View Full Version : west virginia ???

08-27-2010, 04:00 PM
can anybody tell me/teach me about west virginia??..i,am thinking about moving there.i,ve been thur it in a big truck and talked to people from there.but i,am wondering about job,s,taxes,ect,ect,ect.


ps:ofcourse i,de have to live where i could tap maples.. :D

220 maple
08-27-2010, 10:09 PM
West Virginia is on the fringe of the maple producing areas of the country, And sometimes it is difficult to make syrup there. This past season I had my best season ever and I would be willing to bet that there are camps up north that would consider my production terrible. If you followed any of my previous posts you will discover that myself an about 40 other syrup producers in the state have little if any trouble selling all of are syrup. Look for high elevation on the western slope of the Allegheny Mountain range and you should have plenty of moisture (Rain or snow) , price of land is dropping so it should be a buyers market.

Mark 220 Maple

08-27-2010, 10:49 PM
There is only one thing I can tell you about W Virginia. It is an overlooked honey hole for big whitetail bucks.

08-28-2010, 01:52 AM
thanks guys..i have looked into this move alittle bit and i,de wanta be in the northern half of w va.whereever i end up i wanta be where it,s easy to get back here if need be..thus the northern half.
3rdgen:i used to put fear in the local whitetails..so what you said helps..:D i have turned into more of a fur trapper now tho..but,every now and then i go worry the whitetails.

08-28-2010, 08:32 PM
one thing about W.V. is that since everybody is related they can't do DNA testing anymore. It's also where they invented the toothbrush as anyother place would have invented a teethbrush instead. If you see anybody with a banjo run.

Haynes Forest Products
08-29-2010, 08:51 AM
My parents are inbreeds but I ain't..............................SHUT UP CHUCK:emb:

08-29-2010, 02:21 PM
bunch of smartazzes..lol


09-01-2010, 05:47 PM
ok,enough wva jokin...i,am very serious here and i,de like this post to be moving alot better if it can.
i,am not only intrested in sugaring info but anything really.land cost,taxes,other fees if any,ect,i live inn new york so anyplace is better/cheaper to live in then here.i,ve been looking into this in other ways also and i know i,de like to look into the northern half of the state.i still wanta be close enough to ny to come home if i need too.i live off of i-81 in ny so i,de be using that to get back and forth..most likely.but there is another good way to get here it takes me thur the pittsburg,pa area.


09-01-2010, 08:26 PM
Well you at it what the hell is a mountain momma also. They have trees there I am told.

09-02-2010, 10:47 AM
KEN:you need to knock it off..and being in quebec you really have nothing to say..i always heard that all the guys in quebec are gay..is THAT!! true?? i,ve been up there and i,ve been around alot of french canadian log truck drivers and i,am thinkin they all are..they sure act it.


220 maple
09-04-2010, 05:02 AM
Guess what my friend, thanks to your comments about West Virginians Delbert and I have taken the West Virginia request to the PM side of this message board. That I feel is a shame because they maybe others who might gain some insight about West Virginia syrup making, taxes, and land values. Just because you know everything does not mean that everyone on this site does. I myself get on the Mapletrader site to learn how other syrupmakers are doing things. Please don't say anything bad about Dr. Perkins or the University of Vermont, the info from them is priceless for a novice like myself.
MY 2 CENTS WORTH from a native West "BY GOD" Virginian

Mark 220 Maple

09-04-2010, 04:50 PM
I guess the big problem is people being so lazy they get others to do their work for them. That is what I see in the thread. If he wants to move why can't he pay for the info like the rest of us have to when we do things. seems like WV hasn't got much going for it or somebody would have said something positive about it a long time ago.

09-04-2010, 05:05 PM
KEN:your a idiot..you have no clue what i,ve been doing other then what you see on here..this post is one of many things i,ve been doing to look into a move...and i,am anything but lazy ask anybody i,ve ever worked for.
220:thanks for talking with me and sharing the info you have.

trapper for life

09-04-2010, 09:04 PM
I agree---Ken, you need to BUTTON IT!!!!

