View Full Version : started the new build 12x12 shack
06-27-2010, 06:56 AM
Well after about 7 years boiling out in the elements we decided this year to build a Lil shack 12x12 w/ a 9x11 wood port off to the one side of the shack also purchased a smaller evap as opposed to the homemade ones we've been using all this time..this is just for fun and we don't sell any syrup here just a small hobby and dont want to grow any further than what we have...
New build progress..12x12 shack ***more to come 0_n.jpg 68_n.jpg
cupola 2x5, notice not as hard a pitch as the shack roof in hopes it will remove the steam faster, almost wanted it as flat as possible 20_n.jpg
maple Pro used evap new to us 0_n.jpg
06-27-2010, 07:00 AM
more photos
Barrel evap 2x4 with 38" x 20" of pan surface 51_n.jpg
block evap with same 38" x 20" of pan surface and when first bitten by the bug 2_n.jpg
06-27-2010, 07:28 AM
Well after about 7 years boiling out in the elements we decided this year to build a Lil shack...
I'm envious that you're going indoors - congrats Slatebelt. Out of curiosity, what's your plan for the gravel floor? Eventually I will be going through the same process and I'm always looking for ideas. I might also suggest some windows if you can swing it for light and/or ventilation later in the season when things warm up.
Thad Blaisdell
06-27-2010, 07:57 AM
If I may suggest.... when you build your walls put in a header now for future expansion. This will save a lot of work later.
06-27-2010, 08:43 AM
Hi Bryan, well its gonna stay stone,, however i have a bunch of 18" x 18" x 3" concrete block walk pads that will be going in over the stone for this year. probably just add another layer of stone next summer to it or pore a layer of 4" concrete, got a bunch of widows that will be going in to.
Thad Blaisdell..future expansion not gonna happen here, we only have 8 acres here and tap 125 +/- tree's, in the past we even skip a year of tapping, but I'm just about out of syrup this year so this set up will be just in time to replenish my stock..i will normally try to make about 5-6 gallons a season, if i can make more and have the extra energy to pull it off, that would be great and it will go as gifts the following holiday season.
also working on a peacock house and flight run..
my BYC coops page
Haynes Forest Products
06-27-2010, 09:20 AM
Slate Thats what we all said:) But as we give it away the more they want and then.............someone says Bill down the road will let you tap;) Nice looking shack and evap to go in it.
06-27-2010, 09:58 AM
LOL, yes Ive had offers in the past to tap down the road a mile or two, but turned them down, to much work for me.. i do have my next door nabors tree's on each side of me which i do sometimes tap a few of them they each have 7 acres, but I knew along time ago the tree's i have are more than enough for me to handle..
I really like it fairly small and simple..our shack/boiling Area is 500 ft from any roadway and Our property is posted heavily to keep the news media (channel 13) out and from bugging me every year to do a story here, nobody in the general area other than about 1 to 2 hours drive away taps here, just don't want the general public coming hate to even think about hoards of people tracking all over my property and pesting my birds or thinking they can now access our land to go up onto the mountain connected to our property and hunt or what have you, not much respect around here for others properties and land so you gotta keep-um out here.
maple flats
06-27-2010, 07:10 PM
About the pitch on the cupola roof. Any pitch will work functionally but construction and appearance wise things generally look best if the pitch matches the main roof, only for appearance. As I say, steam will get out either way and steam will soak the roof above the openings in the cupola but it will not do any damage. It dries very quickly and does not rot the wood. It will last a good long time. Any structure with 2 different roof pitches looks slightly out of place.
06-27-2010, 08:49 PM
I agree, i thought about that and will change the pitch to match just for personal, however nobody will see my setup except my close family..
My roofing material I'm using 4 ply plywood and 30 year asphalt shingles.. should work well id think..
siding for the shack will be t1-11..
wood/items i purchased so far, not all of it being used for this shack.
200 2x4x7 25 cent a piece total for all $50.00..craigslist
50 2x4x12 $1.50 each total for all $75.00..craigslist
10 sheet of 4x8 4 ply plywood $10.00 a $100 craigslist
4 2x8x12 (pressure treated) traded a friend a rooster and hen for them..
stone 3 yards $50.00 bucks
7 bundles of Cambridge AR 30 yr singles $75.00 for the lot craigslist
14 sheets 3/8 t1-11 $240.00 total-Lowe's
free pulleys for cupola-craigslist
roof flashing-$15.00
always watching for more items..
