View Full Version : stupid things happen when no ones around

red maples
08-30-2010, 04:10 PM
Alright we have had them happen!!! lets here 'um ... need some entertainment before getting busy in the woods!!!!

red maples
08-30-2010, 04:17 PM
I was running tubing throught swamp and was wearing hip waders but wasn't expecting a lot of heavy mud where I was. Walked though there many times in deer season no problem.

Well I broke through the little layer of roots and leaves and stuff and both feet sank up past the knee. And it was the thin suctiony stuff. Had a 1/2 roll of 3/4 black water pipe and trying to get out lost a boot beacuse I didn't have the stap done, slipped and that foot went right in finally got the other one out but now 1/2 covered in mud finally got the boot out and slipped again but onto my butt and was covered with stinky late summer swamp mud!!! It must have been funny as hell to watch very thankful no one was there. could have ended up on america's funniest shots to the nuts show!!!

08-30-2010, 05:08 PM
Last fall I was driving down the road and seen three guys doing something in the middle of a field. Turned out one guy sank to his waist in the mud and the other two were trying to pull him out of the mud.
Nothing ever happens to me weird that isn't caused by she who must be obeyed.

08-30-2010, 07:08 PM
Years ago - I was Deer hunting in a Cedar swamp and had a huge flock of wild turkeys (free range?) wander thru my hunting area and hung around for about an hour and drifted off. I stayed in my blind till dark and in that swamp it was very dark and spooky. Gathering up my gear and flashlight I started out for the cabin and after about 10 minutes decided to relieve myself. Well - as luck would have it - my stop was right under the cedars the turkeys had picked for their nights roost and about half way thru my mission all hell broke loose - with turkeys squalking - trying to fly and busting small branches all over me. Naturally - at first - I didn't think turkeys - but - rather a herd of giant Black Bears or something far worse attacking me and I went into full panic and started to run - leaving Rifle, backpack, flashlight etc behind - what probably saved me was that my pants were around my ankles and I fell flat on my face and the fall knocked a little sense back into me. No bears biting my neck or anything else - just a bunch of mad turkeys trying to regroup. Wellllll -- I retrived my light and other gear (and Yes - pulled up my pants) and headed back to camp. - I couldn't B.S. my way out of this one and had to fess up to the guys why I was such a mess and so late getting back to camp --------Oh! to keep the story legal - We had Maple Syrup on our pancakes for breakfast---------

red maples
08-30-2010, 07:30 PM
thats why I put this one in the sugar inn...for off topic. funny stuff man

farmall h
08-30-2010, 07:41 PM
The year 2001 Thanksgiving. Had a family gathering @ my Grandmother's house as we always do year after year. Had my pickup so after the big meal I went out to the old log landing in the back yard to fill my truck with oak chunks (firewood). Well it was getting sorta dark out and in the distance I could hear coydogs yipping and the pack seemed to be getting closer. I really didn't get too nervous about it 'cause after I have heard them many times over the years. Next thing I know I see the underbrush shaking and this growling. Well..I jumped up in the back of the truck and had a chunk of wood ready to hurl! Next thing I know my two brothers and uncle come out of the bushes growling and dressed in camo. :o It was deer season and I should have known they would do something like that. I must admit...I did scream like a little girl!!! :emb:

08-30-2010, 08:30 PM
thats why I put this one in the sugar inn...for off topic. funny stuff man

Yep - I figured that out on my own self (believe it or not) - But - hey - had to keep a little maple flavor in the story - even though it wasn't required.

08-30-2010, 08:51 PM
I'll only admit to things like putting the chain on the saw on backwards and tripping on stumps in the snow. Other things that weren't witnessed by anyone else didn't actually happen!

08-30-2010, 10:32 PM
The one that comes to the top of my head is back in the old walleye pro fishing days. This one tournament trail I was in had its championship tournament In the middle of the winter on Bay of Quinte. It was prestigoues (spelling) to do well enough in the year to get a spot in it. Its is a 3 day on the ice cannot get off it or your DQed fishing tournament. You ate slept and everything in between for 72 hours. Well something like 70 freaking hours go by and not a single team has caught a walleye. Yes it was sad but with 2 hours to go I pretty much gave up left my line in the water and laid across the seats in my fishtrap held the rod in my hand and closed my eyes. I woke up to this tuggin on my arm and quickly looked into the monitor of my under water camera and see this walleye spitting the hook out of its mouth. Grand prize was a $50,000 Ranger pro walleye boat and a new 3/4 ton Chevy truck to pull it withfor each team member. Nobody ended up winning. I didnt tell anyone on my team for years.

