm starting nov. 27th we'll see what I have left by then.

10-05-2010, 09:00 PM
Love your sugarhouse! Nice web page! I like the pleated sides on the arch!

10-05-2010, 10:11 PM
Those pleated sides are a trade mark of Patricks. He told me how he makes them and does it all my hand bending them. Told me it was the longest process of the build. They really make the arch stand out for sure. One of the reasons I bought mine. I got to agree Reds got a great looking sugarhouse.

red maples
10-06-2010, 07:29 AM
Thanks guys as usual though I wish the SH was bigger!!! but sooner or later I will add on to the back. I would love another 6-10 feetback there. The site is coming along. I am by no means an english major, its my weakest subject by far. I have to have the wife proof read everything. If I don't it is usually bad!!!

When I first took a look at this rig I loved the workmanship the pleated sides, and beautiful welding are just the extra little things that makes it look that good. I try to wipe it down as soon as its cool enough. I hate when I get little sugar spots on the draw off side, can't really avoid it. the only thing is a little blueing of the metal where the firebox joins up with the arch a little too much heat right there.

10-06-2010, 09:53 AM
We have had a Patrick Phaneuf for about 5 years. I went to see it when he was building it in Ste. Marguerite, Quebec. It's only a couple of hours away from here. He dropped it off on the way to his family's vacation at Old Orchard beach. Everyone from Quebec goes down there for summer vacation.

It's been working for us for a bunch of years. It even took a bullet and keeps on going. "Patrick" is the hardest working evaporator on our hill.

When he gets going we get around 40 gph.

The front heats up and the hot seat lives up to it's name.

Whoever is stoking the fire is on the "hot seat"

On cold days we fight for that chair.

red maples
10-06-2010, 12:35 PM
yes the front can get red now and again. but I put insulation on the doors helps out a bunch!!! and yes thats the place top be on cold days. but if its a warm day and your feeding that baby its def. not the place to be unless your in shorts and T shirt then you get sun burn on your legs but just in the front:D

I go to old orchard beach now and again. haven't been there in in a bit. but there are always quebec Plates around there.

10-06-2010, 03:25 PM
We got the wire and mainline strung for the dryline in our upper bush on Sunday. Some of the SS fittings are cut in, the rest we'll do this weekend. Had to cut 2 downed tree limbs off the mainline but they bounced back

I'm really looking forward to the increased production from that bush!

Dennis H.
10-06-2010, 04:09 PM
Waiting for the ran to stop to get out and run some wire and tubing.

I have been busy tying up loose ends. I am running out of time the days are sure getting shorter fast!!

Amber Gold
10-06-2010, 07:36 PM
Got some help on Sunday...amazing how much more gets done in a shorter time. I got up a 700' mainline and ran the wire and pipe for a 900' mainline, but didn't have time to put it up. Good thing because I've changed my mind and decided to run maple mainline because it's on a hedgerow with fields on both sides. I figure I should run the blue stuff to keep pipe temps down. I'm wishing I had run a 700' mainline in blue that will likely get a lot of sun, but it's already up and tied off.

The last of the mainline will be up this weekend. Also making cider on Saturday. Weather's looking perfect.

red maples
10-06-2010, 09:07 PM
started Bee school tonight first one. Over in Lee. 5 more weeks to go. very informative. funny thing The contact person that was setting up and organizing lives down the street from me. She stopped at the stand to get some syrup and I had called to leave her a message to pre register for the bee school. when I went out to check the stand she had paid by check and so I saw her name. Said hey wait a minute same person. Just thought that was funny. Small world!!! I knew her from maple weekend last season she stopped in but I saw so many people I didn't remember her name!!!

10-07-2010, 05:57 PM
Finished running water and eletrical conduit to the sugar shack and backfilled the ditch in the past week. Also today I graded the gravel twords the drain in the floor so I can pour concrete as soon as my dads shop is ready too. The evaporator is still in peices and there isnt any tubing up yet. The coopula isnt flashed and I need to run a bigger smokestack through the roof. The good thing is The wood is done! I have a lot to do in the next 4-5 months.

10-07-2010, 08:16 PM
Have fun with the bees next year!

10-09-2010, 07:40 PM
i know we like pictures so,heres what i,ve been building.. it,s 10x14 feet and yes,it,s just to start with...i,am planning on putting a ro in here in a couple years and building a diffrent sugarhouse for my 4x14 arch



Dennis H.
10-09-2010, 08:07 PM
Nice Sugarshack! That will make one nice RO room also.

What size evap are you putting in there?

10-09-2010, 08:14 PM
Got Marvin cleaned up for the year with a littel help from some friends last night...Did the acid boil,,wow,,pretty darn shinney agine...did a littel boil agine today and really scrubbed the rig down,,then drained...got the syrup pan dissconected and will remove from arch next time someone is around,,,lift the flue pan and get to work on arch mods....

10-09-2010, 08:22 PM
fuel drum arch with two 2x3 pans..i,am working on that too..i,ll post pic,s soon.


10-09-2010, 08:46 PM
I'd plan on a concrete floor for the whole sugarhouse when you get the 4X14 and RO otherwise for the fuel drum arch that building is going to be good

10-09-2010, 09:00 PM
Split and stacked a 1/2 cord of pine today. Hopefully I'll do a few more cords because I have a long weekend. I have Monday and tuesday off of school.

