View Full Version : Maple syrup honey

04-28-2010, 03:16 PM
We're getting our first bee hive.

If you have bees, have you ever tried feeding them syrup?

After they've drawn out comb of course. Wouldn't want to waste it.

Just curious to see if anyone's tried to get them to make maple syrup honey.

04-28-2010, 03:28 PM
Feeding bees maple syrup will likely give them dysentery. Also, making syrup from regular granulated sugar will be alot cheaper. If you haven't found www.beesource.com , check out the forums there for alot of good beekeeping info.

04-28-2010, 03:33 PM
Thanks, I'll check that site out.

Just wondered if maple honey was possible and what it might taste like.

Why would syrup give bees dysentery?

04-28-2010, 03:48 PM
Supposedly its the caramelization and the dissolved solids that bother the bees. I've had as many as 9 hives at once, down to 1 right now. The bee's are very interesting, but I've decided that I'd much rather spend my time and money on maple. Even with lousy seasons here and there it's easier to make a little money on maple than it is with bees. IMHO. Good luck!

05-01-2010, 07:07 PM
Went up on beesource.com and did a search on this topic.

Found that people either feed sap in season, or Gasp! Cut slits in maples near their hives so early flying bees can get sap.

They say the bees love it and as long they can get out for cleansing flights dysentary is no problem.

They do their own evaporation, to 80 brix to make honey.

Haven't read anything yet about the flavor.

05-01-2010, 09:00 PM
I have never tried to feed the bees Maple syrup or sap.
I am sure they might use sap until there is something sweeter available. But bees don't fly until its 50 out side and the sap may be running prior to that. I have never found a honey bee in a sap bucket. I don't think sap is high on the list.