08-30-2010, 10:46 PM
Okay since Im telling stories heres another fishing one for you Red lol. Another Pro Walleye tournament story for ya. First off you got to understand the thinking of these guys. When you found a hot lure you drove to every local tackle shop and bought everyone on the shelf. Not cause you needed them but because you didnt want anyone else to get them. Yeah it was expensive. So we are prefishing for this tournament out of Black Bay on Lake Ontario. We teamed up with 3 other boats during prefishing and decided to share our findings and we all fished a different way in a different spot. Well the PWT monitors all radio communications and if you got caught with a cell phone you were in trouble. So what we came up with a gps coordinate we would meet at and just putz around and quickly tell our results. This one team did extremely well and He said yelling over the motors and wind HOTNTOTS giving me a thumbs up. Well heck I dont have any HotNTots in the boat. So me and my partner go to the store and buy like $2500 bucks worth of these things. Opening day of tournament we put 4 rods out with HOTNTOTS on them. Fished all day and at the last few minutes we get one walleye in the boat. We get to weigh in and man teams are limited out. We end up getting big fish for the tournament and get paid 3 grand. I go over to the team ticked off about the HOTNTOTS tip and he sits there laughing his head off at me. Im getting madder and madder at this guy. He looks at me laughing and says "I said FISH HOT ON THE TOP".

08-30-2010, 10:48 PM
Man those were some of the funnest days in my life. Sure miss it but dont miss how much it cost me.

08-30-2010, 10:58 PM
Hey Red your other post reminds me of another story. Sorry but you asked lol. I gather sap one day a couple years ago and didnt realize at the time my dad had unhooked the line and left the valve open on the holding tank inside the sugarhouse. So I am leaning against the trator watching the gathering tank empty. Its finally drained and I go down inside the sugarhouse to see how full the tank holding tank is. I opened the door to a flooded sugarhouse floor. A few hours later of mopping and drying things up I get back on the tractor and go back and collect another load of sap. Yep you guessed it I never closed that frigging valve. Floor was really clean when I was all done though.

Haynes Forest Products
08-30-2010, 11:53 PM
Does standing in a washing machine with a pencil in the safety switch and putting it on spin count. When that didn't work I sat on the side and let it get up to speed and then tried to jump in and stand up..............you got it that didn't work either. CRAPPY plastic agitators Now who do I blame for the (&^$#$#@$ing mess. I was 10 give me a break.:emb:

My wife wonders why I sit in my truck and just stare out at the tree line and shake my head and laugh at my kids doing what I used to do.

Thad Blaisdell
08-31-2010, 04:14 AM
Back in 1989, during bow season in vermont, I being the good citizen that I used to be went to the local red cross blood drive and gave blood one afternoon. I got back to my fathers dairy farm and did my chores quick so that I could get up to my spot for the night. I got up to my spot and got all settled in and about 20 minutes later this nice 8 point buck showed up. Now back 20 years ago I used to get wicked buck fever. The buck putzed around for a little while before heading for the apple tree I was guarding. Upon arrival I was ready. I started to draw back, with visions of this buck in the back of the pick-up, and proceeded to pass out cold. I woke up about 15 minutes later a little cold but no worse for wear, decided to get set back up as it was still early. An hour later the buck came back. Lets just say it was a repeat performance. I no longer give blood during hunting season.

08-31-2010, 11:07 AM
Thad thats funny but scary. My nephew's first encounter with a deer was while he had a stomach bug. Lets just say when he seen his first buck ever and drew his bow back on him he filled his pants literly. As they say crap happens and that time it really did. Everytime I see him I cant stop laughing.

red maples
08-31-2010, 12:58 PM
oh yes did many many stupid things when I was kid...even worst when I was in high school and the scary thing was alot of then didn't even include alcohol. :rolleyes: went camping just me and 4-5 of my friends...decided at 3am we wanted to play frisbee. Well it was way back in the woods we built 3 huge fires and played frisbee. no alcohol. bottle rocket and fircracker fights...while driving!!!! back dirt roads none goes there. ah yes stupid crap.

