View Full Version : VACUME. what do i need???
06-13-2010, 07:53 AM
Ok guys I havnt been envolved here for awhile, I guess i have been pre-occupied in he wood lots.. so anyways heres a question. I got premission from a land owner down the road from the sugarhouse, to tap his maples this year. In this lot there would be enough trees to keep my opperation going for the season alone. so I wouldnt have to tap the same trees I did last season. kinda rotate them from season to season.
So know I'm thinking of a vacume system, so I dont have a bad turn out like last season. but I dont know the first thing about setting them up or even what I would need. theres power not to fare from where the tank would sit. Or even better Ive been kicking this around having my old enclosed 18ft trailer being the vacume house and running the system off a generator(in case of power outages).. the tank would sit outside the trailer, but all equipment would be inside warm and dry for the most part. Plus would be great for storage for off season too.
So could you ponit me in the dirrection of what I would need. looking at about 600 taps more or less. probably no futher then 1000' from the tank..
what kind of expanse am I looking at. no matter what if the season is good im sure it will pay for itself.
Thanks for your help
Maple Rookie- maybe someday i will no longer be a rookie and have answere for others. but way to much to soak in all at once.
Haynes Forest Products
06-13-2010, 08:34 AM
Maple Rookie............I always warn people about the names they pick..........its like naming your lab puppy MUFFY and then you take it hunting with the guys:mad: OK back to the question What do you have? Its always scarry to start a new project from scratch because you need everything and more. Are you capable of doing the work yourself? Are you planning on building anything from scratch? Used? Lets make a list
1 Vacuum pump set up
2 releaser
3 taps, CVs
4 semi ridgid tubing
5 wire, wire ties, clamps, posts, turnbuckels, screw eyes
6 poly pipe for mainlines
7 mainline fittings saddles, Ts, valves, quick connects
8 storage tanks and collection
9 tubing tools, wire streacher, good wire cutters
10 case of black tape
11 time in the woods to cut and map out elevations and main line trails
I wouldnt want to start over unless I had the money to hire it out. Starting out small and expanding over time is the best way to learn and soften the blow of building from scratch. if its a hobby go slow and do it yourself. So if you said How much do I think I would say $10,000.00 if you get some help and shop the parts and equipment around. I always hate a question like this HOW much to start from scratch. Its like asking how much to feed the mother inlaw and family......YIKES send a photo of the Mother inlaw and we can take a wild guess:o
06-13-2010, 10:29 AM
I know What every thing else is for. but what is the black tape for?
red maples
06-13-2010, 10:55 AM
Haynes made me laugh bro!!! You know some one who names an lab muffy? :lol:
OK missing a few things
1 band-aids for blisters
at least 5-10 rolls of teflon tape
The amount of money you will spend completely depends on the number of taps.
Once you have everything up especially the main line your not going to want to take it down so make sure that is OK with the land owner.
this is what I paid last year for just the vac set-up
just vacuum alone with releaser and pvc pipe to realeaser $1000+.
used Dairy pump bb2 with new 1 hp electric motor $300
releaser Lappierre hobby extractor good for 500 taps $560(I think)
all plumbing, oil, valves moisture trap(house water filter housing) relief valve, pressure gauges, other little things. $200+/-
and so far I have approx. 250 taps on that vacuum set-up
and that doesn't count all the other stuff from haynes list.
Oh yeah black tape for fixing leaks and YOU WILL HAVE VACUUM LEAKS!!!
06-13-2010, 12:46 PM
put the vacuum pump at the power source and run vac line over to the releaser and tank.
the trailer for the vac pump/releaser/tank is an idea I've been thinking about if I ever get a big enough bush...
06-13-2010, 01:53 PM
put the vacuum pump at the power source and run vac line over to the releaser and tank.
the trailer for the vac pump/releaser/tank is an idea I've been thinking about if I ever get a big enough bush...
I thought this was an excellent idea, at end of season you could pack it up with everything from that site and store it somewheres. i think thats the only way i can put vacume to this site. they dont want to see anything set up there in the summer months.
Thad Blaisdell
06-13-2010, 06:02 PM
As far as the vacuum pump is concerned, I would call Goodrichs and ask a few questions. I was up not that long ago and they have a neat little vaccuum system that has a built in releaser, this system can be gas or electric. If I had a small woods like what you are talking about I would seriously consider that system.
Randy Brutkoski
06-13-2010, 07:34 PM
I recomend Glen Goodrich as well. I bought a liquid ring pump from him last year and when ever i had a question or i was stumped about something he would guide me through it. I paid 4000 for it and Leader sells the same one for 11,000. Quite the difference.
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