View Full Version : It's been a good week!!
04-29-2010, 03:03 PM
After finding a working vacum pump in one of our old barns I started looking for other vacum stuff and just found a 400 gallon girton bulk tank with compressor and agitator, the glass releaser, trap, glass pipe, transfer pump, and water heater all for $500... pretty good deal I think, so tomorrow it all finds a new home!!
wow, your really expanding. going to a commercial evap from a homemade jobber and a new sugarhouse from a tarp! now thats progress!
04-29-2010, 03:24 PM
Yeah I got my evap from upsmapleman at the end of January and ive been iching to use it ever since... my original plan was just to gather the supplies up so when i finish college i can get right into it but its moving alittle faster than planned.... A okay with me though!
good for you good for you. I am still in the planning stages but will be pulling the trigger and taking action in another year. I will miss out on next year for my own operation but will continue assisting next year
04-29-2010, 04:12 PM
I helped out a local guy for two years while i was in high school. Really learned alot, I think that is the smart thing to do... watch and learn, and do it right the first time. good luck when you do go for it....its a blast for me, i cant imagin not boiling sap in march!
Haynes Forest Products
04-29-2010, 06:05 PM
Wayside I cant amagine doing it right the first time and then never making a mistake down the road. What would we talk about if we didnt have a chance to stick it to our fellow producers for being so stupid as to set things on fire or flood the sap shack with finished syrup:o Good Luck
04-29-2010, 07:02 PM
HAHA....I never said anything about not making mistakes. I just said do it right the first time and from what I have experiecned and read on here the only way to do it right is to make mistakes. My hope is that I can by pass the mistakes that have been posted on here and then make my own new ones, post those and save somebody else from doing the same thing. I love this site can't get enough of it!
04-29-2010, 07:16 PM
:lol: :lol: I see when the hot action is here on these boards.. You guys do know that is is post season and basically May now right, but your still on here! Glad to be one of you!
04-29-2010, 08:23 PM
ADK1 - take some advice from an old guy --- forget perfect -- We silly humans can't deliver perfect - just do our best. You say you help some folks make maple syrup and I believe you - so - you know how it is done. Early next sugarin season - tap a couple of your own trees - put your sap in a pan on the kitchen stove and let it boil (chances are the wife will holler - ignore that) you are a man on a mission. You will probably end up with a little maple syrup and it might be a little thin - but - it is maple syrup. Now U B Da Man - You are now ADK1 Maple Syrup Maker and You bow to no man. Oh - take your wife out to dinner - cause she will probably still be upset about you becoming a syrup maker on Her stove...... hope you can take a little kidding....Your Maple Syrup will be just great -- only -- start boiling - Mike
Haynes Forest Products
04-30-2010, 12:27 AM
And after dinner you can swing buy Home Depot and pick out new paint colors because you will be painting the kitchen:lol: :o :mad: :cry:
04-30-2010, 03:26 AM
You had to tell him about painting the kitchen -- Oh well - You will also have to buy her a new kitchen stove - cause you ruined the old one forever by boiling sap on it -- etc, etc ---
Hey ADK1 - forget my advice - shoot for perfect -- it will probably be cheaper in the long run ----- Mike
04-30-2010, 09:15 AM
My crystal ball tells me adkmaple will not be able to hold out another year and be boiling this march. Heck if Haynes continues to pass on another season I know of a place in Wisconsin you could boil at.
hey thanks guys, well I get my quick fix helping out. and i will say it, i wont do my own for another season. possibly the following! yeah, I may chew my words but that is my plan!
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