08-31-2010, 05:37 PM
When I was about 12 or so - I acquired a stash of M-80 fire crackers and had fun - for awhile - lighting and tossing them. But - that got boring so I started to think (always gets me in trouble) what if I make a pistol of sorts and find something to shoot. So with a collection of old cast pipe fittings I assembled my ----pistol and found that a size D flashlight cell fit just right in the barrel and drilled a hole in the elbow to stick the M-80 fuse out of. So - not being totally stupid loaded it up - layed it on a dirt pile with blocks to hold it down - lit the fuse and ran. Worked real slick and found the battery about a football field away. So - now, total idiot kicks in and I start shooting it like a pistol - only thing that saved me is another kid told my Folks what their idiot son was doing and the old man read me the riot act -- so I hid my weapon----away. About a year later I came accross where I had it hid and tried it again - using the pile of dirt and cement blocks -- good thing I did - the darn thing blew apart like a grenade. So - I survived and moved on to even dumber heights ----- Mike

Dennis H.
08-31-2010, 07:09 PM
I have never been lucky for stupid things to happen when I was by myself, there was always someone there to see it and proceed to tell everyone they know of the stupid act I did!

One of them I can remeber was during my pyro stage me and my brother would throw the empty hairspray cans from my sisters into the fire while burning trash, very cool. Then we got the bright idea that if that was cool how about a full can of spray paint! We stood there about 15' away watching and waiting, POW! that thing took off down the yard about 100 yards. Man was that AWESOME! We looked at each other ready to say lets get another can and saw that we both were cover head to toes in tiny green paint spots.

Another one is I had this bright idea to touch my tongue to the electric train tracks that I had set up in my bedroom. I figured that touch your tongue to a 9V battery isn't so bad how bad could 12V HO train tracks hurt. Well let me tell you, it felt like I had 2 lines burnt across my tongue for about an hour after that!!:o That is when I learned that it isn't always about voltage.

Man there are so many more, there just isn't enough space here!!:lol:

08-31-2010, 08:44 PM
Dennis - You are right about all the things that happen in a lifetime - after I read about you and your brother and the spray paint can ---- the adventures of growing up came flooding over me -- to many to even try to tell.... But it all was a fun adventure and we survived it and still able to laugh at ourselves over the crazy things we all do -------- Mike

p.s. Can't help myself - One August - years ago - was trying to light charcoal and ran out of charcoal starter and the beer I was drinking said what the heck - use gasoline - so I did - stood back some and tossed a match - Not far enough back - the thing blew - burned my face and singed my eyebrows and mustache - Ever since - whenever I light charcoal - the Wife laughs and says "Remember dear - no gasoline".......

farmall h
08-31-2010, 09:04 PM
Probably the most stupid thing I did is when I moved myself and the wife into our new house. I proceeded to load the washing machine in the back of my pickup then headed up the steep driveway (winter time) and forgot I had removed my tailgate. Should have ( as the wife says) backed up the driveway you dumb _ _ _! Brand new washer by the way went down the driveway, crossed the road and down into the ditch. :mad:

Thad Blaisdell
08-31-2010, 09:18 PM
Now that would have been fun to watch!

08-31-2010, 10:15 PM
A few years back, I was repairing the door bottoms on a old Dodge service van. While I was using the cutting torch laying on my back on the ground I was confussed when the flame seemed to be coming back towards my face. A second later there was no doubt that there was HUGE amounts of flame coming at me. When I managed to get out of there and to my feet the whole back door was on fire! After putting the fire out and looking at the door I remembered that the inside of the vans back door always made a great storage spot for those spray paint cans. I had cut right into the bottom of one of the cans!:o

09-01-2010, 08:00 AM
Well there are not very many people that can say they blew up themselves and their BBQ up at the same time. I had just gotted my LP tank filled and my family was all there for Fathers Day dinner. My girlfriend came in from putting the meat on the grill and informed me the BBQ was making a loud whistling sound. Being a know it all, I new what to do so I proceeded to get a screwdriver from the basement and went out to the grill. I opened the cabinet and tilted the LP tank on its side and proceeded to release the preasure from the tank and about the third quick turn it happened. All I saw was a large flash of flames, the next thing I remember I was picking my self off the ground and the BBQ was burning out of control. My family came rushing out of the house after hearing this loud boom to see me picking myself off the ground. When I came to my senses I called to my boys to help me get my fire extinguishers from my car to put out the fire. We put out the fire just in time as the house siding was just starting to melt. Needless to say I spent Fathers Day night in the ER with 1st and 2nd degree burns to my hand and legs while the rest of my family went to Tom Wahls for dinner. To add insult to injury the local paper printed a story in the paper with a headline of "Local Man blows up grill and self". This was over 3 years ago and I still get busted on about LP grills. Oh yeah, we still do not have a new BBQ grill yet. No figure.

