View Full Version : China!!!

red maples
04-17-2010, 04:37 PM
Sorry for the really non maple topic here but in a way....I just need to vent!!!

I was at the store today and I always try my best to buy stuff made in the USA or at least canada. Man everything in this country is made in another country and mostly china, no wonder our economy is so screwed up and there are no jobs here because nothing is produced here. I hate going to wally world or home depot or lowes...try to find stuff from the
usa in there forget it. I go to Ace hardware if they don't have it then I am forced to go to the big ones.

I know this isn't new news but sorry just mad about it!!!

04-17-2010, 06:23 PM
Just wait till China figures out a way to sell us fake Maple syrup for about 50 cents a pound. They are already dumping crap honey and syrup/honey blends. They are even getting better at shipping from other countries so we can't call it from China.

04-17-2010, 08:40 PM
Yes Brad,

I have been turning items over for years looking for Made in the USA. Pretty much a waste of time now. Buying a greeting card and note cards for my wife's birthday, almost all of Hallmark printing in now done in China. The carbon footprint for this stuff stomps the whole planet. I will keep looking anyway!

04-17-2010, 09:34 PM
And here I turn over things to see if it's at least made in Japan. I can remember years ago guys remarking about ROC on everything. I was in class the other day and the teacher was sqwacking about things being made in other countries. I never mention that most of my cloths I wear are bought in and other country let alone made someplace else.

04-18-2010, 06:00 AM
Brad, And it is no accident that nothing is made here any more. Its all happened by a design plan set up by foreign offshore banks, which have hijacked and infilterated our political system and country. The plan is to reduce this once great country to third-world status.

Check out the following web-site and see for yourself.


I have yet to find any false information.

04-18-2010, 08:06 AM
Third world staus. You guys are all going to move to Quebec and learn french now. Get a good dictionary.

red maples
04-18-2010, 12:01 PM
well 3rd world I don't know about that. Socialist country we are already there. big government with its own adgenda yep there too.

I am all for foreign trade but at the current level its at now is just way off. the government has made it too easy to import and harder to start up a company here. the government calls the economy "A GLOBAL ECONOMY" I say BS to that. lets think about here before we go with this global economy thing!!!

although it might just be a trend I don't know... but so many folks are being alot more self sufficient. in our world it is impossible to be 100% self suffient because you still have to pay taxes!!!

also what china does is make money off us twice on the same materials. for example say you buy a car (that was made in china)and you trade it in buy a new one what ever. your old car gets dismantled and sold as recycled material who buys it? China and for much cheaper than new materal and then processes it and makes say toasters, microwaves ovens, toys, toilet paper holders what ever and sells it back to who US!!

And it is really a catch 22 that the government has put us in the possition that we are in. beacuse in todays world you need allies and with out them your screwed and we are so into helping other countries we hurt our selves. SO if there were someway to get industry back into the USA you will alienate the other world powers then you leave yourself open. so it will just go round and round and round again.

04-18-2010, 01:22 PM
John Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock

(MADE IN JAPAN ) for 6 am.

While his coffeepot


was perking, he shaved with his

electric razor


He put on a

dress shirt


designer jeans



tennis shoes


After cooking his breakfast in his new

electric skillet


he sat down with his



to see how much he could spend today.. After setting his



to the radio


he got in his car


filled it with GAS

(from Saudi Arabia )

and continued his search

for a good paying AMERICAN JOB.

At the end of yet another discouraging

and fruitless day

checking his


(made in MALAYSIA ),

John decided to relax for a while.

He put on his sandals


poured himself a glass of



and turned on his



and then wondered why he can't

find a good paying job




04-18-2010, 01:39 PM
How long do you think it can last that they send over ship after ship full of hard goods and we press a button to make a number in their account a little bigger?

Think they are smarter than that and will wake up soon.

Maybe you should switch from wood fired to a dollar fired arch?


04-18-2010, 02:27 PM

This one puzzles me a lot. Owell.

Unfourtunatly unions and such made it impossible to keep jobs on shore as who is going to pay $50 dollars for a product worth a dollar in materials and $30 bucks in labour. Just isn't going to happen. We had a big chicken place close down here as the union made it impossible for them to keep in business.

04-18-2010, 03:16 PM

3rd world?? We will know what it is when we no longer have jobs or the money we have can't bye a loaf of bread. The same thing that happened in Germany in the 20's and Zimbabee, Argentina, the list goes on is going to happen here real soon if current policy is contuinued.

