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09-23-2010, 12:43 PM
The unit is rated for 6 cfm and claims to pull 29" of vac. I have around 600 taps so it could be perfect. My SP11 seems to have seized up on me (not sure how while sitting in my shack) and I need to replace it. Here is the link to the unit. Any input would be appreciated.



09-23-2010, 02:14 PM
Hi Chris - put a little muscle/wrench on that pulley and see if she will free up. I've had some stick in the off-season and thought they froze up, but turned out they just needed to be reminded who was boss. Or, pull off the face plate and see what's going on back there.

If the pump ran the last time out, I bet it's fine.

That being said - I'm curious what others have to say about the pump you pasted. I'm in the market for high vacuum as well. Hard to believe a pump that small could run 29" at 6 cfm, but what do I know.

09-23-2010, 07:25 PM
The unit is rated for 6 cfm and claims to pull 29" of vac. I have around 600 taps so it could be perfect.

Will it pull 29" Hg = Yes, probably
Will it pull 6 CFM = Yes, probably

Will it do both at the same time = Pretty unlikely. More likely it'll pass 6 CFM at low vacuum pressure, but only very little CFM at high vacuum.

Do you have the chart that shows CFM at different vacuum ratings? That'll tell you what you really need to know.

If you keep your system very tight you might do OK most of the time with 600 taps. I'd suspect that you'll see a rapid drop off in vacuum with almost any leak though, or if your trees are generating a lot of gas.

Another concern I'd have....is this vacuum pump rated for continuous duty?

09-23-2010, 08:06 PM
NO these pumps are not rated for continuous duty i use them every day and i have three of them cause after about 2 hours of running i have to let them cool off cause they stop sucking when hot i have also had them catch fire from runing to long

09-23-2010, 10:00 PM
most pumps are rated at open flow. So that is the CFM's at 0" Hg. The higher the vac the less the CFMs. So you need to have a chart from the manufactuer or make a best guess estimate

09-24-2010, 08:57 AM
I will try the muslce method (I really like that little sp 11) It will turn about 1/4 of the way around and then gets stuck. Should I pour in a particular type of lubricant to get it freed up? Thanks.


Haynes Forest Products
09-24-2010, 05:47 PM
Sounds like a mouse nest is in it:mad: Now remember that if your pulling high HG's the CFM's don't matter:) unless as the DR said things get hot and tree gas overwh:mad: elms the pump capacity

09-24-2010, 06:27 PM
Now remember that if your pulling high HG's the CFM's don't matter....

Absolutely correct....as long as you have a nice tight tubing system, and the trees aren't producing much gas, CFMs have very little bearing on the matter.

maple flats
09-24-2010, 06:37 PM
When it stops turning, does it sound solid or is it soft? If hard likely a valve is stuck. Try some Kroil, spray a little in the inlet and if you can get to the valves easily spray there too. Let it set a few days and then try turning again. After you get it freed, try some marvel mystery oil, and after each season give it A SHOT WITH THE SAME. Unless you broke a push rod it is likely going to work again. If soft it could be a critter nest.

09-28-2010, 09:37 PM
if you go to the factory web site you can read the user's manual. These are intended for the air conditioning trade
to pump down a system. I don't think there is any way they would last 10 - 15 hours a day.

As noted above, I also don't think the CFM means much if you have a tight system.

Last year I ran 600 taps on a GAST 3/4 Hp pump. With a capped intake it pulled about 26". When I had the pipeline and taps as tight as I could get them, it got up to 21" on occasion with 3 releasers going. I got mine off Ebay at reasonable prices. Going to add a second one this year to try for 24 to 25". These are the rotary vane series, model 1023, run dry and quiet and rated for continuous duty.

If you happen to be in a situation where electric power is limited, GAST offer a new one with an inverter drive and vacuum transducer so the pump only runs as fast as needed for the vacuum
you set it to. I've never seen on of these on Ebay yet.