View Full Version : Deerfield fair syrup entries

red maples
09-26-2010, 04:46 PM
I can't find any info on entering syrup for the deerfield fair. Sandwich fair is laid out really nice and simple on the website. It doesn't look like there is any type of pre-registration. But the Deerfield fair?

09-27-2010, 08:52 AM
Yes there was, and I'm 98% certain that the deadline already passed, probably 3 weeks ago.
I'm signed up but I don't even know if I have any left to enter. Have to go paw through the basement.

red maples
09-27-2010, 09:29 AM
I saw a general entry form but I didn't know it was for maple too. any how at least I know for next year!!!!

09-28-2010, 08:35 AM
Well I'm not entering anything either, after tearing the house apart trying to find the queenline honey jar that used to be on the canning self. Heck I know I saw it 2 weeks ago.

Amber Gold
09-30-2010, 06:59 PM
Word on the street is I got 2nd place at the Deerfield fair for the state and fair competition for my DA syrup. I think first was someone from Milford, third was someone from Mass., and I think 4th was Marty from Pittsfield. I will know for sure Saturday when I volunteer at the NHMPA sugarhouse.

red maples
10-01-2010, 07:29 AM
Thats awesome!!!! hard work pays off!!!

10-01-2010, 08:45 AM
Congrats, that gets you in the running for the Carlise.
We'll be there saturday afternoon, Catherine's taking tickets at the horse gate until 2 and then Charlotte and I are headed over. We'll make sure to stop by the NHMPA booth.

red maples
10-01-2010, 10:47 AM
I thought we'd be there on sunday but decided to go Sat evening instead. really wanted to see the demolition derby but, The wife has an art thing out in Hollis so we need to take the trek out there on sunday. So we'll stop by the sap house somethime then. Hopefully Ben(or who ever) will be making maple cotton candy. Love that stuff.

Amber Gold
10-01-2010, 08:05 PM
Dill, It does and I will be. I think I'll be entering in the Sandwich Fair as well. I'll be at the booth from 11-4. See you tomorrow.

10-01-2010, 08:30 PM
Thats great! Next year we need some entries in the belknap county fair because I got first place this year. The only problem -I was the only entry! Its nice to know my syrup stood up to some competition!


red maples
10-02-2010, 07:56 AM
Yeah I think I am gonna make the drive and go up to the sandwich fair!!! My wife talked me into it. She entered an art show out in hollis and won an award. Thats a little over an hour from me.

Placing would be outstanding but even if I don't do good I need to learn so I know what I need to do for next year! Like knowing entry time form the deerfield fair!!!:(

10-02-2010, 11:45 AM
The first thing you need is to get a cozy(cloth bag) for your 2LB honey jar. My sister in-law made a nice one with a draw string top. This is to prevent you from touching the glass and leaving smudge marks on it. I learned this the hard way at Deerfield and lost 10 points just for a little thumbprint on the bottom of the jar...Dohhhh! The rest will come easy. I enter at Belknap, hopkinton, and Deerfield fairs and can put the deadline and entry info on here next year.


Amber Gold
10-02-2010, 08:02 PM
It is confirmed...second place with a score of 99.3. Syrup was a bit heavy, but within spec. so I didn't lose points for that. I lost 0.5 pts because the winner's syrup tasted a bit better. The best flavored gets 0 pts deduction and second best gets 0.5 or more points deducted.

Unfortunately I lost 0.2 pts for having a grade sticker on the cap. Rochester fair requires a grade sticker on the jar and I assumed Deerfield did as well. My mistake, but it's a shame to lose 0.2 pts for that.

Marty, I didn't realize there was a fair in Belmont. I may need to make the trip up next year for it. I'm in the same position at Rochester being the only entrant. Unfortunately that syrup ended up too light and was disqualified as a Carlisle entry...hydrometer must be off or something. The Deerfield syrup's a different batch and I didn't touch it when I put it in the honey jar.

maple maniac65
10-04-2010, 08:03 AM
Who placed first second and third in the Carlise at Deerfield.

Thank you

Amber Gold
10-04-2010, 04:33 PM
See above post. This is what I recall. I don't believe there was a third place Carlisle winner because the person is from MA. I don't remember who the winners are, just remember where they're from.


10-04-2010, 06:45 PM
I was the third place Carlisle winner. I started out with a Deerfield yellow ribbon in fourth place but because the third place winner was from Mass. and not eligible for the Carlisle, they gave him just a third place Deerfield ribbon and I got the third place Carlisle. Kinda neat to win two ribbons with one entry!


red maples
10-07-2010, 08:40 AM
gonna make the drive up to sandwich tomorrow. My med is a touch thick so I had to thin just a bit. Its the same batch of MA that the Ag rep tested she said it was a bit heavy. Jannis said it was a bit Heavy when she tested it. She also impressed by the good maple flavor and characteristics of the syrup. I hopefully I have chance!!!! keeping my fingers crossed. Like I said before, If I place that would be outstanding but if not thats fine too Its a learning experience!!!

red maples
10-08-2010, 07:47 AM
Well the syrup is at the sandwich fair! Just got home. Long ride going back monday. nice colors up there alot more than here.

switching to flat filters for this season. huge difference!!!! So I did what someone else recommended and 2 pre filters, 2 flat filters. It does take an extra minute to get through but worth it!!! WOW what a difference from cones!!! Such a nice sparkle.