View Full Version : Master Cleanse

07-06-2010, 02:22 PM
Anybody hear about this? It is a diet or fast featuring a concoction made with dark maple syrup. I get inquiries every week at the farmers market. If I had more dark to sell, I would have made some money off of believers in this diet. Another marketing opportunity for dark syrup.

red maples
07-06-2010, 02:47 PM
try this link...it talks about the hole thing this is just 1 part the recipe...man it includes cayenne pepper if I am using the bathroom alot beacuse this stuff is cleaning me out ...I am not sure about this one!!!:o :cry: !!!!!!!!!:lol:


07-06-2010, 02:48 PM
That has been around for a couple years and I bet that is were most of my grade B goes.

red maples
07-06-2010, 02:56 PM
you might even try a little search on here I remember it coming up on here before. has anyone done it??? not likeI would but just curious. I use B for myself mostly but not to cleanse!

07-06-2010, 06:15 PM
I have been told about the side affects and had to look it up and this is what I came up with, count me out!

In addition to weakness, mental fuzziness and extreme hunger, the unfortunate side-effect of the master cleanse is uncontrollable diarrhea and anal leakage following episodes of gas. Dieters who decide to give the master cleanse a try may want to stick close to home--or at least make sure their workplace accommodates several toilet stalls.

Thad Blaisdell
07-06-2010, 06:46 PM
Sign me up......

red maples
07-06-2010, 06:59 PM
sound like a good time...like I said... factor in a little cayenne pepper and Light that ring of fire!!!

where do I sign up??? there is nothing that says fun like anal leakage and explosive diarrea!!!

maybe try to hit the gym a little more offen and skip that 5th corn dog!!!

07-07-2010, 08:28 AM
Sounds like a good diet for the mother inlaw for those that don't like theres

Thad Blaisdell
07-07-2010, 09:47 AM
I may start this diet a week before the inlaws family reunion.... It would just about equal out...

07-07-2010, 10:26 AM
This thread has the potential to become hilarious. Most of our B ends up out on the front slope of the Rockies. Guess those yoga types can handle some flatus and still figure they've come out ahead . No complaints here, as it keeps these wheels spinning for a few days each spring.
As far as anal episodes, Copenhagen can claim it's share of the thrills and spills.

red maples
07-07-2010, 10:47 AM
I remember my first chew OH MY!!! puked my brains out!!! learned my lesson...yeah right ... long story short I finally quit for good 3 years ago...but still miss it when fishing!!!

07-07-2010, 10:04 PM
Guys my cousin did the cleanse. The only good part was me selling her the syrup. She was taking a trip to hawaii and wanted to look good in a bathing suite I guess. The skinny (pun intended) of the story is she had to take the week off from work right after she took the first drink. It also involves drinking lots of tea for the antioxidants I believe and eating fruit. She said it was UUUUUUUUGLY. Yes she lost weight fast but the end result was being very very worn out and tired during her trip to hawaii. She was dehydrated and fatigued. What I think is the false thinking is that when they say you lose weight they think body fat but in reality I believe you are cleaning the built up gunk out of your bowels and that is where the weight loss comes in. She strongly suggested to stay far away from it unless you live alone, have a bathroom in every room and plan not to leave the house ever during this period of cleansing. Also sleeping next to the toilet could be a plus cause there was times when she barely made it there. Sounds to me like eating exlax for your daily diet would do the same thing lol. I think I will pass on this one. Oh I forgot she said she was very grumpy and mad all the time she was on this cleansing. Her husband could not even say hello to her without an argument.

07-08-2010, 12:06 AM
I did a cleanse a couple years ago, but not this one. Mine gave me a whole food shake to drink 3 times a day. Did it for 5 days, and aside from a little weakness, I felt great. But I sure couldn't wait for solid food at the end! I think cleansing diets once in awhile is a good thing. "Gunk" in the bowels is one of our society's biggest problems, from what I understand.

red maples
07-08-2010, 08:02 AM
You can do a cleanse that is not so drastic. lay off the processed food, anything with additives, remove any extra fats from your diet, butter and oil, egg yolks, fatty meats, ...and then add in (basically clean whole foods)whole grains(not whole wheat) oatmeal, wild rice, Quinoa, barley, with organic all natural boneless, skinless chicken breast, only lean cuts of beef, and pork tenderloin, salmon(has good fats) use Fat free milk, egg whites, and only fresh veggies.

I did that when I started to eat healthy a few years ago. man it took about 2 weeks of frequent bathroom trips (not as bad the maple cleanse) but it did the same purpose. but it is more just clean eating and I still do it now. with 1 day a week of eating bad crap...bacon, sausage, rib eyes, pork ribs, what ever!!:)

What people don't understand is that when you diet or do these cleanse things is that use loose all the junk in your bowles but you doo loos some fat and you also loose muscle too. so if your not working out lifting weights one way or another, then next time you put on weight it harder to loose beacuse this time its more fat and less muscle . so is created the YOYO diet and platueas. and obesity.

sorry just rambling now

07-09-2010, 04:47 PM
Brad, I think that's great that you stuck with the better eating! I don't see much value to diets and such if a person goes right back to poor habits. It's got to be about lifestyle change.

07-09-2010, 10:42 PM
New evidence surfaces daily. We need to eat lower on the food pyramid, and avoid highly processed foodstuffs. Fad diets, fasting, purging, all send the wrong message to our youth.

07-11-2010, 06:37 PM
Amen to that. The more raw the food (vegetables, fruits), the better. I know I have a long way to go!

red maples
07-11-2010, 08:13 PM
OH yes now don't get me wrong...I love bacon, sausage, and pizza and junk food but I now only eat it once a week instead of everyday...my scare was colesterol 304...now its 158:) and BP was 145 / 90...no meds for me. and I lost 50lbs in the process.

Body for life by bill philips...thats what I used ...also hitting the gym 6 days a week too. I follow the plan exactly and the first 90 days I lost 25lbs and the second 90 lost another 25lbs and 10 inches off my waist. I have been doing that for about 2-3 yrs now and I was a little bored with the work out and needed a change so I bought P90X... yes the one on the infomercial. I am on the 2nd week of it man its a bit tough. but I am hanging in there this one is deffinitly not for someone just starting out you need to be in pretty good shape to start with. and I follow the nutrition plan closely it pretty close to the body for life but it doesn't factor in a free day so I still have that in there. I lost 2 lbs and already took off 1/2 inch from my waist. want that 6-pack abs. I cut down on boiling sodas too. that was a hard one.

07-12-2010, 11:19 AM
Wow Red,
That's impressive. 3 cheers man.
My family's track record on cardiac health is a train wreck. 7 years ago I quit the Copehagen and cut back on alcohol. Dropped 25#s off my 5'6" frame and took up running. It took awhile to turn the corner. Last year I ran 4 marathons. When it's time to tap trees or work tubing I don't have to stop and catch my breath all the time.:)
The Bride gives the thumbs up to the new found personal energy as well;) .

07-14-2010, 12:12 AM
You guys are an inspiration! I've always been thin (too thin), and pretty healthy I guess, but don't do near enough cardio or strength training. I really need to buckle down!