View Full Version : Force Five Evaporator

06-04-2010, 07:45 AM
Does anyone have anyone have updated information in regards to the Force Five Evaporator? problems or concerns?

06-04-2010, 11:12 AM
If you're ordering one do it soon because Lapierre cut off orders in July last year.

Randy Brutkoski
06-04-2010, 12:38 PM
Ennis, Was there any big headaches or problems with your force 5? Im just asking because i am getting ready to pull the trigger on a 4x14 force 5. I will know if i am going to in about a week or 2. It all depends if my USDA loan goes through. It should but i am still crossing my fingers. Even if i burn more wood than what a force 5 is supposed to, it will not really be an issue being that i have 30 cord cut split and stacked so far.Did anything happen out of the ordinary when you were boiling this past season with your new rig? Was the evaporation rate good? Thanks, Randy