Randy Brutkoski
06-27-2010, 09:47 PM
I too am building a sugarhouse. Just had 54 yard of gravel brought in for the base. The concrete slab will hopefully be poured in 2 more weeks. 24 x 26 are the dimensions. Just waiting on my usda loan for the new evap, and R.o., and canner, and Filter press, and tanks, and hmmm, there has to be something else.
06-28-2010, 06:27 AM
Randy sounds like your going large.. post up dates of it when you start and get a chance. always love seeing photos of all set ups large or very small like my set up.. anything maple syrup is way cool..
06-28-2010, 08:52 PM
heres an email i received today from another local person..may just take this person up on it if he's willing to help, most dont want to help and just want cash in on the gold for
I have access to quite a few trees that I could tap, but just no room (or know-how) to set up to boil the syrup down at my house. I've toyed with the idea of trying to do maple syrup for a few years now, though.
Would you be interested in boiling down sap if I could bring it to you? I would be willing to either pay you to do it, or let you keep some of the sap as a trade. Honestly, when the time comes, I would even be willing to help with some of the work making the syrup. I just don't have room to set up to do it myself. I'd feel a lot better helping someone who knew what they were doing, anyhow.
Please let me know if you would be interested. We already do a ton of home canning/freezing. Having real maple syrup would be the icing on the cake.
-Nathan Foeller
maple flats
06-29-2010, 05:40 AM
Wow, I'd like an offer like that, but barter for sap is good too.
06-29-2010, 09:06 AM
Great to see ya back on here. Everything looks good and take up the sap offer. I know in the past you said you had all red maples and they didn't run very much, so all the extra sap will come in handy when it is boiling time.
06-29-2010, 09:58 AM
I had a neighbor approach me last year with the same offer. It turned out ok but I will tell you to keep records of quanity and sugar content and write it down in front of him as you go. I got questioned about how much syrup they ended up with so I pulled the paper work out did the math. I was a little cautious about it as I went so I made sure he got a little more than originally planned just in case. A couple week ago he informed me he wants to tap another 100 trees and do it again. He also said he would supply me with all the wood I needed to boil it down. All I can say is that if I have a good year Im in big trouble with the 2x6. That would get me around 900 taps I think.
06-29-2010, 01:54 PM
Brandon, yup ive been on here during the last season but didnt tap or post just watched you all go at it....instead been planning on this year.. It will be fun again now that i will be back in action this season and will be able to chat with you all on here again...
it seemed like it would have been a bad season here for tapping this past season...
anyway I did contact the guy and he is coming for a visit this weekend to talk about this up coming season....
cupola installed and re cut its roof trusses to match the shack roof its a slow go doing this building by your self. had one heck of a time getting the cupola up to the roof, ended up strapping it to the loader bucket and lIfting it that way..but its up now, no use crying about it as its
my wife goes it looks like a lil church, i just laughed at her.. 66_n.jpg
07-03-2010, 03:24 PM
It looks good and keep up the good work. It will be a lot of fun come spring for you with all that new stuff.
07-07-2010, 08:27 PM
Thanks Brandon.. cant wait to have it..should be interesting..
an update shot of the shack, not prefect..but should provide good protection....lots of work to be done yet..trim, shingles..window..etc..
07-07-2010, 08:37 PM
It is lookin' mighty fine, keep up the good work!
07-07-2010, 10:06 PM
Looking good.
07-08-2010, 06:08 AM
Thanks fellas for the encouragement...
07-08-2010, 01:06 PM
looks sweet...did you happen to think to frame in a door on each end when you built it...just for the enevitable expansion later??
70 Buick
07-08-2010, 07:10 PM
very nice indeed
I am going to build a small one myself this summer
big doesn't work for me as we don't live there
we only go on weekends
I like your design & have a question
what do you close the coppula in with so that the steam exits but the rain & snow stay out?
