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View Full Version : vaccum pump size ?

sap runner
08-18-2010, 08:50 PM
I bought two pumps, a older Surge Almo pump with a 5 hp elec,not sure the cfm or inches of vaccum.The pump is about ten inches round with a oil reclamer,the other system is a newer DeLaval 3hp that has a tag on it 36cfm and the pump is about 8 inches round but no oil reclaimer.I will be using a single relaser and tapping 450-500 on this line.Question is do I use the older bigger pump or will the newer smaller be big enough.Any help would be great.

Haynes Forest Products
08-18-2010, 10:42 PM
With a good tight system you have all the pump you need. I run the same style pump and can easly pull 24" on 1125 taps. Run what works best and keep the pump cool:)

08-19-2010, 08:49 PM
As long as the 5Hp motor is the one that is suppose to be on it the surge with the reclaimer on it is way bigger than you need but at the same time it has a reclaimer on it so I would use that one. Another thing you could do is switch motors. All you need to do is slow the vac pump down by changing the pulley size. It will reduce the CFMs but since it is way over your present needs it will be ok. It will save electricity but if that isn't an issue leave the 5Hp on it