View Full Version : tank price too high

maple flats
05-15-2010, 05:50 PM
I went to an auction today looking to get another milk tank for sap. It was a Sunset tank 625 gal, with some dings and both covers were bent to the extent they would need some re shaping to work. It took 4.5 hrs before they got to the tank and then the price went up to $750 pretty quickly. I decided it was too much and will keep looking for more. This tank was too far gone to use for milk because the cooling connections were bad. What prices have others been seeing for sound tanks at auction?

Thompson's Tree Farm
05-15-2010, 06:05 PM
Keep your eyes on Craigs list. If you are patient, you will get them at the $1 per gallon or less. Seems like I saw one on the Elmira list a couple of weeks ago.

Dennis H.
05-15-2010, 08:18 PM
I got a 200gal for $200, and today at an auction a 440 gal I think went for $375. For what I hear a normal milk tank that is going to be used for sap anything under $1/gal is good. Now a tank that can hold vac I am not sure about.

05-15-2010, 11:25 PM
I got a 400 gallon bulk tank with the compressor for $350. Found it on craigs list. Just be patient and something will come along.

05-16-2010, 07:05 AM
Friday I bought a 600 gal mueller flat top and masport vac pump for$450 and I thought I did real well. On saturday Igot two dumping stations and a 500gal water jacketed tank for free ,just have to help remove. Can these dumping stations be used like a realeser? Does any body know anything about masport rotary vane pump

05-16-2010, 07:40 AM
$1.00 to $1.50 a gallon is the going rate around here also. Right now we do have (2) 400 gallon zero vac. tanks for sale. We used them about 10 years ago under vac. then switched around our system and are now just useing them for storage which is a waste of good vac. tanks. We paid $1.50 a gallon back then, we have them for sale for $2.oo a gallon or $1500 for the pair.

Haynes Forest Products
05-16-2010, 08:21 AM
Jimsudz I run a Masssport that I took all the impules oilers off and went to a flood oil system. Look at my Fotobucket site and look at the BEAST. Is it like that pump? I can get it up to 27HGs before the releaser:)

05-16-2010, 08:15 PM

I have the exact tank you described looking at today in my sugarhouse. I was able to track it down thru some third hand info here on the trader 5 years ago. The farmer was poor and was going to sell it for $ 200 scrap as it had just went bad(cooling inside tank skins). I offered him $ 400 for it if he would hold it 2 to 3 months for me and he did. I didn't have a dent on it anywhere and I paid him $ 400 and towed it about 5+ hours one way back home. They go for a fortune around here where I live, so I was very happy to pay $ 400 for it.

Jim Schumacher
05-23-2010, 09:29 PM
I had a 600 gallon all-stainless surge tank for sale on craigslist for $600.00 for thirty days and never received a single call on it. This makes me think a dallar per gallon is too high, yet when I was looking for a tank they were pretty scarce.

maple flats
05-23-2010, 09:41 PM
I just bought a 1000 gal Zero vacuum tank for $600. Direct from the retired farmer. Found it on Craig's List, looked after another member suggested looking there.

05-25-2010, 07:55 AM
I just bought a 300 gal. pick up truck tank last night from craigs list. I found on for $125.00. The tanks needs to be cleaned but in all a good buy. It came with a quick connect valve and frg. My suggestion is to wait it out on purchasing a tank untill the price is right. I read craigs list at least 2-3 time each day. It is a good site for getting what I want at the price I want. I have seen several tanks on the list for some big dollars but I just wait it out. Next I need a 500-1000 gal tank for my hillside tubbing dump tank. Time will tell.

just my 2 cents

Haynes Forest Products
05-25-2010, 08:18 AM
Birduhunt.....bet you didnt get a Stainless Steel dairy tank for that price:rolleyes:

05-25-2010, 09:07 AM
No it was a poly tank that was made to fit in the back of a pickup truck. I still think I got a good tank for a good price. I have only seen poly tanks for about a dollar a gallon. At least around here anyway.

maple flats
05-25-2010, 10:10 AM
I finally found a tank at a GOOD price. Over the weekend I bought a 1000 SS Zero (I think Vacuum) tank. The gaskets are old and cracked but I think it was still a good price, $600. Going to get it this weekend I think. The people I bought it from have a big payloader that can lift it onto whatever I take. But I want to try to get a low boy because I can only lift it from low with my mini excavator. Weight is not the problem, just height. There would be ways around it but a lo boy, 6x12 would be best.