10-09-2010, 09:34 PM
BROOK,I already have a plan for the bigger sugarhoue and yes!! it has a cement floor.i built this one so it could be moved if need be.it,ll be all insulated and even have the inside finished.
i plan on putting pressure treated plywood down where the arch will set and pouring concrect over that..i,ll use 2x4,s to make a form.i,am also planning on making a moveable woodshed and a moveable shed for the 500 gallon storage tank i have.i have everything planned out i just need the time to do it.


Amber Gold
10-10-2010, 07:36 PM
Parker, what are you doing to Marvin for next season?

10-10-2010, 08:37 PM
The honey part of this hobby business kicked in about 200 + Lb of nice golden rod ,aster, and late clover honey. Its all extracted and will be ready for canning into glass and plastic containers.

Cut a little syrup wood on Saturday and watched for whitetails for several hours too.


10-11-2010, 06:46 PM
th last two days i,ve sawed more lumber for the siding on my sugarhouse and put it on it,s beginning to look like something.


10-12-2010, 06:32 AM
Amber- I have been reading the AOF thread,,To put it bluntly I have stack envy,,,I CANT turn my stack purpel no matter how hard I try,,and I do get some smoke after I fire,,my stack never gets real hot (dont have a thermometer) and I never get sap jumping out of the flue pan..or a real rolling boil within a foot of the stack in the flue pan. I would like to boil faster and have all the basic components to do air over fire,,,I did add an air tight front and that has helped alot,,,but I know I can-should get more heat from the wood I am useing (Marvin is pretty darn inefficiant)......If I could get another 10-25% out of the rig that would be a BIG PLUS!!! I also have to put that HUGE BLOWER outside...its very very loud,,,,,

10-12-2010, 01:00 PM
We couldn't have asked for a nicer (Cdn) Thanksgiving weekend! The leaves were in full colour and I worked in a T-shirt every day. We also got a lot done in the bush. Bro' and I split and filled about 10 pallets of evaporator wood (say 6+ full chord). We also got all Mom's firewood in the basement, did some cleanup around the camp and walked part of the bush to re-tie mainlines to the steel where the zip ties had broken or come loose.

There's still lots to do but I'm not losing sleep over the size of the To Do list anymore! I also managed to get out 2 mornings to duck hunt and dropped a few. My new (to me) Winchester 3" Model 120 has done well!

10-12-2010, 06:12 PM
Spent yesterday morning putting up the 6x6 posts & beams along with trusses (yes, I'm lazy) and furring strips on my sugarshack extension. Last major thing to do is put on the metal roof. After the roof goes on I can move my pile of firewood under a more permanent cover. Tarps only work just so well.

Still have to pour four more posts for my sap tank stand and put up a frame around the posts and fill with stone. I have everything... just have to find the daylight to do it.

Sure was a nice day to get out and get something done without melting from the heat!

Enjoy the cooler weather!!!

10-12-2010, 08:59 PM
Built the platform for my head tank tonight. need to get my stack through the roof and get the evaporater insulated and bricked up. hunting season is right around the corner!!!

Amber Gold
10-13-2010, 06:36 AM
Parker, I'd talk to Larry Moore in Loudon. He has a 4x14 (I think) and he built an arch per Proctor spec. and he's loading pine every 20 min. or so. He's very happy with it. I can get you his contact information if you'd like.

Mainline work is almost done. I decided to extend a branch mainline to pick up a pocket of reds. This will need to be brought into the system with a lift. Had to re-work a mainline I previously installed because I had inadvertantly cut off a pocket of sugars with my wet/dry system with no way to get them into it. The re-work will actually work out better, but it's never fun adjusting something after the fact. Once I get the blue mainline, all of the mainline will be up.

Plan for this weekend is to set the 700 gal round bottom tank, set grade on the mainlines, and getting everything plumbed together.

For you guys with round bottom tanks, do you set them on anything? It's your standard round bottom tank with a metal frame and I was wondering if I should set it on pressure treated boards to distribute the weight or just set it on the ground. The area the tank is going can get wet during the spring.

10-13-2010, 04:45 PM
We just make sure when we sit out tank is that theres slats (boards) laid on FLAT ground spaced out. just so the tank to sink in the ground when the ground thaws.

10-13-2010, 06:31 PM
first off..it,s good to see ya on here casey..i haven,t seen you around in a long time and i was wondering where ya was hiding.

AMER GOLD WROTE:Parker, I'd talk to Larry Moore in Loudon. He has a 4x14 (I think) and he built an arch per Proctor spec. and he's loading pine every 20 min. or so. He's very happy with it. I can get you his contact information if you'd like.
i have a 4x14 i,ll be rebuilding and i,am wondering what this is all about??


Randy Brutkoski
10-13-2010, 07:46 PM
Could someone tell me how to put pictures up? I would like to show poeple how i am doing on my sugar house.

10-13-2010, 08:37 PM
You can post them on here or create a photo account like photobucket or one of the many others and post the link to it in your posts or in your signature.

TF Maple
10-13-2010, 09:04 PM
Could someone tell me how to put pictures up? I would like to show poeple how i am doing on my sugar house.