07-08-2010, 09:02 PM
Thanks Fellas
However No expansions planned.. it does have two doors. just wanted 2 doors on it.. the 1 on the side is a double door and the 1 on the rear is a single door, will get pic's of those sides to post.
I have a couple 1/2" ply doors that I'm going to put up there hung on hinges and a pulley cable system to open and close them. got some used garage door pulleys, brackets and cables to from craigslist..
07-09-2010, 01:33 PM
side of shack-double door way 05_n.jpg
rear entry door- 21_n.jpg
07-09-2010, 03:41 PM
MMMHHMMMM......I think we've all said that when we built our first sugar house......Looks sweet though
I have added three additions to mine since I built it last summer.
07-09-2010, 08:52 PM
Very nice sugar house. You and your family will have years of enjoyment from it. The new rig to boil on will be great too! Have fun making maple next spring, and tuning the building and the rig in the future. I am still adjusting mine after 10 years!
07-13-2010, 06:58 AM
Thanks guys... yes it will be a change for us.
like i said before been working under a pavilion for several years and two out in the open, beings the pavilion started falling down i decided to build something a bit longer lasting.
but in those years of working outside i still didn't mind it to much, only when it rained hard and long and or when the wind was blowing hard while i was out there,
snow didn't mind it.. probably will miss being outside like that at times but still appreciate being in side at times. Always loved hunting in the elements just seemed more natural to me i ques just as boiling the maple syrup out in the open seemed...
But we will certainly put the new shack to good use when out there..
more pic's to come soon..
07-13-2010, 07:53 AM
nice looking sugarhouse, I'm with you, it will be hard to ajust from being outside. I too love the outdoors. Some day I will be doing the same as you.
07-15-2010, 09:08 PM
TapME, i really like your set up you have.. nice block evap to.. you look like you are having a great time from your photo bucket pictures..
I really like how folks share there pictures for us other folks to see..
07-17-2010, 07:51 PM
Well got the cupola doors made and hinged/mounted, temporary have them screwed down until i finish the roof, then will proceed to the pulley system..
i got part way up with the shingles on the one side, but got all the ice shield in place, drip edges all done, will finish the roof shingles and flashing up by monday..then onto the soffits and doors and windows, my brother in law will cut the stack opening once the unit arrives and he can see what needs to be done with it..
More pic's to the days ahead..
07-18-2010, 08:11 PM
Thanks Pa. It takes all kinds to make this world go round, and the same is true for making syurp. It's there for all to see and use if they need. I can't wait for the 4 grandsons to start helping. Two are old enough now and that will be a very good time for all involved. Can't wait is it time yet.......
07-31-2010, 05:44 AM
more updated pic's, but still more work to be, trim work, soffits, cupola needs paint and cable system installed..evap needs total set up inside and stack job.. 17_n.jpg 61_n.jpg
07-31-2010, 07:07 PM
It is looking very good!!!
07-31-2010, 08:06 PM
thanks Brandon, not to bad for only spending about a total of $650.00 on this set up, which includes everything to finish it (windows, trim, soffit all add in), other than a roof jack of some kind needed yet....thinking about getting the MIG welder out and making one if i can with flat steel and pipe and painting with super high heat alum paint..
hope its a good year ahead, will put us all to the test here..
07-31-2010, 09:07 PM
Like the looks of Your coupola - Looks plenty big enough to handle the steam. Made mine to small - but - I do have ridge vents and open soffets. A good thing - cause this year I had steam coming out of everywhere - had to open the door so I could see. Guess I'll have to rig a fan to help with the venting of steam up and out the coupola or make it bigger. Hey - Your Sugar Shack looks great. -----
Thad Blaisdell
08-01-2010, 05:21 AM
In the last picture, to the right of the date, there is a small rainbow. Now that is a good sign, start tapping in that spot, maybe instead of a a bucket of gold its a barrel of liquid gold......
08-01-2010, 05:50 AM
Ausable thanks, you could always make bigger or even add some large gable end vents to, it may help, between the both cupola doors there is roughly 20 sq ft of opening, should easily handle the steam from the Lil rig we have.. each cupola door is 2'H x 5'W
Thad, i didn't even take notice to that, ques the one tree there will get the first tap this year..pretty neat but also strange for that to show up in the middle of the woods
updated pic's
09-19-2010, 07:04 PM
Update..stack and jack finally in shack, cupola doors and trim the evap in and working on bricking it up next..very slow progress at the momment. im glad theres plenty of time and not being rushed to get done. 6_n.jpg 57_n.jpg 09_n.jpg 14_n.jpg
09-22-2010, 10:40 AM 96_n.jpg 11_n.jpg _n.jpg 93_n.jpg
09-22-2010, 01:25 PM
I'm at just about the same place, I need to get my roof jack built and brick up my evaporater. Are you puting insulation behind your firebrick?
09-22-2010, 01:44 PM
No going with i believe all full size brick all the way. you can see who ever had it before me didn't appear as if they used board either as the marks from there small bricks are still present in it.,
if i would use it now(board) i think i need smaller brick because in along the grates it would never fit with 1", the bricks come all the way out tight against the grates but i can still get the grates out just will be a Lil tight getting them in and out if id have to..
got some of the brick set in, just got to find Little time to finishing cutting the rest and then mortaring a bit between them and on the face of them..
09-23-2010, 02:13 AM
I would put archboard in it for sure. If there isnt enough space get splits and brick it with those. Bricks get cherry red and dont hold the heat in the arch like a lining of insulation will. Helps keep the heat in and the arch from burning out faster. Archboard is cheap too.
09-23-2010, 06:15 AM
I'm looking into this now, however kinda of stinks at the thought of I might be losing my money for the 60 full bricks @ $105.00 shipped along with the evap. surely not gonna ship it back.
wondering if i could squeeze 1/4-1/2 ceramic blanket in behind the full brick and if that would help any or is it not worth going that rout. perfer the 1/4" if it would be worth the effort
ebay ceramic blanket
i could cut the full brick at the grate area to make sure i can still get the grates out but i don't think i could cut to much out, most would be a half inch off the edge of the bottom of the brick to accommodate the grates.
any suggestion greatly appreciated on this thought.
09-23-2010, 07:12 AM
I can't say that it was a pleasant experience, but I used a crappy old 10" tablesaw and a masonry blade to split full bricks down into half bricks. You could do the same with yours and then not have to buy new bricks. Plus, you'll have some left over that you can sell off to further defray the cost of the archboard. If you decide to go that route make sure you have a tight fitting dust mask and don't cut them inside!! The dust cloud created is epic to say the least.
09-23-2010, 08:50 AM
I don't think i want to go that rout with having to cut them length wise, maybe if i had a wet saw because cutting what i did already the dust was not pleasant and T'd ME off to say the least even with the dust mask and goggles on, didn't care to much for being covered in dust either.
i used a circular saw with 7" mason blades with a home made jig to hold the brick while i cut them,.
I may go with the blanket and see what happens, certainly id think it would help some what, maybe i could even manage to squeeze the 1/2" in there,
i know with the arch i have its like a 2x6 because the pans sit real close to the inner edge of the arch rail edges, there is a good gap on the outside of the pans and arch rail. in other words the pans do not go all the way out to the end of the rails on the arch edging. still debating though on the whole thing at this point,, hopefully somebody else will weigh in on this Lil dilemma.. 28_n.jpg
09-23-2010, 09:30 AM
Just a thouight, maybe use split bricks for the bottom and top rows on the fire box. Place them horizontal and you wouldn't need but a few.Maybe then you could use 1" blanket. TSC has them.
Nice looking rig and sugerhouse.
09-23-2010, 11:43 AM
Should i use "1 board through out the whole thing or could i get a way with just using it in the fire box area and just replace all the full brick in the firebox with split brick and 1' board or 1" blanket
then instead of putting board in the rest just use the full brick on the ramp and back parts?
will the back part on the arch sides back by the drop flue pan get as hot or will most of the heat be up at and in the flue openings on its way back to the stack..sorry I'm a newbie to evaps other than homemade Rigs..
local places here have split brick for $2.29 to $2.50 each depends were you go.. my wife said just replace it and she'll use the full brick on one of her gardens, but man that kinda makes me angry that i wasn't given the right stuff or asked how i wanted to brick it as money wasn't an issue when i bought it, according to the manual sent with it, it says use the smaller size brick which Bascom said he would send me what the manual says, but they didn't. . it does say about using board in the manual.
