View Full Version : Wood ash

07-11-2010, 11:19 AM
Reading the gathering tank and they talked about wood ash helped bring maple back that were starting to die back. any thoughts?

red maples
07-11-2010, 03:35 PM
I read that as well....hey its worth a shot.

I all depend on your soil. ashes contain potassium, Wood ashes contain all the minerals that were in the wood, except for nitrogen and sulfur are lost through the burning. Potassium, calcium and magnesium carbonate give a strong alkaline reaction which can neutralize acidic soils. However in soils that are already alkaline, too much can burn out hurt the plants.

too much can be bad beacuse the salts build up in the soil and can hurt plants as well.

So I would think if you have alot of pine or oak around you sugarbush then your soil may be very acidic due to the leaves and needles. so then the ashes would help. But I would recommend testing the soil first.

another note is to keep your ashes dry as the minerals are water soluable and you will loose your nutrients!!! I am gonna try it!!! I have alot of pine and oak but I will test the soil first.

it might not be good for road side maples beacuse there is already a buildup of chemicals and salts in thaat soil already!!!!

07-11-2010, 10:18 PM
Man you just brought back some memories. My great uncle who was a potatoe farmer and apple farmer said to me atleast a thousand time. Save your ashes and spread it around your garden and trees. The old timers called it potash, they were playing on the word potassium and ash. He swore by it and man he had alot of potatoes.

red maples
07-12-2010, 04:41 AM
yep...I didn't know all that stuff I just wrote. after I read the article I did a little research. and learned alot!!!

Haynes Forest Products
07-12-2010, 09:08 AM
Was told it works great around fruit trees as far a s bigger and better.