I made some instructions and posted them somewhere, but can't find them right now. All I can find are instructions on resizing pictures at this location http://www.mapletrader.com/community/showthread.php?t=9319&highlight=picasa

10-13-2010, 09:17 PM
Cheryl says its just not right canning syrup in October:) She canned a couple gallon in pints and I worked on canning honey for several orders too.
Great to be working in the sugar house this time of year. Nice and cool. The trees are just beautiful right now too.
Several more cords of pallets to cut for syrup, and get into the wood shed.
Still mowing the lawn too. Not complaining, it will soon be snow.

Local Maple Association meeting tomorrow night.

Have a great evening,

10-14-2010, 05:01 AM
Could someone tell me how to put pictures up? I would like to show poeple how i am doing on my sugar house. I have uploaded to photobucket before, then copy & paste the link in. I need to do this as well, as soon as I get time anyway......:lol:

10-14-2010, 05:30 AM
heres a updated pic..more siding,i worked on the roof and i moved a pile of dirt to make room for the woodshed.



Amber Gold
10-14-2010, 06:26 AM
delbert, are you putting the 4x14 in the SH you have pictures of?? In regards to your question, see the over fire air thread in the evaporator section.

Thanks Casey. How are your upgrades coming along for this year?

10-14-2010, 02:08 PM
I made pancakes in home ec. class today but I brought in my own maple syrup because I refuse to east log cain crap. 100ml bottles fit in jeans pockets very nicely.

10-14-2010, 06:44 PM
AMBER GOLD:this sugarhouse will have a fuel drum arch i,am building in it.once,i get the 4x14 arch done that will be in a bigger sugarhouse and i,ll use this building for other things like a ro.
i sawed more 1x8.s for siding tonight after work.i think one more log and i,ll have plenty.this weekend i,ll get the plywood,osb for the inside and work on that next week.


Thompson's Tree Farm
10-14-2010, 07:12 PM
Whatever Happened to Ken WP? Did the Quebecquois run off with him???

Randy Brutkoski
10-14-2010, 08:17 PM
can only upload a couple at a time. sorry for so many posts.

Randy Brutkoski
10-14-2010, 08:34 PM
part 2 and more coming to another thread near you

Randy Brutkoski
10-14-2010, 08:37 PM
still more to come with the tin roof on but I still need to go out and take more pic's

Randy's wife aka Stacey

10-14-2010, 09:55 PM
Lookin good. Time to frame up the cupola

Randy Brutkoski
10-15-2010, 04:44 AM
No coupla, Just the smoke stack and 2 steam stacks. A coupla would of looked nice, but just extra work that i dont have time for.

10-15-2010, 11:36 AM
a sugarhouse with no coupla????????????? To me that is what sets it apart from just a building to a sugarhouse. Frame it up man frame it up.

10-15-2010, 12:20 PM
With Randys' Force 5 evaporator, he will want all the heat he can get. He'd better insulate the rafters and sheath the ceiling. Putting a ceiling fan in will also help warm the place up. The day will come when you will probably not be allowed to have a cupola if you are going to bulk syrup. Washable walls and ceilings will be necessry to pass an audit by the packer. Many new sugarhouses are going with a Canadian style sugarhouse, with stacks and no cupola.

10-15-2010, 12:27 PM
. The day will come when you will probably not be allowed to have a cupola if you are going to bulk syrup. Washable walls and ceilings will be necessry to pass an audit by the packer. Many new sugarhouses are going with a Canadian style sugarhouse, with stacks and no cupola.

Mike- you are exactly right. In fact my Ag inspector in Pa commented last spring that they may be requiring cupolas to be screened in at some point in the future. The were trying to determine if it was feasible and what size screening they would require. If they are considering that in PA (which is far removed from the pulse of maple sugaring) than I can imagine your predictions arent far behind.

red maples
10-15-2010, 12:47 PM
I was actually thinking of tring to make some sort of removable screen for the copula anyway. for most of us with the copula the stack is right there behind it so if your firing with wood you get some ash coming down through the copula I would think a screen would help that quite a bit. do you think that you would get condensation build up the screen and cause problems?

My Ag said its all about common sense. If you don't have your drawn off syrup, finishing pan, bucket pot what ever covered and there is condensation dripping into it you have a problem. I foresee hoods for everyone with-in the next 10 years or so. or else some sort of design that allows a copula that will never drip back into the evaporator. Just my thoughts. there are regualtions for everything!!!!!

10-15-2010, 01:11 PM
Much of this is being driven by the customer--not government!

10-15-2010, 02:24 PM
Much of this is being driven by the customer--not government!

More like the lawyers are driving everything! All the food safety regs are good for the consumer but can create nightmares for us.

10-15-2010, 07:41 PM
Since we are only about 50 miles from Canada our sugar house with no cupola will fit right in:)
I debated a long time about not building one and if it would look right without a cupola. I finally chose to go with a stainless pipe system and hoods to remove the steam. Up to this point I have not regretted it. The inspector has not had a problem either.

But a sugar house with a cupola is very pleasing to my eye.


10-15-2010, 09:01 PM
More like the lawyers are driving everything! All the food safety regs are good for the consumer but can create nightmares for us.

ain't that the truth. I 2nd your statement Ennis

red maples
10-15-2010, 10:28 PM
yes I like ennis' statement too. I do like the classic sugarhouse look as well.

