View Full Version : If you served Thank you

Haynes Forest Products
05-30-2010, 08:53 PM
I would like to thank all of you that have served this great country. I was drafted into the army back in 1971 having a lottery number of 14:mad: After passing my physical they decided they didnt need me:) I have wonderd how things might have been and as I get older I thank God for all of you. THANKS

05-30-2010, 09:43 PM
I would like to second what Haynes said. I never had the privilege of serving our country in one of our branches of the military, but my dad was drafted as was Haynes in Vietnam and was overseas for a significant amount of time.

Thanks to all of you and God bless your and your families sacrifice and to the many tens of thousands that never came home.

05-30-2010, 10:37 PM
Spot on Haynes, To all the men and women who have, who are and who are going too put their lives on the line for the country and the americans living in it Thank You and may you return home soon and safe. To those fallen soldiers and their families may you all find peace and be proud of them for what they have sacrificed for us.

Amber Gold
05-31-2010, 03:30 PM
I second that. Thanks to all. Your service is greatly appreciated.

Aren't there some members that currently serve??

red maples
05-31-2010, 04:17 PM
thank you to those who have served our country and thank you to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedom.

Fred Henderson
05-31-2010, 06:20 PM
Thanks for the pat on the back.

Homestead Maple
05-31-2010, 08:52 PM
What a very nice post!! Yes, thank you to all who have served.

06-02-2010, 05:30 PM
Thanks Haynes - A very nice post. In my time - during the draft- most of us guys, not college bound, would enlist in the branch of our choice - right out of high school. That way you could get it behind you and move on with your life. If you gambled on not getting drafted - at about age 22 or 23 you received a greetings letter from the Army and usually ended up a foot soldier (aka GI or grunt). Sometimes when the Marines were short of their quota of men - They would borrow Navy volunteers - ouch.
Don't misunderstand - I respect and admire all our young men and women in what ever branch or service they are in. There was and still is a lot of friendly rivalry between the military branches - and that is a good thing. -- thanks again

Haynes Forest Products
06-02-2010, 10:21 PM
Ausable When I got out of high school I was listed as 2HS by the draft board because I was 19:emb: I enrolled in a Jr collage and proceded to flunk every class and was put on probation during the next semester. I paid and never showed up:rolleyes: I guess I wasnt taking the getting drafted part to seriously. I then got the 1A card in the mail:cry:

I do remember walking up to the desk at the end of my first physical with my clip board and basket of clothes and seeing the Marine recruiter asking if he could have the next 2 guys because he was in a hurry:o