View Full Version : New Maple Producer in Northern New York

07-16-2010, 11:48 AM
Well it's official. After 2 1/2 years of lawyers,paperwork and DSS,the adoption of our little boy was final this week. Seth turns 3 yrs old next month and already wants to help Daddy all the time. Lets hope he wants to help Daddy when he is 16!!! He has been with us in the woods and sugarhouse for two seasons, with many more to come.

Haynes Forest Products
07-16-2010, 01:04 PM
Welcome to the world of Leggos, Eggos and alot of syrup down the drain. Congrats and have fun:)

07-17-2010, 01:26 PM
My son is 8 and has big plans to help until the help is needed. He peters out after a while. Each yr he gets better and better helping out.
Good luck with yours.

07-17-2010, 05:50 PM
Well it's official. After 2 1/2 years of lawyers,paperwork and DSS,the adoption of our little boy was final this week. Seth turns 3 yrs old next month and already wants to help Daddy all the time. Lets hope he wants to help Daddy when he is 16!!! He has been with us in the woods and sugarhouse for two seasons, with many more to come.

Congrats on Your Son - Glad it worked out for You and the Mrs. - Hey - Enjoy Seth while You are the Super-Hero in his world -- but -- Once Seth is 16 and discovers the world of Girls he may not be much help for a few years - unless - his Lady fair thinks making Maple Syrup is cool -- then -- He will become Super Seth -- Worlds greatest Syrup Maker just trying to impress her - But - thats the future --- enjoy him now -----

Mike in NY
08-26-2010, 07:42 PM
northern NY? Hammond does not ring a bell to me here on southern tip of Lake George. good news on the new help! 12 and 9 yr olds supply various amounts of ambition and help in our sugarhouse

08-26-2010, 08:18 PM
He said northern NY, not upstate. :)
I never called Lake Luzerne, my previous home, northern NY... just upstate.
He's near Alex Bay... north of Watertown. Truly NORTHERN NY! May be better known as the stix.

Congrats on the little tike!

northern NY? Hammond does not ring a bell to me here on southern tip of Lake George. good news on the new help! 12 and 9 yr olds supply various amounts of ambition and help in our sugarhouse

Fred Henderson
08-27-2010, 05:45 PM
Hammond NY is the southern part of Northern NY. Come on up to Norwood, and we will tell some tall syrup stories over some hot coffee.