View Full Version : Free vac pump?

09-30-2010, 07:14 PM
I have a stupid question. I have a sugarbush with about 180 taps, good grade but a tough time getting all the sap to "run out". Here is where the problem lies: o.k. I know my laterals are probably too long but the problem lies were3 they drop into the main. I insert the hook to the lateral then hook it on the wire to keep the tension off the drop-in. That small loop is where the sap gets hung up and promotes bacteria growth giving some really funky crap in my tank. I know a regular vaccum systen would be great but I'm too cheap to go there so here is my idea. Put a fitting on the end of my mainline and hook it into my sap pump (small gas unit) with the other end going into my tank. Will this work or have I crossed the line at being too cheap? I figure if I run it for a short time (maybe 5 minutes/ more?) it should suck out the sap that got hung up. Do this once a day when it runs and problem solved???
There it is, let me have it.

09-30-2010, 08:01 PM
We've all got that loop where the lat connects into the main. Sounds like you are trying to use your sap pump to create vacuum. Does your pump require priming. If so, I doubt you can generate enough sap to prime the pump unless you have over 1000 taps on that main.

A used dairy vacuum pump with electric motor (don't know if you have electric) can be had at auctions for a couple hundred. You will not be dissapointed. The cost is in the releaser - no way to really get around that one unless you can find a cheap vacuum tank (unlikely) or find an old Bender glass releaser. They are out there.

red maples
10-01-2010, 07:22 AM
Hi steve, Hope all is well. You might be fine if you do it that way. but once you hit a little air pocket in the line you will probably loose your suction. What might help... just a shot in the dark here. If there is a way to raise the slope just from the first tree on the lateral to the main line that might help a bit.I am talking like a full footor more in most cases depending on how far away that first tree is.

If you have any local dairy farms you might be able to find a little dairy pump and bender glass releaser. those dark Corners of barns are practically gold mines for that kind of stuff. and you could probably just offer a little syrup for it unless they say just take it!!!