View Full Version : looking for land or trees

Brian Ledoux
06-13-2010, 08:04 PM
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone knew of anyone in the Manchester/Hooksett, NH area with land for lease, or trees they are not tapping, etc? So far, all my leads are fizzling out and I am anxious to find more trees to tap before I buy a new evaporator so know how big to go with the new rig. If any has any leads or any info, I would love to hear from you. I had a terrible year this year and need more taps so I can hopefully make more than 2 gallons of syrup this year! Thanks. -brian

06-13-2010, 09:22 PM
did you try your county forester? Might have some leads...

John Nute I think is the county forester for Hillsboro county...

Brian Ledoux
06-15-2010, 11:10 PM
Hi Eric,
I appreciate the suggestion. I emailed the county forrester (Jon Nute) and he responded back saying that he did not have any good news for me. I guess I will just keep searching.... will get lucky eventually.

06-16-2010, 04:49 AM
Brian- where in Manchester are you? what side of town? are you looking for tubing or could you live with buckets?

Brian Ledoux
06-16-2010, 07:59 AM
I live on east side of town. (north east) I am looking for tubing, to minimize my time collecting, but I could live with buckets if there were enough in one spot. Last year I had multuple spots to collect at, each with about 15 to 25 buckets, so collecting was very time consuming having to collect at 5 different spots!

Amber Gold
06-17-2010, 06:22 AM
If you go west into Weare you might find something. I know there's a couple of SH's there. More than likely you'll find buckets in someone's front yard. You're not going to find anything living in the City aside from a tree here and there.

red maples
06-17-2010, 08:28 AM
one thing you can try is posting something at the little country stores with your number or email on it. Do you have Maple trees, will trade syrup for tapping trees everything negotable blah blah blah. Small town folk hit those all the time and they usually have a bulletin hanging for business cards lost dogs cats and just that kinda stuff!!! as soon as I have enough syrup I plan on getting my syrup in my towns store. we only have 1!!! we used to have 2 but one moved to kingston.

maple maniac65
09-15-2010, 06:56 AM
I wonder if the city would let you tap the trees on the North End. Stop and look at the parks someday . I always wanted to hang buckets on Maple ST.

red maples
09-15-2010, 09:11 AM
Some towns like it. I know they like to see buckets hanging!!!

Brian Ledoux
10-12-2010, 11:28 AM
Well, I found a few random trees/spots around the city... searched every nook and cranny to be found!! My wife must thinks I am nuts. I found a couple spots near parks, golf courses, abandoned businesses, etc. Tried to find spots where people don't go, and thus avoid people trying to pollute my sap. :) Going to just give it a try with what I have found and see how it goes! Found about 200 trees in all. Not sure how many I will tap. Now I need to get the new 2x6 evaporator fire bricked, clean it, and cut roof for new bigger chimney. Also need to buy all my taps/sap saks and tubing. Lots to do...