View Full Version : A learning experience

03-31-2005, 11:07 AM
Here is a learing experience I would like to share with everyone. I was making some syrup yesterday with an auto-drawoff, and in the pan with the temp probe, I had it boiling like crazy and the tenp showed 205-208 maybe. I knew the baro. pressure wasnt that low so after an hour of this I determined that something wasnt right(duh). I took a thermometer and calibrated it in boiling water and was going to do a quick switch. As I started to remove the probe, a bunch of water poured out of the end of it and the temp shot up 10 degrees. Hence the water was shorting out the connections giving false readings. In retrospect I had foolishly installed the probe that as a raintight pulling elbow with a romex clamp in it so the clamp was on the top allowing condensate to get inside if the probe.
It worked great after that. So if anybody else has this problem, water in the probe might be the cause. :oops: :oops: