View Full Version : fuel oil tank

09-14-2010, 05:33 AM
Guys- Will my new to me evap suck the fuel oil out of a tank or does it have to gravity feed to the rig? My oil tank I found is only accessable from the top and has no port out the bottom. Do I need to put one in the bottom or am I ok to just put a line down in from the top? Thanks, Theron

09-14-2010, 05:44 AM
Theron---If your pipe goes to the bottom of the tank, your pump should be able to pull it out. Once the pump gets it's prime it won't be an issue at all.

Thad Blaisdell
09-14-2010, 06:03 AM
Theron, my guess is that you have Carlin 801's.... if that is the case you will be fine. The way to know exactly is off your burners you should have two lines for each burner, one is feed and one is a return line. These pumps are self priming also so all you have to do is turn it on and it will take care of the whole thing for you. What size nozzles are you using?

Thompson's Tree Farm
09-14-2010, 06:55 AM
One big enough to suck his wallet dry:lol:

09-14-2010, 07:59 AM
I'd leave the suction lines a couple inches off the bottom of the tank so you don't suck up dirt and such thats bound to accumulate there. Also be sure to put valves before the filters, its not fun trying to change a plugged filter when the tank is full and higher than the filter without a valve!

09-14-2010, 08:32 AM
you should be fine the pumps will suck a long ways mine is set-up off the top of the tank and sucks up for about 8 fet then over a wall then to the burner total run is about 25 ft .put a vavle at bottm of tank to drain off the water is a good plan

Haynes Forest Products
09-14-2010, 09:34 AM
Once the line is full of fuel its not sucking all that hard because of the siphon action. Make sure the dilivery guy doesnt beat the line flat during refueling:mad:

09-14-2010, 09:24 PM
Once you get into larger burners you are going to have 2 lines like Thad said. The pump will work better than a single line because the pump has a place to push the air in the line and keep the oil flowing better.

Haynes Forest Products
09-14-2010, 10:35 PM
My commercial Beckett has the loop but doesn't go to the tank just loops out to the intake line

09-15-2010, 04:14 AM
Guys- Thanks for the help, those were the answers I was looking for. First thing I have to do is try to clean it out a little. Its not too bad, just has a litttle crud in it but I think I can get it out pretty easy. Then Ill find away to get the lines down in from the top. Thad, Im not sure about nozzles yet. I havent really started to focus on that kind of thing. They said that each burner uses about 12 gallons of fuel oil per hour. Were going to start it up and run it in the next month or two and check for leaks and get an idea on piggy back adjustment, etc. Itll be a learning experiance for me. When I bought it I just didnt want to cut firewood anymore and I wanted to be done quicker boiling than I was with the 3 by 10. Its already helping me out becouse Im working in the woods all the time right now on my lines and not the wood. Hopefully that will translate into more syrup. Theron:)

Thad Blaisdell
09-15-2010, 05:41 AM
Theron, we have very similar setups now, you have a piggy back where I have a steamaway, if you are using carlin 801's and with 6gph nozzles that sounds like 24gph, but the pump pressure will(should) make it actually around 29 gph total for both guns. This is exactly what I had last year and could comfortably do 45 gallons of syrup per hour. I RO to 8.5-9% to do this. This year I am changing a couple of things, I am going to nozzle down to 5.5gph nozzles dropping me down to 22 (25 with the pressure), and RO'ing heavier. My steamaway before was jumping the % up about 4%, so in theory that number will come down a little, but I am hoping to RO to 12%. What I am hoping to do is slow down the boil just a little but feed it more concentrated sap and produce more syrup per hour. I tried going higher RO last year and it was a little hectic trying to keep up.... just didnt enjoy it. Hope this helps you.

Haynes Forest Products
09-15-2010, 08:53 AM
Theron Now that you mentioned the cleaning of the tank And all the work it can be. Put out the word on Craigs list for a tank. Have a buddy in Virginia that listed a tank because he changed out to gas. Guys were fighting over it because it was 3/4 full. If you play the game you will get a better tank and you can use the one you have to start collecting free fuel:)