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View Full Version : Mainline pricing

07-30-2010, 09:30 PM
What are the current prices for 3/4" and 1" black water tubing. A store I'm my town has some left They are trying to get rid of. They want $0.26 a foot for the 3/4 inch they have several 400' roles and several 500' roles. The 1" they want $0.38 a foot and they have a few 100" roles a few 300' roles and a few 400' roles. How is that for pricing. I think I can get a little bit better of a deal on it but not much more. What is everyone else paying.

07-31-2010, 05:52 AM
I saw some brand new 1" on craigslist near Albany NY for I think .19cents a foot

Killington Maple
07-31-2010, 06:15 AM
.26 cents a foot for black plastic 3/4 inch is a very high price. Leader gets .29 cents for their blue 3/4 inch 30P. If you go through one of their dealers,you can probably get 10 percent off. If you really are set on getting black plastic the best place I've found for price is the Granite Group in Rutland, Vt. While I haven't gotten prices from them recently, they were substantially lower than FW Webb last year.
I tried some black plastic this last season and will never again use it unless it's an emergency. Sap gets too hot on long runs of pipe. Plus, it's not nearly as nice to work with as blue pipe.

maple flats
07-31-2010, 06:16 AM
At TSC (Tractor Supply Co.) the regular price according to their web site is:
3/4"/400'= $79.99=.20/ft
I think you should do much better. Maybe if you go to the TSC website and print out the pages with these prices and then show them to your store it should help get a good price. If they really want to get rid of the pipe they might get realistic on clearance prices.

Killington Maple
07-31-2010, 06:23 AM
Looked up what I paid this last year from Granite Group. .09for 1/2, .13 for 3/4 .18 for 1 inch, .27 for 1.25 inch.
Remember, prices have gone up a little since last year, and the more you order, the better the price will be. Get 3 or 4 of you together and submit an order and save alot more.

Randy Brutkoski
07-31-2010, 03:06 PM
The prices that Killington Maple got at the Granite Group were the same prices i got at F.W. Webbs last year. You cant really get any cheaper than that.

08-06-2010, 07:12 PM
My dads friend that's a plumber got prices from his supply house $20 for a 100' roll of 3/4" that's $0.20 a foot I can get it in 100' or 300' rolls for $0.20 a foot.

Thad Blaisdell
08-06-2010, 09:53 PM
Just priced 3/4 at Home Depot. 500 ft roll for $70.31 a roll....... that is 14 cents per foot....

maple flats
08-07-2010, 07:24 PM
2 yrs ago I priced some 3/4 at the supply house I do a lot of plumbing business at (I used to be a plumber/heating contractor and now I own a few rental houses) and the price was a lot higher than I could buy it at TSC. They said they could not compete with what TSC sold it. Now it sounds like TSC is higher than a couple of your other sources. I think it boils down to some locations either working closer to the belt or buying in much larger quantities or both. If you need much it sure pays to shop around.

farmall h
08-07-2010, 09:28 PM
You guys are pricing 150 psi black rather than 100 psi correct?

maple flats
08-08-2010, 05:40 AM
The black I use it 100psi, the high priced from the plumbing supply house surprisingly was only 80psi. 80 would be fine if you got the right price. However I will not use any more black for wet line, just blue and I haven't decided for dry line. I am trying to decide if I wantto string another support wire for the dry or if I will try the new Rapidtube that needs no wire. I think the time and wire saved would easily pay for the higher priced tubing. I'll be making my mind up on that in the next 60-90 days and will then install the dry line.

Thad Blaisdell
08-08-2010, 01:58 PM
Home Depot had both, 100 and 160 psi. My price was for the 100 psi. I am going to Granite group tomorrow and see what they have to offer.

Dennis H.
08-08-2010, 06:35 PM
it amazes me how the same company will carry different stuff at different stores.
Down here at the big box stores they only carry 100' rolls of black pipe. and they want an arm and a leg for it, something like $20!

And I never saw it at Tractor supply around here.

I had to go to a local pipe supplier, and I had to watch because he would try and give me irragation pipe that is not rated for potable water for the same price as 100psi water pipe.

The best place I found around here is a local lumber yard, but you have to get it early in the year beacause by fall they say that they hold off ordering any until spring. I guess no one uses it in the winter!

And the local guys wonder why we order stuff online and from out of state, they just won't carry the stuff, you have to order it and then when it is a special order, now they have to tack on a special order fee.
Sorry for the rant.

Thad Blaisdell
08-08-2010, 07:37 PM
At home depot you have to go to the pro-desk and they can order it for you.

Dennis H.
08-09-2010, 08:16 AM
Never thought of that, I will have to check to see what they can get for me.

Thad Blaisdell
08-09-2010, 09:10 AM
home depot serial number 419-068 , part number AJ 100750 this will get you to where you need to be.

08-10-2010, 08:22 AM
Homedepot is the cheepest I can find for buying a role or so. The place my dads friends gets well pipe is $0.23 a foot. So I'm going to home depot. And thanks Thad for the Part and serial #s.

Thad Blaisdell
08-10-2010, 10:20 AM
You are welcome. Good Luck