09-01-2010, 08:46 PM
Must be a Yank thing.Never have any excitement. I do remember three of us trying to carry a washing machine out of a basement and we could not lift it. Almost killed us until I heard the sloshing and figured out it was still full of water and cloths when my mom turned it off.
Hunting stories my grandfsther took first prize for those.He drilled out the chamber of a 22 to fit a 25 RF and actually pulled the trigger and could not figure out why his face was full of crap doing it.
I did go out after elk one year and had to go home early as I could not keep warm.Found out the ergotimens the doctor had me on said not to go out in cold weather or frost bite would occur. I slept all summer with a heating pad under my feet to keep warm and could not figure out what caused it.

09-02-2010, 08:41 AM
With me, if its really stupid and no one is around and it leaves no tracks, it never happened.

09-02-2010, 12:48 PM
The list is really way too long to discuss them all and this probably doesn't exactly meet the topic of the thread because someone WAS around, but one of my personal favorites though involved my grandfather and his attempt to "unclog" the sewer line running from the house to the septic. He was always what we refer to as a "big thinker". Which doesn't mean that he thought things through, just that he didn't let the details get in the way of the ultimate goal. This combined with the fact that he didn't mind spending an inordinate amount of time on setting up a seemingly genius plan made him incredibly dangerous. Anyway, he didn't have a drain snake, but he did work for the railroad so he had access to some pretty heavy duty equipment. Come Friday night he pulled into the yard towing a monstrous air compressor that they probably used to pressure test boilers or something ridiculous like that. He dug up a section of the septic pipe, drilled a hole in it and proceeded to thread in a fitting that would allow him to connect the air compressor. After completing this task, which undoubtedly took him more time to do than just finding a drain snake he could borrow, he proceeded to go find my dad who was about 14 at the time. My dad for some odd reason failed to inherit the "big thinker" gene and was therefore a constant source of disappointment for my grandfather. For reasons that my grandfather just couldn't understand my dad refused to take part in the plan despite a wide variety of threats including beatings, witholding of meals, grounding, etc. But, having spent all this time perfecting his work of septic art grandpa wasn't about to give up now. Time to adapt and adjust the plan. Ignore fate trying to tell you to STOP NOW and just forge ahead without fear. That was the motto he worked with at all times. He managed to find one of his younger step-daughters who was completely oblivious to what was going on lounging around in the living room and conned her into "watching" to make sure things were going according to plan. He never told her the plan of course. My dad at this time was circling the perimeter just waiting for the inevitable. My grandfather headed back outside, fired up the air compressor, took the pressure on up to somewhere in the near atom bomb range, and then opened the switch. A few seconds of silence and then from inside the house comes a blood-curdling scream and my dad rushes in to find his step-sister looking just like a mummy, all wrapped up in the past 3 weeks worth of toilet paper. Every surface in the bathroom is soaking wet and there are all sorts of undescribable horrors dripping from the walls, ceiling, and his step-sister. She's was standing there utterly frozen with disgust and fear, arms flared at her sides as if she was afraid the mess on her would touch other areas of mess on her. To this day my dad still says it was worth 10X the whipping he got for laughing.

09-02-2010, 01:39 PM
Two or Three years ago In January i walked out to my garage to gather up my deer hunting stuff to put it away. I opened up my gun case on my quad to find no gun. Late firearm doe season ended January 1st and i hunted the last day this was probably 2 or three weeks later. I checked my gun cabinet looked all over for my gun nothing. My wife asked me what i was doing i didn't tell her because it was actually hers. Its a 20 GA h&r with a 3x9 Leopold scope shoots very nice groups.I went back to the garage and looked around and that was the only thing missing so nobody would break in and only take that right? So i wrote it off as a possible brother in law joke (have seen worse)and dodged a couple of questions from my wife on where her gun was. That April i went turkey hunting i parked my quad in the same area that i park when i deer hunt went hunting came back to my quad looked over at the ground and there's my gun. Its camo so it blended in with the corn stalks very well. The out side is painted it looked new the bore had a little rust in it but it cleaned up fine. It still shoots 3 in groups at 100 yards and i shot a 4 year old 10 pt with it last fall.The next day after i found it my brother worked that field up.I think what i did is leaned it up against the back of my quad loaded the rest of my stuff and drove off.