We are way worse than socialism....it's called fascism, when corporatists and banks merge with government.

It is hard for many folks to believe it happening here, people are in denial. Look at the things being kicked around in Congress i.e. health care bill, global warming tax, talk of shutting the internet down (1st Amendement) They don't want the internet because they know people are waking up through the net, certainly not from the media spun whores of CNN, CBS, NBC, and FOX.

ACER, Glad to see your awake!

04-18-2010, 03:37 PM

Hope you are not talking about maple syrup.

red maples
04-19-2010, 09:27 AM
The thing I question about the heath care "reform" and I do use that term loosely!!! When it was signed the remainder of college loans now go tthrough a government regulated office thats great but what the heck does that have to do with health care!!!!!!!!!:confused: makes you wonder what else is in there gun laws? no fishing on sundays? no farting in puplic areas? what ever...I don't mean to makeit seem like a joke but...

They started at the wrong place with this thing too...it should have started with OK first lets keep it health care and nothing else. and then lets go after the insurance companies and maybe revisit the golden health ins. key( which is if you get elected in to any government off you get free full coverage healthcare for you and your family for life!!! make them pay too. put a cap on malpractice law suits. this will bring down malpractice insurance.

well this thing started out as take pride in "Made in the USA" to facisism, socialism, big government ...It just goes to should the other problems we have and will always have, but Mit Romney proved its not all about the money to win an election...but on the other hand if you don't have it you won't even get your foot in the door!!!!

oh just like a bill through congress.... do you know how much the 2010 census will cost ...85 billion dollars. that works out to approx. 40 something dollars per tax payer but they will know better once the census is done:rolleyes: I mean did they really need to advertize on the superbowl?? and did we really need to get a letter in the mail 1 week before telling us the census was on its way.

ok I waited enough energy on this rant...going to put it to better use...split some wood for syrup!!!!!:)

04-19-2010, 01:05 PM
Just wait till China figures out a way to sell us fake Maple syrup for about 50 cents a pound. They are already dumping crap honey and syrup/honey blends. They are even getting better at shipping from other countries so we can't call it from China.

You could be right - A few years back, one of my daughters used to make Bazaar sale items as a side line and for a few years did ok at Bazaar's selling what she made. I remember joking with her and saying "Well You don't have to worry about the Chinese under-selling you - they woulld never mass produce this stuff" --- Was I WRONG -- They did mass produce it and Spring Bazaar's have really dropped off as a way of making a little extra money.
I would imagine there is a team of Chinese chemists working on a way to make Maple Syrup from old flashlight cells or flip-flops at this moment --- Mike

04-20-2010, 02:01 AM
[QUOTE=red maples;110965]The thing I question about the heath care "reform" and I do use that term loosely!!! When it was signed the remainder of college loans now go tthrough a government regulated office thats great but what the heck does that have to do with health care!!!!!!!!!:confused: makes you wonder what else is in there gun laws? no fishing on sundays? no farting in puplic areas? what ever...I don't mean to makeit seem like a joke but...

oh just like a bill through congress.... do you know how much the 2010 census will cost ...85 billion dollars. that works out to approx. 40 something dollars per tax payer but they will know better once the census is done:rolleyes: I mean did they really need to advertize on the superbowl?? and did we really need to get a letter in the mail 1 week before telling us the census was on its way.

There are many things in the health bill no one knows about because it wasn't even read by many. It was just rammed through.
A few of them:
Physician assistants now able to perform things only doctors could do before.

Waiting lists, dependent on whether the government approves it or not.

Death panels

A National I.D. Card - or you will be fired from your job.

RFID chipping

And the list goes on..................

Hopefully you only answered question #1 on your census, the rest is unconstitutional, specifically the 5th amendment.

04-20-2010, 08:09 AM
[QUOTE=red maples;110965]

Hopefully you only answered question #1 on your census, the rest is unconstitutional, specifically the 5th amendment.

lets see the census form might have been shipped across state lines therefore its "interstate commerce" therefore the feds have all the authority they need. nothing is safe from the interpretation of the commerce clause.

maple flats
04-20-2010, 09:00 PM
And I heard one even scarier, I heard China had planted huge blocks of sugarmaples. Just see what happens if they grow well in China. Nothing is sacred!

