View Full Version : Taste and smell get bitter before syrup gets dark.

Johnny Cuervo
04-03-2005, 11:16 AM
This is our 4th year boiling and I never seem to get to strong dark maple flavor before things get bitter.
This year 1st boil was 3/9 this was just a short run, things picked up 3/16 last boil was 3/31.
The first few runs made very sweet syrup (was like butterscotch almost too sweet). The next few had a little flavor less sweet. 3/30, 3/31 has a slight bitter smell and taste if you put some in a dish a leave it, it smells better until stirred. When I boil I am always smelling the steam, the early stuff smells sweet the latter starts to get less sweet and bitter almost a slight fishy smell. Could this be budding? Buds were still small, on the sugars and swelled on the silvers. I only tap sugar maples. Might it be location or tree genetics?


Johnny Cuervo
04-03-2005, 10:03 PM
Jeremy what is a white maple? The only ones I know are sugar, silver, and red. I read (Ohio State Website) of a slight difference between black and sugar. What is a hard maple? How do you tell the difference? My pan is flat, and I wash it down after a batch of 2-3 gallons. I think the sap just might be going buddy I’m on a flat area with all sandy soil. One thing I did notice are small white colored patches about 1 inch round on many of my trees especially the small maples.