10-16-2010, 05:42 AM
We have the classis cupola, but I can see why people go with the big pipe and get rid of it. It's hard not to have leaks with heavy rains.

I like the looks of the cupola, and we run a wood fired evaporator. It's nice to do things the way we do, but the big guys produce most of the syrup around here, and they use RO and oil burners with steam pipes. No need for a cupola.

10-16-2010, 06:10 AM
If I were to build another sugarhouse, I would consider a cupola for looks only. I agree with all of the above statements, I like seeing steam come out of a cupola. As I said, If I were to build another, It would have a cupola and steam pipes would be dead ended ithe cupola and the ceiling finished. I would hope this could satisfy the the esthetics and keep the place clean also.

red maples
10-16-2010, 06:10 PM
We have the classis cupola, but I can see why people go with the big pipe and get rid of it. It's hard not to have leaks with heavy rains.

I like the looks of the cupola, and we run a wood fired evaporator. It's nice to do things the way we do, but the big guys produce most of the syrup around here, and they use RO and oil burners with steam pipes. No need for a cupola.

I have no leaks with heavy rains. and believe me we had heavy rains while boiling last spring!!!!

Amber Gold
10-16-2010, 07:07 PM
I don't think a SH is a SH without a cupola and steam billowing out of it. It's part of sugarin'. My cupola doesn't leak as well.

10-17-2010, 05:40 AM
I have no leaks with heavy rains. and believe me we had heavy rains while boiling last spring!!!!

My cupola also has no leaks the only leak I have is where the stack goes thru the roof

Thad Blaisdell
10-17-2010, 06:24 AM
If I were to build another sugarhouse, I would consider a cupola for looks only. I agree with all of the above statements, I like seeing steam come out of a cupola. As I said, If I were to build another, It would have a cupola and steam pipes would be dead ended ithe cupola and the ceiling finished. I would hope this could satisfy the the esthetics and keep the place clean also.

If you were to do this I would recommend putting the tin on all of the sugarhouse and then building the cupola over the roof. That way any drips would go on the roof rather than dripping onto your finished roof.

10-17-2010, 06:38 AM
yesterday,i got more lumber ready for siding.i hope to get it all on today....weather permitting.


Haynes Forest Products
10-18-2010, 12:18 AM
I can now cross of my bucket list having a Horned Owl clamp its tallons down into my hand. We were out last night working and came across a Owl caught in a barbed wire fence. After my son inlaw Brian got wacked buy its tallons we got it in a bucket. Yes with gloves on............... crappy work cloves I reached into the bucket to get control off the legs and YUP it got me. I was screaming like a bitch until Brian was able to pry the thing out of my finger......................Yes its on vidio

10-19-2010, 04:43 AM
Got out in the woods a littel yesterday afternoon and started changing RTE.11 spiles over to stubbies so I can run C.V's there next spring...every time I go out in the woods I see lots of place to make improvements...

10-19-2010, 10:53 AM
i nailed on a bunch of siding yesterday.i need 7 more full lenght boards to finish..then,i have the gable ends to do and the doors for the cupola.
i,am hoping to get that lumber tonight.i have the log on the mill.


Amber Gold
10-19-2010, 11:54 AM
Over the weekend, I got me tank in place (just needs to be leveled). 3 rolls of tubing are strung out for ~80 taps...plenty more to go.

Syrup sales are still trickling in. Not sure what the holiday season will bring, but at this point I've almost doubled last years sales.

red maples
10-19-2010, 04:49 PM
I might have enough money to get stubbies and cv's I still have a few more things to get for this year not much though. If money is too tight then I will just do 100 this year with stubbies and new drops. but there is still plenty of time yet we'll see. was hoping maybe I could sell the old drops and treesaver spiles they are only 1 year old for cheap!!!! once I take them off that is.

10-19-2010, 07:45 PM
the lumber got cut tonight..if the weather is good i hope to get them on tomorrow.


10-20-2010, 08:01 AM
A big birch fell across the trail behind the sugarhouse. It had a huge rootball, which tipped up. I cut the tree and it fell back down. It's great to get that tree out of there, but we'll have to split it up soon or it will start to rot.

Birch is okay to burn, if you get it split quickly.

10-20-2010, 11:22 PM
Changed three stainers on my hi-tensile lines Sunday, and have another to do on a big mainline with my largest sap ladder, which is on the ground now. Think I'm done using strainers, as they seem to be a weak link, and are really unnecessary once I get the side ties in.

10-21-2010, 05:25 AM
Tim- what type of strainers are you using- inline or ratchet? used a bunch of the inline ones over the weekend working on our livestock fence. not a big fan of either style...

10-21-2010, 05:43 PM
i cut some firewood after work.


10-22-2010, 05:01 PM
Eric, I guess I use the ratchet type. TSC has them. The inline ones are called Daisy or something, aren't they? Seems like they may be better, since there's no "axle" to be spinning on. But I have no experience with them. Maybe I am just putting too much strain on them.

10-22-2010, 06:24 PM
i just piled some firewood after work.i have all weekend to work on sugaring stuff so i hope to get some wood cut and more done on the sugarhouse.i,de like to get the outside buttoned up.


