View Full Version : New Tin Pan

05-10-2010, 06:07 AM
I was given a 4x6 tin pan new in a crate that has been sitting around for about 25years, it has a light brown rust in the pan, does anyone have a suggestion on what I should use to clean it with out damaging the pan.Thanks for any help

Haynes Forest Products
05-10-2010, 08:16 AM
When you remove rust from anything your removing the host metal itself so if you do clean it you want to keep it from rusting again. How rusty is it as far as thickness? I would start with a small area up near the rail and keep it small and start out with scotch brite pads and go from there. If you cant remove all the rust then your better off leaving it.

05-10-2010, 06:19 PM
The rust doesnt look bad it is a light color over the bottom and inside edges,I will try the scotch brite. Do you think vingar and some water would help

Haynes Forest Products
05-10-2010, 08:32 PM
Vine:mad: gar is for breaking down minerals and rust aint one of them Elbo grease and a scotch brite is good BUT remember if its just going to rust up again why remove it. Was it a evap pan to start with or just a tin pan? Is it English tin? The problem with scrubbing English tin is your scrubbing off any coating that is still present.

05-11-2010, 06:27 AM
This is a maple syrup pan with float box set up on each side and channels on the inside, the bottom has raised area about a 1/2 inch between the channels.It was still in a crate when I got it. Because of the age I just figured it is english tin,how do you tell for sure if it is.

05-11-2010, 06:40 AM
Is there a possibility that that pan was used, but put back in the crate for protection?

A light brown coatings on the inside and bottom of the pan sounds like it could be nitre buildup.

Maybe you could post a picture?

How deep are the channels? It sounds like it's a back pan (sap pan) to a 4x10' evaporator if it has channels (Flues).

Haynes Forest Products
05-11-2010, 08:22 AM
I could be mistaking but English tin is a form of LIGHT galvanize more on the level of tin cans. I have a bread box that I was told is English tin and its very smooth and hard to to see the coating. When this type of metal rusts/Oxydizes it turns dark grey on the item I have.