View Full Version : Packaging Preferences for Maple Coated Nuts

09-01-2010, 02:21 PM
I plan on making up some coated peanuts, coated pecans, ect. for a one day fair coming up in October. Earlier in the year I packaged some up in 2 oz packs using clear candy bags I found in Walmart in the cake decorating section. They were a little on the large size but they worked out.

I'm looking for your suggestions on other packaging ideas.

By the way, I offered samples of the nuts during the local maple fair this past spring and sold every package of nuts (and crumbs) that I brought with me that day.

09-06-2010, 09:41 PM
the cheapest way to package them is to use cellophane bags and then seal them with a impulse sealer or any hot device(some type of iron). Most bags you get from places like walmart won't seal good or they melt instead of sealing.
Anyways just using a bag with a twist tie is not a good practice because anyone can open a bag and mess with it. So unless you know your buyers will be ok with it I'd go with cellophane. remember the consumer in most cases is looking for sealed packages now a days. Would you buy a candy bar in a store if it had a twist tie on it?