Thad Blaisdell
09-02-2010, 03:15 PM
Hope you never forget your wife if you take her hunting..... you may not get away with that quite as easy. Good story though...

09-02-2010, 03:40 PM
Its only a 3/4 mile walk. I also just bought another h&r 20 GA so i don't have to use or lose hers.:lol:

red maples
09-03-2010, 09:16 AM
C. wilcox man I knew it was coming as soon as you said air compressor!!!

heres a hunting 1 ...my poor Dad.

Well the first year I went hunting with a gun that is I was 10 yrs old it was my first day Ithink I was in and out of the tree 2 times in the morning. and 2 times in the afternoon. Why?

just got up in the treestand was still dark and my Dad wasn't but 50 yrds away in another tree. Well sun was just coming up and I had to pee. so I quitely as possible got my Dad's attention and he helped me down and I took a quick walk and did my business. got back over and up in the tree and he went and sat on the edge of the field on the rock wall. Well of course nature called again but th other one. got my dad's attention and said Dad I have to poop. I think he just had it by then. So He helped me down again and I went and did my business. He said well lets go get some b-fast and go some where else. we hunted the rest of the day. And we went back to the morning stands. I was sure I didn't have to go he gave me a coffee can just in case. BUT I had to do a poop again :emb: and he ripped his hankerchief in to small pieces for me, because I usd his toilet paper in the morning. Well we got back up in the stands and we actually saw a couple of little Does walk under the stand so it wasn't a total loss. My poor Dad learned Icouldn't go unless I went to the bathroom first and always had something to pee in up in the stand.

Jeff E
09-03-2010, 09:37 AM
About 2 am in the sugar house. Wood fired evaporator is hungry, and wheel barrow is about empty. RO is going, auto draw is working, and I load up the last of the wood into the evaporator. Get the boil really going, some aspen in there I guess.

Off to the wood pile I go. When I get back to the sugar house, the auto draw off is doing its thing, and my 5 gallon pail is full, and there is another 3 gallons of syrup running down the floor drain. I probably spill another 1/2 gallon getting the pail moved and replaced with an empty.

I hate mopping up syrup...

farmall h
09-04-2010, 09:07 PM
Stupid thing #2, burned brush just before it rained...got windy...fire went into woods...didn't rain afterall, ran out of garden hose and water pressure, called the fire dept. phew! Dumb and scary. #3 Removed the drive shaft universal joint on my skidder in order to adjust the brake drum...needed more room so I articulated the steering...when I did I snapped the shaft (inside the transmission). $1600.00 later had it fixed. #4 last fall cutting firewood, had a branch under pressure about 4" in dia. knew it was under pressure...just nipped it with the saw and "whack" caught me right in the chest and threw me and the saw..knocked the breath outa me! Ouch.:o #5 When I was much younger (16) my brother and I were bet $5 dollars each to jump off the gutter cleaner ramp and into the manure pile (not solid-rather liquid). Kinda mis judged the depth and ended up to our mouths' in cow sh_ _! Had to be pulled out with rope and pick-up truck! Ah man I could go on and on.

Haynes Forest Products
09-05-2010, 04:16 PM
Hey Farm all I was coming home from town and saw a grass fire near my cabin and ran in the house called into 911 and after about 10 min of fighting it with neighbors I call in again and now Im getting pissed I told dispatch that I could go get the equipment quicker myself because I was only about a mile from the Volunteer fire station. 10 min later Sturgeon bay fire department goes past the driveway and I call 911 and start giving them hell and they tell me to file a complaint with the county if Im not happy and they hang up. Now They come down the road and start fighting the fire and Jackson ports volunteers show up and cant get the new foam truck working and now everyone is wondering why Sturgeon Bay from 15 miles away is on the fire first:o WELL when I called in the address I told them the wrong road right number Cave Point and Clarks lake roads are one in tha same five miles down the road:emb: :emb: Its fun going into town and have 1/2 of the people in the bars on the department:cool:

09-07-2010, 09:08 PM
Folks were watching! But felt like I was on my own.
Decided to burn the small chicken coop behind the garage while cleaning up Dads farm. How hot could it get? RIGHT! I soon realized that the garage was in danger as the boards began to steam. Luckily I did have a piddly green garden hose that I could put my thumb over the end and get it to squirt about 5 feet! Just enough to wet the end of the garage. Then it was, Hey! its getting hot on me between the burning chicken coop and the garage, so apply a little water on me too, then a little on the garage, then more on me, then more on me, then a little on the garage, then more on me. WHEW! I had burn marks on my hips where the rivets on my jeans burnt into my skin. We did get the chicken coop burnt up! Ouch, still too hot to think about that one.:)


farmall h
09-09-2010, 07:10 PM
I might have to ask the wife if she remembers some of my stupid acts...I'm sure she will dig up something. Oh here's one, maybe one of you folks have done it before. Went to local mini-mart one morning and bought coffee, shot the breeze, got two gallons of gas for Husqvarna 272xp (2 wks old @ $710.00) and then went to the woods. Filled up saw with gas and oil. Drove skidder into the woods and cut one tree down...saw died! No mixy the oily in the gas can:mad:

09-09-2010, 09:54 PM
Yeah, I toasted a Jonsered 49SP that way. Mechanic just laughed.
#2. I used to work under ground utilities.( This is a little different twist on CW's tale) We were conducting a pressure test on a recently completed stretch of pipe. It was Friday afternoon. The test passed and we were able to start bleeding off the 4#'s of air from around a mile of 8"force main. The process was going **** slow for young guys with girl friends waiting 4 hours away.
I thought what's 4#'s of air pressure? Let's get that plug out and get rolling home.
The boss figured about the same so I ventured down the manhole, straddled the pipe and unthreaded the plug to loosen it. I can't really remember or describe what happened next. Kind of a cross between an weak explosion and a tornado I guess. I emerged undamaged, but s--t spackled. The guys on top said my hat flew out of the manhole and landed 50 feet away. An old timer came trundling down the street to report we'd washed his backside.
Well, they made me go back to our lodging, shower and change clothes:lol: before getting in the truck for the ride home.
Red Green is my hero.:emb:

09-09-2010, 11:43 PM
Smoking chainsaw motor reminds me of something stupid The lady of the house did. Well Im blaming her for it lol. She never ever ever mows or weed wacks the lawn. She says its my job and the flowers are hers. Well the one and only time she decided to help she grabbed the weedwacker, filled it up with gas and a few minutes later came over to me and said the dang thing quit and wont start. I said well go get the newer one out of the shop and use that and I will look at the other one later. Few minute later she comes over and says "honey that one quit too and wont start". Upon further inspection she used the gas can for the lawnmower to fill them both up. That was the last time she ever picked up a weedwacker lol.

red maples
09-10-2010, 08:03 AM
Yeah I just like to run my chain saw on bar oil!!!:confused: luckily it cleaned itself out and is just fine and works like a champ now. but it was only a month old and put gas in the wrong hole and oil in the wrong hole....:emb:

Haynes Forest Products
09-10-2010, 02:59 PM
Fellow syrup maker used E85 to top off his brand new snowmobil........$1800.00 now its brand new all over again. First wife filler her snowmobil with diesel................................WHAT DOES THE GREEN HANDLE MEA:mad: :o :cry: N

Thad Blaisdell
09-10-2010, 05:08 PM
I filled my pick-up with diesel once.... got about 1/2 mile down the road and it started acting funny, I knew instantly what I had done. Luckily I had a manual shift. I down shifted real low and revved it up high, I drove it straight home 15 miles away. As long as it was revved up high I had no problem. Got it home and shut it off, drained the fuel out and filled it with gas. Took a few tries to get her running. The smoke was so heavy coming out of the exhaust that it fell to the ground funniest thing ever to see. Got it running and had no other issues with it.