10-22-2010, 06:30 PM
the inline ones I was using now have several pieces of my skin attached to them- pretty squirlly in my opinion- but they are easy to place- no need to cut wire. So I guess they each have their use.

two sp-11's arrived this week...now need to figure which pump is going to go where- might run the GAST pump on a generator with a single phase 220 motor.

last week before thanksgiving is my tubing blitz. looking forward to tweaks and upgrades...

10-22-2010, 08:00 PM
Cutting syrup wood. Nearing the 7 cord mark and about 2 more to go, which should fill the wood shed.
Will start getting things ready for winter like putting up snow fence and moving equipment inside.
Hope things are good with everyone.

steam maker
10-22-2010, 08:27 PM
here i sit waitin for sugarin beatin it around in my head on what 2 do. buy an ro or go another year without. have a feelin what im gonna do. better get some permeate tanks......;)

Dennis H.
10-23-2010, 12:22 AM
I am slowing getting things done.
My order from leader just arrived this evening. Now I should have all the CV's and extra tubing and stuff to finish things up in the woods.

I managed to also get the ceiling joists and rafters cut and modified ready for the ceramic blanket and then the stack.

I now have the job of bricking the evap.

The temps around here are dropping fast and the colors in the woods are changeing fast also.

10-23-2010, 06:51 PM
What a nice day for some work!

Finally finished getting the roof on the shack extension today. Now I have a dry place for my wood & sap tank. Still need to run a couple of electric lines outside so I can plug in my sap pump and be able to see at night but otherwise it's done.

Only things left to do are to run my propane lines for the stove and finisher and get my base stack made.

And of course split some more wood.


10-23-2010, 07:50 PM
Got most of rte.11 converted over to stubbies so I can run c.v's this spring,,,MAN THOSE TREES ARE GROWING FAST!!! it is amazing what some thinning will do,,I cut a bunch more drops in as I was going along....cant remember what year I logged that peice,,2005? some of the trees I bumped have grown 4" around the bump,,,thats an extra 8" on some of those trees...gotta thin them!

10-23-2010, 09:37 PM
i desided to be a logger today.i cut some hemlock logs and i cut some hardwood firewood.i have the logs out to my sawmill and i have the hardwood in the feild.i,ll cut the firewood up after work in the week.
tomorrow,i,ll either skid more firewood out or work on the sugarhouse..it depends on the weather.


10-25-2010, 09:42 AM
I dont no if I'm so far behind that I'm ahead or so far ahead I'm behind???? Never has a summer come and gone so fast. Trying to cut wood and set up someplace to boil yet?. Not shure if it is going to come together very well? One thing is for shure something will happen and syrup will be made. Looking at logging some and going for a larger evaporator by 2012 and a building just for syrup. The other build is finished and turned out to be a much need shop and equipment storage, not shure it will see the evaporator at all this spring? May be back out side yet. The old shack has been taken over by 100 layers. Horses need breaking, dogs need running and deer season is hear. Trip to Colorado was a awsome experince! Took a huge 370 class bull self guided on public land. But man is it time to lean into the harness and get to work around hear!!!!!!!! My wife gutted part of the house when I was gone I knew that trip was going to cost me, wasn't expecting that. Hope every one is well and well on there way to a great season to come. By the way it's time to plant your garlic if you haven't yet.

Jim Brown
10-25-2010, 10:36 AM
Well finally got into the woods over the weekend. Everything is off the ground at the moment. Squirrels and chipmunks had a field day with the drops and taps this summer,had to replace about 20 in our small bush. Main bush was pretty good except for the two big trees that the tops blew out of and dropped on the main lines!Chain sawed them off yesterday now have to tighten up the wire. Getting ready to run another 3/4 line up the hill and pick up another 75-100 taps,after the road trip next week.
Bad weather and sugar season are both coming fast this year!


10-25-2010, 10:54 AM
sunday was very crappy weatherwise so it turned into a relax/rest day.i did end up out in the garage and did some welding on my fuel drum arch.i got cut short tho..some friends stopped in to visit.
i think today i,ll go out and get my cupalo doors figured out and get those built/put on this week and try to finish the arch.


10-25-2010, 12:07 PM
Cut up some more wood this weekend. Have to keep the home fires burning.

10-25-2010, 12:19 PM
We got the rest of the 2 logging trucks of wood split and stacked on the weekend. Overall we have maybe 30 full chord ready to go for next year - should be enough for the Monsoooooon Saaaaaaap we're expecting. Some of the hemlock we split was maybe 24" diameter and was at the bottom of the pile - you can imagine how heavy those 44" pieces were! Mom's 2011-2012 is also completely split and stacked, which is great because we can spend more time working on maple stuff instead of working on wood. Since the wood is done I'm allowed to go deer hunting next week!

We must have had a strong windstorm come through in the past 2 weeks because there were a lot of limbs on laterals and 2 tops came down on the mainlines and dropped them to the ground. Because we use 1/4" braided steel to support the mainline it didn't break - the end hooks actually straightened right out!

We also managed to get the flue pan washed out again so it's shiny like new and ready for the spring. We got it back on the arch, got the hood back on it, finishing pan back on the arch and the steam hood in place. I like the feeling of being in decent shape heading into winter.

