View Full Version : tank weight approx.

maple flats
05-25-2010, 04:09 PM
I am picking up a zero vac tank on Friday, 1000 gal, I'm thinking it might be almost 1000#, does that sound safe for an estimate? I have reserved a 6x12 open trailer from U Haul, rated 2600# with my hitch, just looking for a little verification to be sure. The tank is about 124" OAL and 54" diameter plus the agitator motors on top. I needed to get a low trailer so I can unload more easily with my mini excavator. I can just lift it slung under the bucket rather than needing to build a elevated platform to get the lift needed. Can anyone chime in on the max weight it might be?

05-25-2010, 04:58 PM
dave if you make a skid out of 2x8 and 2x4 cross members on both sides of the legs you could very carefully skid it off the trailer with out picking it up.back up to a bank and pull it off.it will fit in the back of a standard pick up with tail gate down.i brought one home that way backed up to a bank and pulled it off the back of the truck with my 4 wheeler. it weighs more than 1000#you have doulble wall s steel, legs ect. plus you said 2 motor on top and agitators. more weight.some thoughts

steam maker
05-25-2010, 08:50 PM
hey theres an 800 gallon milk tank on worchester mass craigslist for 300 bucks

maple flats
05-25-2010, 10:09 PM
My truck is the short box and then I have a big cross over tool box. No way to carry it that way. I'd rather lift from above with the excavator, I'll get better control ubless it weighed more than 2400#. I doubt that very much. But if I couldn't lift I can still place runners under the 4 legs on each side and pull it off the lowboy. Then I have access to a big skid steer that can lift to get it set.