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View Full Version : Remove old taps or not?

09-28-2010, 04:25 PM
I just got permission to tap my neighbors old bush.:) He hasn't tapped it in 12 to 15 years. The problem is last time he tapped it he never went back and pulled the taps.:cry: Some of the taps came right out but others are starting to grow into the tree. The question is should I try to remove the old taps (blue 7/16 plastic spiles) with the claws of a hammer or just remove the old line and leave them alone? Thanks for any input on this. Mike

09-28-2010, 04:39 PM
the ones that come out I would take them. The ones that are a problem I would leave them. Pulling them out could cause more harm than good. Take all the line down would be good for getting around the bush easier. Just my thoughts

09-28-2010, 05:42 PM
I would pull them out if it can be done without damaging the growth around them. Just cut the tubing off close. Or pull on it. The plastic might be brittle from old age and brake off inside and be better off.