View Full Version : Waterloo evaporator

07-27-2010, 01:19 AM
A friend called last night to ask my advice. He seen a 4x14 Waterloo evaporator for sale in a newspaper and wanted me to tell him what I thought.

Its a raised flue, 10ft. flue, 4 ft front pan, S/S stack, hoods, preheater, forced air, 1 auto draw and a 2x5 oil finish pan and arch. The guy is asking $10,000. I told him that was too much as this is an older one, that being Waterloo.

What do you guys have to say? This one is located by Merill Wis.

Haynes Forest Products
07-27-2010, 08:01 AM
Mark I called Maple Pro to see about a 3rd 18" x 26" finish pan for my 3x10. I paid $750.00 for the same pan in Feb and as og today they want $995.00:mad: :confused: :cry: I cant see why the HUGE price increase SS hasnt gone up that much and is the cost of labor in Canada getting that crazy.

I guess the used market is going to follow. I cant amagine what a new evap with all the bells and whistles is going to cost soon.

Bucket Head
07-27-2010, 09:19 AM
Is it in nice shape- look's like it was taken care of and cleaned? Does your buddy have a need for one that big? Is he ready to fuel one that big? What shape is the arch in? It does come with nice "extra's".

If he can use that and it's decent, it does'nt sound bad. The price of this stuff new is outrageous and its not going to get any better. I think more and more folk's will be considering used equipment in the future. If he can get years and years of use out of it, he might want to grab it.


07-27-2010, 09:50 AM
The unit was in last weeks classifieds on the trader. I know of the guy that has it, and its a pretty nice unit. You'd spend a lot more money on a newer one that does the same thing. It was in a nice building and taken care of.

07-27-2010, 01:26 PM
Mark I called Maple Pro to see about a 3rd 18" x 26" finish pan for my 3x10. I paid $750.00 for the same pan in Feb and as og today they want $995.00:mad: :confused: :cry: I cant see why the HUGE price increase SS hasnt gone up that much and is the cost of labor in Canada getting that crazy.

I guess the used market is going to follow. I cant amagine what a new evap with all the bells and whistles is going to cost soon. It's all about the almighty dollar, I'm sad to say, & greed. I'm paying 5k for new pans for my 3' x 10', but that's two pans, plus I know there is a fair amount of work to produce them.

07-27-2010, 01:37 PM
10 grand doesnt seem like that much for that evaporator I've seen it many times and its a very clean rig in great condition but if your buddy doesnt need one that big than he shouldnt get it

07-27-2010, 01:52 PM
Waterloo is pretty old though. Has got to be lead solder in those pans, which to me, would make it worth less. My friend really does not need one that big, he was looking for a 3x12 or that, nonetheless was inquiring about this one. In my area, you can find more trees if you have lots of fishing buddies.

With all of the people getting into syrup, it will soon go the other way in terms of price, thus ultimately people getting by with equipment and/or not buying new which will limit price expansion, or they go out of business.

I told my friend not too go hog wild with equipment, as I believe prices will soon be going down. With all of the people out of work, they are not rushing to the store to get a high on MAPLE SYRUP.

HAYNES, the pan must have been on sale or something. That kind of increase in 4-5 months to me is not justified. I'd leave it sit.

Haynes Forest Products
07-27-2010, 06:45 PM
The two pans I had built were custom with a extra draw off box on the oposite side for cleaning. They were a direct copy of my Waterloo small Lapaire. now the same pan is $250.00 more:cry: I will pass on the pan and get the auto draw with burner shut down so I can keep these nice and warp free.

Jeff E
07-28-2010, 04:30 PM
Mark, if your right about the pans being lead soldered, I agree that that is to much money. If lead free, it seems fair, to slightly high for a soldered set up.
Welded, good deal.

Your sugarbush surviving the storms OK?

07-28-2010, 04:36 PM
The syrup made on that rig has been judged amongst the best in the State for many years.
It's arch burns clean and pans boil hard.

07-28-2010, 08:04 PM
Mark I called Maple Pro to see about a 3rd 18" x 26" finish pan for my 3x10. I paid $750.00 for the same pan in Feb and as og today they want $995.00:mad: :confused: :cry: I cant see why the HUGE price increase SS hasnt gone up that much and is the cost of labor in Canada getting that crazy.

I guess the used market is going to follow. I cant amagine what a new evap with all the bells and whistles is going to cost soon.

Roofing contractor just told me to expect metal to go up 15% across the board right off. Not just metal roofing, either - all metal...stove pipe, sheet, etc, etc. OUCH!!!

07-29-2010, 08:26 PM
Just because a set of pans can make good tasting syrup doesn't mean it doesn't have a high lead count in it. Now I'm not saying that it is junk. I had my syrup tested when I had lead soldered pans and the lead levels where in the ok range. The bottom line is if and when they are outlawed do you want to be the one holding them. And a lot goes into the cleaning methods. Keep a coating of nitre on the solder and it will help dramatically. Also don't leave the sap in the pans when not boiling. Definately don't want to use any type of acid for cleaning.

Haynes Forest Products
08-24-2010, 12:25 AM
Happy to say that CDL Maple Pro is going to build my extra 18" X 36" custom pan at the price before the latest increase so I will have a clean one on hand and I hope a warp free shinny one at that:) :) :) Dang I still need a auto draw that yells at me every time I try and MULTI TASK

08-24-2010, 07:46 AM
Having the Waterloo name doesn't automatically make them old, They used that brand name for several years after the aquisition of Waterloo by Lapierre

Haynes Forest Products
08-24-2010, 09:22 AM
YUP my 6 year old set of pans are Lapierre waterloo small

farmall h
08-24-2010, 08:15 PM
If your rig says Lapierre Waterloo Small then it is dated after 1988. My father bought our 4 x 12 Waterloo Lightning at the time when Lapierre acquired Waterloo. It was a liquidation auction at (Bascoms? can't recall I was just getting out of college at the time) the entire set-up w/stack and pans was $6800. Been using the same pans for almost 20 years and still looks new. Always cleaned w/milk stone remover and ss solder is still holding strong. Just an FYI:)

08-25-2010, 07:29 AM
Actually it was Waterloo-Small until 2001 when Lappierre acquired them thru a bancruptcy auction and they continued using the name for several more years.

farmall h
08-26-2010, 03:44 PM
802, so Lapierre did not acquire Waterloo Small Bros. in the 90's. When do you suppose they started tagging pans and such as Lapierre Waterloo...2001. Just curious. And who should I contact if I needed floats and such CDL? Bascoms? Certainly not Leader.

Haynes Forest Products
08-26-2010, 04:31 PM
I would call CDL they will copy anything you send them or work off your specs

08-26-2010, 11:19 PM
Farmall H-Waterloo purchased Small Bros in the early 90's. If you have a waterloo you can get all the parts you need from Lapierre. They continue to make waterloo style pans today but have changed the name to Lapierre now

farmall h
08-28-2010, 01:52 PM
802, very good to know. Thanks. Gotta go cut more wood for the sugarhse. Have not even started on the house wood yet..the wife is telling me I'm running out of time but she doen't understand that the sugarhse wood is priority no. one! ;) The Central Outdoor Boiler I have will burn anything ..green, dry, hard or soft. I cut some good sized maple out of the bush today that were damaged from our last wind storm (broken tops). Fortunately there are some nice saw logs in them. $ vs. firewood.:)