Dennis H.
10-25-2010, 05:12 PM
Slowly getting things done down here.
My fab'in work has come to a stand still though!:( The Gun connector block in my mig welder needs replaced and it will take 10-14 days to get it shipped in. BUMMER

Well it looks like I will be back to some bucket again this year. I added a few more taps to the tubing at the house so that puts me at 100 on vac and I am hoping to put out maybe 50-100 buckets.

10-25-2010, 07:15 PM
Horses need breaking, dogs need running and deer season is hear. Trip to Colorado was a awsome experince! Took a huge 370 class bull self guided on public land.

Congrats, never been elk hunting but that is an awesome bull in Colorado on self guided public land. Post some pics if you don't mind!

10-25-2010, 07:41 PM
Hey guys, Been real busy thinning out the sugarbush. hopfully running tubing soon. Weathers changing fast. already snowed a few times up here. hope all is well


10-25-2010, 10:20 PM
Congrats, never been elk hunting but that is an awesome bull in Colorado on self guided public land. Post some pics if you don't mind!
My brother has been going to WinterHawk in Colorado for 4 years after a bull and has spent like 5 grand each trip and still hasnt let an arrow fly. WinterHawk is a proclaimed top notch guide service and has been on tv many many times on the hunting channels. So any bull on a self guided hunt is a huge accomplishment. Congrats indeed Gator330.

10-26-2010, 08:17 PM
Rolling out to Vermit tommrow to get my very own R.O. :) Oh, Happy day!

Amber Gold
10-26-2010, 09:14 PM
Parker...RO...he's gone over to the dark side. I thought you were going to stick with old school and burn a 100 chord of wood every year. Congrat's on the upgrade...you'll be on cruise control next season and filling barrels left and right.

Any details??

10-27-2010, 12:22 AM
I have had enough of this friggin rain. Cant do a darn thing outside. It just never ever stops.

10-27-2010, 06:20 AM
Parker--What did you get for an RO???

10-27-2010, 06:52 AM
Parker- hopefully Marvin was consulted and is alright with your decision to boil concentrated sap!

Congrats, what did you get?

10-27-2010, 07:41 AM
That RO is going to save a lot of trees in New Hampshire.

10-27-2010, 08:40 AM
Congrats, never been elk hunting but that is an awesome bull in Colorado on self guided public land. Post some pics if you don't mind!

I'll try and get one on sometime. I went with a friend who has been to this spot for the past ten years. So I had a lot of help and know how to go off of. It was a big bull for that area best the group has ever seen. Kinda like a big buck go to the least likely spot, that is where we found him. Muzzleloader hunt Travel, condo (i know hard to take) and tags just around 1,200.00 I hit the jake pot on this deal. Awsome experience a most do again and again and again...

10-27-2010, 08:53 AM
My brother has been going to WinterHawk in Colorado for 4 years after a bull and has spent like 5 grand each trip and still hasnt let an arrow fly. WinterHawk is a proclaimed top notch guide service and has been on tv many many times on the hunting channels. So any bull on a self guided hunt is a huge accomplishment. Congrats indeed Gator330.

Thanks 3rdgen.maple. The friend I went with has taken a few good bulls cows, mule deer and seen a lot of bear over the years. Had a bear tag this year never saw one, just lots of sighn. If you can do it self is the way to go.The money saved pays for the next few years. A Few guys split coasts you have help if it's needed great time. A lot of guides are taking you on publice land as it is. I don't know about the place he goes maybe 5 gs is a great deal but I can buy a lot of sugar eguipment with 20,000 Gs in four years.

10-27-2010, 02:33 PM
Its an oldie! A 10 horsepower "Sap Brothers" has 7- 85" long by 4" vessels,,(2 membranes in each vessel?) Measures 97" tall, 4 feet by 40"...Gonna blow out a wall and build out 3 feet,,I dont have enough room to put it inside.gonna need to make some serious upgrades,,also putting the blower outside..wonder how long it will take me to go thru 5000 gallons of sap late in the season?

steam maker
10-27-2010, 07:37 PM
well boys i think i just did it too.. the balls in motion for an ro!!!!!!!!!!! keep ur fingers crossed for me.....

10-27-2010, 09:15 PM
the last two days i,ve been building cupola doors and puttiing them on.i also cut up a roll of fiberglass insulation i had and put some of it up.today,i planed out some lumber for the door frames.


10-27-2010, 09:35 PM
Hey Parker - I have an old Sap Brothers RO. They did like to use lots of membranes, didn't they? Mine was manufactured as a 250 gph with one 4" membrane. The company came through the year after manu and retrofitted with 4 membranes. It's old, but still gets rid of the water:)

10-28-2010, 06:30 AM
Last few days have been just crazy with the low pressure system. 60 mile an hour gust! power was out for 9 hours but some areas won't have power until Saturday. I just hate to see what the woods looks like. Might be alot of limbs/trees over the lines? Monday just as the storm was starting i whacked a nice 8 point with a 15 inch spread. Right after i hit it the rain came hard. couldn't find it that night with no blood trail, but found it early the next morning. Now i can concentrate on maple work.

