View Full Version : NH Egg Rules

red maples
08-23-2010, 07:09 PM
So I am starting to build up a collection of eggs and selling them here and there to friends. but now all the chickens are laying pretty consisently now. I went on the NH dept of Ag website and the egg part is under construction. What do I need to sell them to the general public??? grade and name adress etc?

Haynes Forest Products
08-24-2010, 12:19 AM
From watching the news I would say good insurance and a paper trail:mad:

red maples
08-24-2010, 06:40 AM
thats only if you soak it in chicken guts first!!!

Ah this happens every few years. everyone gets their panties up in a bunch over eggs with Salmonella. there is always a risk of getting it if you eat undercooked eggs. I mean look where the eggs come out geez. and look how mass-produced egg houses are. chickens packed in together, the smell is aweful, well you know the rest. its like the mcd's and hot coffee will burn you if you spill it on yourself.

08-24-2010, 08:40 AM
Here is the link

red maples
08-24-2010, 09:28 AM
thank you !!! I read through some stuff but couldn't find the one I was looking for.

08-24-2010, 09:43 AM
Should have everything you need there for info to start selling and making $$$$ to expand the maple business.
If you are going to sell at a farmers market you might want to check with them as some have different rules than state does.

red maples
08-24-2010, 10:59 AM
thats where its going...and they could probably go for about $10 /doz right now cause of that 1/2 billion recall...ha I just saw now they are recalling 380,000lbs of deli meat from walmart. Oh man what next!!!

Haynes Forest Products
08-24-2010, 08:18 PM
MY WIFE:rolleyes:

08-24-2010, 10:10 PM
I just became owner of a medium size rooster as the fellow dosn't want it for the winter as he is scared it will give his horse something.I put it in with my hens and the fight was on as my other rooster didn't like it and this all happened in 5 seconds. They have decided to have a truce today.She who must be obeyed was yelling at it today because it had a hen by the neck. I broke out laughing over that one.

red maples
08-25-2010, 09:02 AM
I am getting 7 more hens and a rooster in a few weeks. but the wife doesn't want the rooster. and for that matter either do I. We can't even give him away and I don't even have them yet....so he will be nice on the rottisserie I am thinking!! ;)

Love it haynes!!!:lol: :lol:

08-25-2010, 02:48 PM
Red ship it to me I let my bird dog play with the rooster lol.

red maples
08-25-2010, 05:19 PM
Red ship it to me I let my bird dog play with the rooster lol.

We had a black lab bird dog when I was a kid and he got loose a few time and retrieved a few of our chickens...he did what he was supposed to do how do you punish him for that!!! We came outside and brought them right over to my dads feet but he didn't get a treat for that bird!!!;)

08-25-2010, 09:13 PM
Thats a good dog. I have a german shorthair. I do hunt with a friend once in awhile that has a black lab. Both of the dogs are excellent hunters. Not really a good idea to hunt a pointer with a flushing dog though. Lab is always busting the GSP's point. One other difference is my GSP will retrieve a runner and is trained to grab them by the head and give a shake to end it for the bird. The lab will bring the bird back still kicking. About 3 weeks before we hit the fields and woods again. Cant wait.

red maples
08-26-2010, 07:40 AM
I haven't been bird hunting since I was 14-15 yrs old. Hunting season coming up quick gotta break out the bow and get some practicing in.

My father in law is ranked #1 nationally for upland game bird hunting. He goes all over the country with his golden Retriver mooky. We won the nationals down in west virginia I think last fall. He has been back and forth between 2nd and 3rd for the past few years and this year he finally got it. He is not a upfront public type of person but he went to a competition in montana last year and some guy came up and shook his hand and wanted a picture with mooky he was floored!!! I walked with him once when he was hunting (I didn't have a member ship to the club so I couldn't hunt)and help him stock birds and stuff he is very patient when it comes to shooting the birds other guy pull up quick shoot to quick and miss... he is just very good!!!

08-26-2010, 08:20 AM
cool story. It takes years to develop your shooting skills for sure. I was taught not to jump the shot myself but sometimes the excitement gets the best of me.

08-26-2010, 08:17 PM
I am feeling like a rescue house or something.Now I got conned into 3 chickens that only lay a egg every three days.
I have 19 hens and one hen that goes cockadoodle do for some reason. We use 2 dozen eggs a week so I figured we could get by with 20 hens. I for some reason forgot that chickens lay eggs every day. I now have to get rid of a few hens when they start laying or eat eggs 4 times a day and all day Sunday. The new rooster sure can stir things up in there. Sounds like a bunch old woman at bingo now. The rooster that came with them never did much but hes only 12 weeks old.

red maples
08-26-2010, 09:30 PM
start selling them to friends and neighbors. thats what I am doing 2.50 a doz. to start. because they are still small to medium. but only when I get a build up. mine aren't laying everyday yet. I'm up to an average of about 4-5 a day for my 9 hens.

08-26-2010, 09:48 PM
Both my grandparents were farmers and I cant remember correctly which way this goes but they both always put the eggs in a pail of water before they sold them. They then looked at how much it floated in the water to determine how long before they were not any good. I think if they completely floated they were bad. Again I think that for every inch below the water line they floated was how many days they had left before they went bad or it was the other way around. The more they sank the less shelf life they had. Any of you guys try this or hear of it before. I still know of one guy who does it this way and until this post came up I never thought to ask him which was which.

red maples
08-27-2010, 07:06 AM
yes. there is another use for floating eggs too.

as an egg becomes older it develops an air bubble between the shell and the outer soft membrane of the egg. As the inside ages that air bubble getts bigger and floats higher and higher I don't know actually how long it takes but eggs can be consisdered grade A for about 4 weeks under Ideal conditions ....if I remember right.

The other use for floating an egg is to check the salt level when creating a salt brine to cure food!!! now I don't remember the percentage of salt/sugar to liquid I would have to consult the old cooking text books...but once an egg will float with the part of the egg above the surface is about the size of a quarter your good. or you could use a hydrometer!!! We all have those!!!:)