09-10-2010, 08:55 PM
Atleast you didn't put gas into a diesel engine. You probably wouldn't have been so lucky

09-10-2010, 11:05 PM
I know a trucking company that mixes their gas with diesel 50/50 in the winter to run their diesel trucks. They been doing it forever.

red maples
09-11-2010, 03:34 PM
my Dad is a diesel mechanic and is forman and over sees 128 tandems. He's in NW Jersey but it still get pretty cold over there. and He always Fills the fuel tanks 75/25 in the winter.

red maples
09-13-2010, 05:22 PM
Well new one today. Well not my really my fault ....Cutting away at a downed tree from the wind storm out in the maple bush and started to feel sharp little stings and I look down and there was mixed in with chain saw dust about 25-30 yellow jackets stuck to my shirt. and I took off through the woods I had ear plugs in so I was probably screaming like a little girl. I was standing right on a ground hive didn't know it. only got stung 5 times.

Had to finish off the maple that snapped in 1/2... 12 inch diameter tapped for the first time last year!!! :( it had a little new growth but it had to come down:cry: I gave it a salute thank it for the sap it gave. and down it came.

09-13-2010, 10:34 PM
I must ask, what would be the logic behind cutting diesel fuel with gasoline??

Doesnt gell up in the cold. Easier starts in winter.

Haynes Forest Products
09-14-2010, 12:00 AM
I have another dumb one I did when I was alone in the garage I was testing a air cylinder that I was going to use on a blacksmithing power hammer. I hocked it up to a foot pedal and put a washer on the end of the cylinder rod. I held onto the washer with both hands and hit the pedal:o :cry: SNAP 3 fingers on each hand were now clamped tight..............the ram had to complete the cycle to release. After trying to bite the airhose loose I screamed for my 7 year old to come out and cut the line with a utility knife. Dang kids work slow when your screaming at them.

09-14-2010, 06:13 AM
Guys !!These are some good ones . I hope we don't have to compete against the likes of BP ,or that gas company in CA though.

09-14-2010, 08:16 AM
Once upon a time my father in law managed to get both thumbs stuck in a conibear trap he was setting in the backyard. Not sure how he did it, but the trap snapped shut unexpectedly and there he stood. I say stood because he had the trap mounted in a box up high on a shelf in order to trap a pesty raccoon. He had to stand there and wait until his wife came home to release him. She laughed for a long time before turning him loose with two really sore thumbs and a embarrassed look on his face.

red maples
09-14-2010, 08:24 AM
When you add gas it thins out the mixture and the fuel doesn't jell up and and starts easier in the colder weather. OH whoops sorry 3rdgen didn't see you said answered him allready.

09-14-2010, 08:51 AM
I've always been told to use 25% kerosene in the winter. I'd be afraid to use gas period, I'd think it'd not be good for the engine.

red maples
09-14-2010, 09:06 AM
I'll have to ask my Dad. He's been a diesel mechanic/heavy machinery for 45+ years.

red maples
09-14-2010, 06:51 PM
I did talk to my Dad and he said they used to mix 75/25 diesel to kerosene(not gas) years ago but now they buy winter diesel which comes pre mixed with kerosene and other additivesthat are added at the refinery so that it doesn't jell but he said the trucks do tend to run a bit hotter in the winter beacuse its a bit thinner of a mixture but only by a few degrees...not a big deal.

09-14-2010, 07:29 PM
I always knew you could mix kerosine to blend it but never heard of gasoline.
Most companies will automaticly blend it once cold weather comes

farmall h
09-16-2010, 03:55 PM
Here's another one.....one day I was helping my mechanic friend in his garage as we were getting two demo derby cars ready. He was cutting off a motor mount or something and caught the rubber bushing on fire. He was under the car and yelled to me to "tossed that old antifreeze jug of water that's near the wall onto the fire". Well I did. Unfortunately the jug had chainsaw gas in it instead! Whoosh....there goes his eyebrows!:emb:

09-16-2010, 08:49 PM
farmall/bob- how come these crazy things seem to happen always when you are around? coincidence....

farmall h
09-17-2010, 10:24 PM
I don't know. But...here's another. My inlaws bought 30 acres of woodland/pasture and were interested in having me log it. Well it was late fall maybe October and my daughter (4 yrs at the time) and wife decided to walk the land with me. So we set off @ 4pm and walked to the end the property line. Not the best wood but it was good. Well I got sight of the wood next door and we decided to look around. Long story short...I was looking up at so many $$trees that I kinda got us "lost". Not really lost just a long way from the truck! Finally made it out of the woods just before dark about 2 miles south of where we went in. I kept telling the wife that I know where we are...it's just gonna take a long time to get there. To say the least I haven't walked land with her since.:)