10-28-2010, 11:18 AM
Just deer hunting and cutting pallets. Oh yea the work thing too.
Also took the rear pan and WRU off the arch last night to eyeball the unit for AOF. If the funding gets approved through the finace dept., then I should have another project for this winter.
Hope things ar good in all of maple land!


Thad Blaisdell
10-28-2010, 11:46 AM
Took my flue pan and front pan off and delivered them to a guy that is going to make me some brand new ones, all fancy welded. No more soldered pans for me.

Been putting up tubing all over about half done the new add-ons for this year. Looking to be a very promising spring.

10-28-2010, 01:02 PM
the closer i get to having my little sugarhouse done the more excited i,am getting!! i can,t wait to fire up and see the sap boiling and the steam going up and smell that sweet maple!!


Gary R
10-28-2010, 03:32 PM
Chris, I don't think I've ever heard of one of your projects refused funding:)

Thad, that must be some kind of "guy". Couldn't imagine a bending and welding project on that size of pans. If all works out, maybe some others would like to meet that guy.

Gator330, Congratulations, That is a big bull. I've been out more than a dozen times. Haven't got a bull yet. We stay in tents. I might have to try the condo next;) It has always been a great time though.

I have mostly been archery hunting. A couple hours of maple work a week. I did pick up another motor today for a vacuum pump I have. My homemade releaser has been tested twice and it works great. I just need to box it in so it can be heated and not freeze.

Thad Blaisdell
10-28-2010, 04:27 PM
I saw some of his previous work.... I was impressed. He is doing it much cheaper than Leader ever thought of..... almost half on the front pan. I will let all know when I get it back the who and where and with the thumbs up or down.

10-28-2010, 07:38 PM
Just deer hunting and cutting pallets. Oh yea the work thing too.
Also took the rear pan and WRU off the arch last night to eyeball the unit for AOF. If the funding gets approved through the finace dept., then I should have another project for this winter.
Hope things ar good in all of maple land!



You amaze me! As good as you are in doing things and as cheaply as you can do them, it shouldn't cost you much $$$. I haven't figured up what my total costs were but it should have been well under $ 1,000.

10-28-2010, 08:47 PM
Brandon and Gary,
How are you guys doing hunting? I am not seeing a thing except for flat ones on the interstate going to the work thing. I know both of you have taken big deer in the past. Deer are starting to move more. We spotted a nice 6 point at the end of the yard last week. Would make a nice deer for the grandson Mike since he can still take a deer with less than 4 point on a side.

Thad, Wow I hope those pans work out for you. That will be a nice upgrade! I would love to have a new set of welded pans.

Brandon, I have a dollar figure in mind and I think that your right, a AOF system should be able to be installed for around $1000 including a blower. As usual I will try to do it on the cheap. Time will tell. Man everything is just so expensive!!!! I think I will start with some of the little things that I can do prior to getting the main materials, like arch modifications and low cost work.

Most of the 2010 syrup is gone and the honey form this fall is sugaring as soon as I get it in the jars.

I am enjoying the new computer that Adam set up for us! That allows me to check the trader a lot quicker. now if I could just type!

Really nice to see all the new folks getting on the trader and all the new sugar house's being built!


10-28-2010, 09:23 PM

I haven't been yet as I don't start until about 5th to 10th of Nov. I have 2.5 weeks of vacation starting in a few days to bowhunt, so I will try to give them a hard time. Too early yet, big ones are on their feet most between 10th and 15th of November in my area seeking. 18 miles on foot scouting so far in new areas on public land and see probably 200+ rubs and 60 to 70 scrapes, they started rubbing and scraping early this year.

10-29-2010, 05:14 AM
Went to Lowes and got a pallett of 80 LB bags of SAKREET,,formed up the R.O. room pad a poured..will try to get the wall cut out today..we will see,,gotta get lumber and insulation ect.

red maples
10-29-2010, 08:17 AM
Go to get out in the woods. all the company is gone thank goodness. Its nice when family comes to visit. excuse me for being selfish but in fall time there is so much stuff to do !!!!!

Gotta go get a bigger freezer!!! my sister is having her 2 white faced cows slaughted next month. so I am getting 1/2 of one!!!! They are up in north VT above the notch. should be about 350lbs or so. Beautiful animals all grass fed, basically organic raised happy!!!! I told her I wanted it all in primal cuts so I could cut it up the way I want to. then make hot dogs, bologna kielbasa and all that stuff too. Nice Prime for x-mas dinner. To bad no-one is coming up for the holidays don't know what they are missing!!! but still need room in the freezer for meat chickens late spring. and venison etc. etc. etc.

Indian summer is over back to the cooler temps!!! My time of year. Snow will be here before you know it!!!!

10-29-2010, 02:29 PM
Going to pick up my venison at the butcher this weekend from the buck I shot last weekend with Cross Bow in the Maple forest. Not a big one, just a few points but it should be great eating. Only took 5 hours of looking in the dark to find him. Really haven't seen much sign of deer here, no scrapes or rubs yet.

I hadn't checked my blue lines lately but see a ton of chew marks in it from either Deer or turkeys, looks like a ton of work to replace and I dont' think there is any point doing until almost maple time as it will likely get chewed again.

Sap wood all done, working on next years firewood for the house now.

