View Full Version : strange finds
09-16-2010, 03:14 PM
My father and I checked the woods over the other day. The farmer that owns it had taken off the field of corn in front of the woods so we could get in. While walking we found several bundles of weeds that had been pulled up and left lay just inside the tree line from the corn feild. Dad immedialty suggested that it may be marawana(sp?). I laughed and said it was just some weeds that the farmer pulled and that is all. But he kept thinking about them so he called the police and theysent an officer out to look. sure enough it was waky weed. they said that each plant was worth $1,000 and that there was over $10,000 worth there. I don't know about anyone else but I think I am harvesting the wrong thing from this woods. :)
09-16-2010, 08:46 PM
been in a similar situation on my family's woodlot in Townshend VT. about 5-6 plants- found it by following a path that the grower had used to bring water in to the plants. Pretty common out west on the National Forests in Oregon and Washington...
09-16-2010, 11:19 PM
Maplehound arent you worried that farmer isnt going to let you tap his woods now that you turned him in to the police? I had the same deal happen to me a few years ago problem being it was on my land. Called the police, they sent the drug task force in and I showed them the way. They took GPS coordinates of the area and said to stay out of the area and that they would be monitoring it by satelite. Next thing I know the neighbors house is up for sale and he hightailed it out of town lol. They said there was anywheres from 15 to 20 thousand in plants. The stupid thing is I cant figure out what the guy who planted it was thinking since he put the crap right in front of one of my deerstands. Maybe he was to stoned to realize I would be back to hunt that and find the plants. Some people are idiots.
09-17-2010, 04:36 AM
Funny this discussion should get started now. Just last week there was a huge drug bust partially on my property that seized 2500 plants with close to $5 000 000 in street value. Came home from work to find police cruisers, SUVs, ATVs, and a helicopter all in my backyard. Police said they knew who was involved but would not say if it included either of my neighbours.
09-17-2010, 11:14 AM
And to think marijuana is going to be legalized in the us. What in the world is this country coming too.
09-17-2010, 08:08 PM
3rdgen: I don't have to worry about the farmer, it wasn't his marijuana. I am not sure who it was but Iam sure that it wasn't the farmers. He was called out after they found it but he lives several miles away and had just recently taken the corn field off, several rows at a time over a couple weeks. We believe that it was being grown in the cornfield and who ever was growing it got scared that they may lose it. So they pulled it up before it was mature and left it lay in the woods to dry.
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