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View Full Version : roof jack for metal roof

09-27-2010, 02:10 PM
Has anyone used the newer type roof jack for a metal roof that conforms to the ridges in the steel roof and seals tight when screwed down? It has a synthetic high temp. boot that surrounds the stove pipe.
It is made to alleviate the issues with a all metal roof jack on a steel roof.
Locally Lamperts lumber sells them locally here for about 120.00.


maple flats
09-27-2010, 05:21 PM
Unless it is specifically rated to be used on the stack of an evaporator I would shy away from it. Most non maple jacks are for conventional stove stacks where the temps are rarely at or above 700 degrees. A wood fired evaporator, once going is never below that temp. We burn full bore for hours, you need a roof jack made to take those temps.
I have been running with no jack for several years, with the steel roof close to the stack pipe and just a clooar above to send most of the rain/snow away from the pipe (shaped like a China mans hat that surrounds the pipe tightly)
Years ago, I used to have a tin shop make roof jacks that fit the shape of the tin roof, sometimes side mount and sometimes peak mount. If you want a jack to fit tight for that just supply the tin shop a small piece of the roofing for them to match and indicate where the stack is in relatiopn to the ribs. If you have a peak mount you need to get an eaxct measure of how the ribs align from one side to the other where the stack goes thru the roof, then the tin shop can makew one, all in heavy gauge galv. with soldered seams. AQs I say, I have not yet done that but will someday. I saw an alternative once that would work too, the tin shop made a filler to over lay on the tin and fill the valleys in the roof tin and then the roof jack was just flat tin down each side. I do not know if the filler was a continuous piece or an over lapping individual piece for each wide valley, it seams like several single but overlapping fillers would fit well.

09-27-2010, 06:05 PM
One of the cleanest looking roof jack that I have seen is a post on the trader using a galvanized trash can. You may be able to search and find it.


09-27-2010, 06:32 PM
Maple flats- thanks for the advice I have heard that more than once and how you are running your pipe through the steel roof for the season has been reccommended to me by the local maple supply house.
I can fit it tight enough as well with fireproof tube cement amke it fairly waterproof for a couple of weeks.
Considering I am a hobby operator and run this two weeks a year your idea makes the most sense. I am setting up a used waterloo 2x4 flat pan with a 2 x18 finishing flat pan.
Your system I can pull the pipe at the end of the season and slide another sheet of steel under the roof peak and hit it with a couple of screws.
I do have to search for the trash can idea as thier are a lot pf creative fellas out there.

09-28-2010, 05:38 PM


Check out this thread for NH Maple Maker. He has some good pictures and details of using a galvanized trash can for a good looking roof jack.

I searched under Galvanized trash can.