09-05-2010, 07:04 AM
You guys have way to much time on your hands and need something to do really bad. As far as taxes, we pay them once a year instead of monthly as they do in NY, so our property taxes are probably about 20 to 25 percent of what they are in NY depending on where you live. Some counties and areas in the states are less than that. Cost of property is much cheaper and cost of living is not very high.

As far as maple trees, I am in the southern part of the state about 45 minutes from Virginia line straight south and the maples are hit and miss. Some areas have a lot but some don't have sugar maples. Area where I tap is about 25 to 30 minutes from where I live and there is a lot of sugars in that area.

People are very friendly and I have traveled all over eastern half of US and I don't see where we are really any different than about any other state as other states have their qualms.

09-05-2010, 07:13 AM
Brandon- Let them poke fun. Your laughing all the way to the bank. I think it sounds like a great place to live. Not necessarily the best for sugaring but Im kind of in the same boat here. The better weather is up north. Only thing bad up there sometimes is the snowpack. The remoter the better as far as Im concerned. Its mostly dirt roads and farmers here and I love it that way. Theron

09-05-2010, 12:27 PM
WVAMAPLER:where did you hear we pay monthly taxes?? thats news to me.up here we pay two diffrent taxes on land/the house.county/town taxes in january and school taxes in september.yes,we are taxed to death in ny tho..a $100,000 house figures out to roughly $3000.00 a year in taxes.
i,ve already desided i,,de wanta be in the northern half of wva..northern 1/3 really.i just need to figure out where excatly.i live in the country up here and i like it so i,ll do the same down there.
i,ve been all over the state and now i,am spending time doing research on the web.i have a job with alot of time off so,once i kinda deside where i wanta be i think i,ll take trips down there to look around more.i have up to two weeks off at a time and next summer i,ll have pretty much the whole summer off if need be.i do also work for myself but i can work around that.


Thad Blaisdell
09-05-2010, 01:40 PM
I guess the big problem is people being so lazy they get others to do their work for them. That is what I see in the thread. If he wants to move why can't he pay for the info like the rest of us have to when we do things. seems like WV hasn't got much going for it or somebody would have said something positive about it a long time ago.

As far as being lazy.... hmmmmm I think it was a great idea to ask for advice here. This is an area that anyone can ask for help, so he did. Now he didn't get many responses, maybe because there are not that many active members from West Virginia that cruise mapletrader this time of year, ever think of that. Now lets address the paying for info part of your post. Who in the hell pays for information about a place to live. My suggestion for twobears would be to isolate certain areas that he would want to live in and contact the Chamber of commerce in those areas. Then he would get a good feel for what is available in those specific places.

Now where we come from we have a pretty specific saying for instances like this...Go pound sand.

09-05-2010, 01:48 PM
I have been working so much, I haven't been on here for 3.5 weeks. As far as taxes, my house would be around $ 150,000 and it is about $ 680 per year in property taxes. They don't have it valued that high on the tax books but that is about what it would bring if I sold it.

09-05-2010, 11:48 PM
Hey twobears if you ever need a guy to come down to W. Virginia to hunt whitetails with Im your guy lol. If family didnt have me tied to the state of NY W.Virginia would be one of my top choices. Im right in the snowbelt of NY and a milder winter but still having 4 seasons and maples and cheaper taxes sounds like a good choice to me. Take a look at Brandons pictures and tell me if those bucks wouldnt get any hunter excited. Good luck in your search.

09-06-2010, 11:28 AM
3GEN:I looked at those pic,s and when are we going hunting??..heheheehehe.one of the things i,am looking at is getting from here to where ever i go and settle..i,am single with no kids but,i do have alot of family up here.i wanta be someplace down there where i can still get home without to much trouble.i kinda have a area in mind but,i need to reseach it alot more.
i looked at realty last night on the web..i found a house that sold for $145,000 and the taxes where $400.00..gotta love that..it would be $3000.00 here.
THAD:i had looked at Chamber of commerce websites..theres alot of good info there...and i agree with ya..PAY!! for the info i,am needing to make a move..why?? i,ve never heard of anybody doing that and with all the info on the web now why would you.


09-06-2010, 07:53 PM
Since I was the guy wronged here I have the right to defend myself.But will not. After hearing that song for so many years the mention of WV bothers me still.
I guess some people can't read very good.