09-23-2010, 11:57 AM
Soory to throw that curve ball at you Slatebelt. I used archboard in the whole arch then used splits instead of full brick. The price of the splits you posted is more than double what I payed for mine. Go check your masonary places. I got mine at Northern Concrete and Block near me for under a 1$ each. I wonder if archboard hit the market after your arch was made? Another thought is by the looks of your pics you have three grates in it. Is there a chance you can have the bricks placed in a manner that if you pull the center grate out you could just slide the outside ones in place or to take them out? Maybe put a peice of flat iron on them then brick on top of that. Take the center grate out and slide the others over. Just a thought. Either way keeing the heat in the arch is key and sometimes we gotta suck it up and just do it lol.
09-23-2010, 12:27 PM
O thats OK,
yes 3 grates in this one, they are very heavy things
i don't know how old this unit is... but now I'm sure I'm going to have to use arch board or maybe the blanket and the smaller bricks.
the bricks i cut in there now(full size) i had to cut them down because if i didn't they would have been sitting on the edges of the grates, which id never get them out by not cutting them down.
i kinda figured something wasn't right, because from the brick the other person used was smaller judging by the marks left behind on the inside of the unit, which i don't know what type of brick that was,
another thing is these full bricks may hit the edges of the drop flues in there if id use them, don't know for sure because i haven't set the pan on to see if it would even clear with the full brick being used..
The brick prices are from a building supp company $2.29 which only deals in brick and stone, the highest priced one is from stoves n stuff $2.50, just checked TSC theres is $2.99 each..
09-24-2010, 03:18 PM
Finally found some split brick for a $1.45 each... not to bad... wondering if its possible to find board or blanket locally to??
09-24-2010, 05:33 PM
If you have a refractory service in the area give them a call. There's lots of different trade names for board so don't be surprised if they give you a strange name when you describe what you're looking for. Around here the board is called KFAC-19. There's also a wide variety in the type and cost of board. I think I paid about $3.00 per square foot for mine.
11-19-2010, 02:30 PM
well got another small window in, added a small color TV for those hopefully long boil days. the lil evap is all bricked and ready to test boil other than getting my plumbing done on the head tanks coming into the float feed, running straight in without a preheater.
still got sofit yet and my cables for the copula which i will do this week coming before rifle opens..gonna add a few flip up tables with hinges to the walls for working space when needed, probably will buy one of those little single electric burners to plug in and finish and bottle using a small electric coffee percolator right out in the Lil shack..
11-19-2010, 06:33 PM
Your Shack and Evaporator really look nice........and the TV is a nice touch. But ---when doing Your test boil and the steam is really rolling - see if You can find the TV----- Best of luck with the new shack and rig -- You did a very nice job........Mike
11-19-2010, 06:37 PM
Nice looking sugar house. You will have some great times boiling this spring! Well worth the efforts.
11-19-2010, 07:16 PM
Do you have any footings under your evaporator?
Once the ground freezes and then thaws with wieght in the evaporator it might settle on you. Something to keep an eye on. And I agree ausable your tv will be hard to see. You may want to lower it down to a level below the steam. TV's aren't the best thing to be in a constant steam bath
11-19-2010, 07:48 PM
Great job on your sugarhouse and nice evaporator.
I do love my college basketball, and March being March Madness, I too have a TV in the sugarhouse. The sweet condensate does do a number on them. They usually last a season or two - good thing you can pick up nice tv's on Craigslist for next to nothing.
11-19-2010, 08:37 PM
Thanks all..
no footings just 4" of stone under cinder pads and a large hard wood root system under all the soil, will level off with extra pan gasket when needed or by adjusting the legs on the evap its self.
Had this Lil TV forever, used it when we went camping, but thought why not put it out there, will enjoy watching vids of wine and beer making and esp hunting and fishing vids... good thing it is a small tv and can be moved.. never made maple syrup inside a building so i will learn alot by being inside this season coming.. i cant wait to have at it...
shack and bobwhite pens.. 977_n.jpg 064_n.jpg
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