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View Full Version : oberdorfer gear pump

08-23-2010, 07:51 PM
So a few weeks ago i was going through some junk i bought at an auction a few years ago. One of them was this crappy motor and pump. Well as i was looking at the pump i thought to myself "that looks like a gear pump". After about 6 hours of cleaning grease off the thing and completly disassembling it i finally have a like new oberdorfer gear pump. It says 450 on the top and 50 on the pully endand is 1/2 inch in/out.

I plan on using this with a gear reducer to make maple cream. My big question is about grease. There are two grease zerk fitting on this pump and since i couldn't get all the grease out of those a replaced them with new ones. Do i still need to grease this thing and what type of food grade grease is recommended for maple syrup production.


08-23-2010, 08:47 PM
This might sound a little crazy - but - why not vaseline patroleum jelly. If it can be used on small children and on open wounds. Why not as a grease for your pump? Maybe someone will shoot this down - but a thought------

08-23-2010, 08:54 PM
I'm not sure what the name of the grease I use in my filter press. All I know is that it is a cartridge just like a regular grease gun. It looks like vasoline. It also last a long time since it only uses a tiny bit to grease it.
I think if you look in the maple catalogs you will find some or go to grainger

Haynes Forest Products
08-24-2010, 12:14 AM
Im partial to HAYNES FOOD GRADE GREASE. You want a water soluble type for use in food grade. All depends on the contact level like if the food rolls down a conveyor unprotected verses protected. I can say from experiance that you should use the grease in small amounts so you dont lock up the pump. A small amount in each zerk should surfice. I only grease mine at the start of every season and thats about 300 gallons of syrup.

08-24-2010, 09:26 AM
I dont have a filter press but i was browsing one of my dads amsoil catologs and they sell food grade grease by the cartrage.

Haynes Forest Products
08-24-2010, 09:39 AM
Go on google and toss in the key words. all big oil company make a food grade grease.

08-24-2010, 09:05 PM
I had found lots of food grade grease i just wasn't sure if i needed any and or what others were using. Guess i'll just get a new grease gun and some grease. Thanks

Haynes Forest Products
08-24-2010, 09:16 PM
Get the small gun and cartrages you wont need alot its less messy and easy to store and you wont go pumping the trailer wheels full of food grade:o