View Full Version : 0-50 thermometer

steve J
07-22-2010, 04:33 PM
Ok Bill Mason had me order a 0-50 thermometer but I have no clue what this should read when you are at the correct syrup Temp?

07-22-2010, 08:22 PM
I use one all the time. 0 is the boiling point of water, 7 is the syrup draw off, 20 cream,30 candy. I call it a dummy thermometer. no adding or subtracting. You can adjust it to the boiling boint of water for that day. I must confess I just leave mine the same and things turn out ok. Get a large dial.


maple flats
07-23-2010, 05:59 AM
I also never reset mine. I just draw a little too heavy according to the thermometer and thin using the hydrometer or refractometer at the canner, before bottling. I add distilled water and I use maybe a gallon of it per 50-60 gal of finished product at the most. Very easy to get right density quick and distilled water is less than $1/gal. You might want to set your thermometer the first time at std air pressure with rapidly boiling water and then use "Kintucky windage" fudge factoring to know what temp to draw at. Most of the time I draw between 7.5 and 8 (above 0, or the boiling point of water on that thermometer) but sometimes it runs a few degrees higher for a short time.

steve J
07-23-2010, 06:38 AM
Thank You this Thermometer came with a dial that says Bascom on it which is were I bought it. You would think Bascome would have included that information?


steve J
07-24-2010, 07:10 AM
Reading some post one here it sounds like many of you have your thermometer port relatively close to your draw off valve. Mine is about 5 inches before the valve. So if I was at 7 at thermometer it be safe to assume I am somewhat higher at draw off?

07-29-2010, 09:12 PM
You might be a touch higher at drawoff point, but the syrup is boiling so hard, it is mixing around in the last few inches, so it will be really close.