10-29-2010, 03:57 PM
Haven't done much maple related lately. I need to get going. The one thing I have done is squirrel population control. Caught 3 in hav a heart traps set for skunks and shot one from about 20' with my pellet gun today. But there's still pleanty more to chew on my tubig that's going up soon.

Thad Blaisdell
10-29-2010, 05:19 PM
Have-a-heart traps with whole peanuts....deadly combination for squirrels.

red maples
10-29-2010, 06:40 PM
I have had 0 squirrel chew...knock on wood!!!! Big acorn crop this year again hopefully it kept them busy enough!!! no hickory nuts though??? I just go sit in the back with the 20 gauge and knock em' off once in a while. there good BBQ style but don't over cook or they get super super tough!!!

Brian Ryther
10-29-2010, 06:42 PM
Just back from a trip to maple meca. First to Lapierre to drop off my RO for an expansion. I also picked up truck load of tubing and fittings and every thing else I will need for spring. Then across town to Leader for a few bags of %30 off stubbies (09 style). Then down to CDL for a moisture trap. It is now time to get to work!

10-29-2010, 08:20 PM
Things are looking good around here, its getting cooler now and most of the leaves are gone. Ive had quite a bissy summer/fall, bought and rebuilt and older grimm 3x8 arch. bought and set of pans for it 3x5 raised flue and 3x3 front. Check out the pictures on my album, had to add on to the sugarhouse. now working on the coupula. Also have added quite a few more taps this year I think the finale number will be around mid 600s to pushing 700. This is the time of year to be in the woods. Deer seasons coming then back to it again. good luck everybody 4 months to go

Maple Rookie

Dennis H.
10-30-2010, 09:24 AM
Well I am off to an auction this morning. They are selling a vac pump, well I found out a few vac pumps. It wil be a long day. This auctioneer is a real pain for dragging things out. He already said that it may run until dark. Oh yeah!

There is a delaval 74, delaval 73 and a surge BB or something like that. It has a knob thingy on the top.

There also is a milk tank there, it looks to be in the 500gal range, not sure. I am not sure what I even would use something like that for but if they are "giving" it away I will have to take it home with me.:lol:

The wife says I will be needing help soon, I am becoming a vac pump addict! If I see one I MUST have it!

red maples
10-30-2010, 11:00 AM
Well I had 2 hours to work in the woods on tubing worked for 1/2 hr. OH forget my tubing tool took 1-1/2 hrs to find it. stupid. man oh well maybe this afternoon for a bit!!!

10-30-2010, 01:23 PM
took the day off from work today to finaly get started on bricking my new to me 2 x 6 small brothers raised flu rig. got the arch board in, bricked walls and front ramp, added vermic. now after a late lunch i'll finnish, i plan on using splits ontop of the vermic and back ramp. hope to do a test boil tomarrow before the game, go pats!!

10-30-2010, 08:13 PM
Scott Durfee, and son Kyler stopped in to visit with a great load of split dry oak. Very nice for syrup wood. I could not convince them to leave it at my place. This will work nice in their new evaporator that we saw them fire up last week.

Scott I did look up the Cub model 73 on line and am seriously considering looking at it. I see what you mean about the "round " fenders. Thanks for the tip I might have passed this one:) Just what I need another Cub.

I did get some deer hunting in early, plus wood cutting, almost have the eighth cord of pallets complete. Also attended local bee meeting today.
Gran-daughters Marly and Addison are staying over, and Marly and I have been talking on the walkie-talkies or the last half hour.

Hope things are good out there!


10-31-2010, 11:37 AM
2 inches of snow last night and I had still wanted to cut the lawn one last time. Me thinks it's going to be a long winter this year. :rolleyes:

10-31-2010, 03:16 PM
Got another squirrel today. That makes 5 this week. I have the feeling as soon a s a squirrel dies another one takes its territory.

10-31-2010, 03:34 PM
Moved wood for part of the day today. Got my porch filled up for heating the house and then started on my sugaring stack under the new roof addition on the sugarshack. My goal back in the summer was to have it all done by today. Guess I was close. Hopefully will be done next week!

Time to rest. :)

Thad Blaisdell
10-31-2010, 06:53 PM
Got another squirrel today. That makes 5 this week. I have the feeling as soon a s a squirrel dies another one takes its territory.

Kill one and 5 come to the funeral.

10-31-2010, 07:56 PM
the last few days i,ve either been to busy or the weather has been to crappy to work on my sugarhouse.last night i got on ebay and got looking at stainless steel CORNELIUS kegs.i ordered one and i,am going to see if i can made a releaser out of it.this afternoon i did cut some boards for the gable ends on the sugarhouse.i had friends stop in so thats as far as i got.i,am hoping i can nail them on tmorrow.


Randy Brutkoski
10-31-2010, 07:56 PM
You think you have a squirrel problem. Last fall i shot 79 of them things in my 4400 tap bush and i didnt even put a dent in them. And i was only shooting them while i was hanging line. About 30 of them that i shot were out of the same tree. I wish i had time to thin them out. The rats with bushy tails that is. And now something is chewing my PVC Valves. It is either the squirrels or maybe porkypines.

10-31-2010, 08:24 PM
The are i'm getting them has about 70 taps. But wow u have too may squirrels. I wonder if rat traps with peanut butter would work.