04-21-2010, 04:49 AM
its called a "global economy" and that fellow in china making those clocks you wake up to maks 5 cents a day and lives in a factory dorm,,,and is happy to have the oppertunity,,I certinaly try to buy American but we dont make many things anymore,,we cant afford too,I am CERTINALY not trying to start a conversation here, ,If you dont like the way the country is run then run for office and change it. Whinning about it on a MAPLE SITE wont change it,,,,,gotta go,,just saw a couple of black helicoptors comming!!

04-21-2010, 05:56 AM
Well if they just planted sugar maples you have 40 years to wait anyways.It's too bad they make a better product then over here with some products. The grates in pig barns had to be made over there finally as the ones made over here would not stand up due to cost cutting.

Haynes Forest Products
04-21-2010, 09:08 AM
OK I cant stand it any more Im going to jump in with both feet. If you dont like all your stuff being made by China and being cheap and poorly made wait till Andy Stern gets the biggest problem we have and thats UNIONS running Walmart or Your favorite Resturant. HELLO CARD CHECK kiss all the jobs goodby! There is a tipping point and we passed it about 2 years ago. Wait till all us NON union workers bail out all the union leader screw ups. Now all the health care worker will have to be government union workers. You will all be going to Costa Rica for your health care:mad:

04-21-2010, 10:13 AM
I'm not one for jumping on one of these posts, but this DOWNER of a post got me thinking of all the GREAT things about America and all the things that we still make here.

You can focus on the negative and the past, but this shift has been going on for centuries. It started in England, then moved to the United States and even in the U.S. it moved. It started in New England, then moved west, then to the south. Remember when everyone was moving to Georgia or North Carolina? Then it moved to Mexico, then it was Japan and Asia. Then China took advantage of the situation and that's where we are now. Why are we complaining about something that started 250 years ago?

America is a great country (and Canada is a great neighbor!). We still do great things here. That's why so many people want to immigrate here. How many are trying to get into China?

For all those that don't think that we make anything any more, what about these:

Planes (http://www.boeing.com/)
Trains (http://www.getransportation.com/na/en/locomotives.html)
Automobiles (http://www.ford.com/)
Trucks (http://www.freightlinertrucks.com/)
Tools (http://www.craftsman.com/) or here (http://www.lenoxsaw.com/enUS/Home/default.html)
Shoes (http://www.redwingshoes.com/)
Clothing (http://www.allamericanclothing.com/SFNT.html)
Games (http://www.hasbro.com/)
Guns (http://www.smith-wesson.com/)
Construction Equipment (http://www.cat.com/)
Software (http://www.microsoft.com/en/us/default.aspx)
Candles (http://www.yankeecandle.com/)
Movies (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood,_Los_Angeles,_California)
We insure the world (http://www.hartford.gov/)
We feed the world (http://www.agcensus.usda.gov/Publications/2007/Full_Report/index.asp)
The Best maple equipment (http://www.leaderevaporator.com/)
Many More! (http://www.americansworking.com/index.html)

And, let's not forget: Maple Syrup! (http://mapletrader.com/)

The list goes on. We may have a lot of problems, but we still make the best stuff and are the best country on the planet!! Like Parker said, if you don't like things (and believe me, I'm not happy right now!), vote 'em out or run for office yourself.

red maples
04-21-2010, 10:14 AM
When we had that ice storm 1 1/2 years ago and didn't have power for 5 days or more. you realize what we have done. is it the big companies, is it supply and demand is it advertising, is it the demand for instant gradification or just take a pill and you will be skinny, pain free, whatever. We have bigger houses, more vehicles, work more, and have the latest gadgets why? beacuse ... amd lobstafari you said it in a nut shell...there is "only so much time in a day" We have made our lives so complex...complicated...and busy its hard to enjoy the good things...we work hard to buy things that make our lives simpilar to enjoy quality time that costs more money so we work harder to get more stuff to make life more simple yet then we need to get more money so we can get more...well you see where I am going with this. We live on credit. money? whats that? When the stock market crashed did anything get fixed no!!!! just a cycle...its always a cycle. and makes the dollar worthless...so here it goes again we need even more money to get...

So If there is way to simplify your life and start to work for yourself here and there yes its hard because we are still working to pay taxes. But I maen do more things for yourself and get back to nature.

We are never happy with what we have!!! The maple industry is the perfect example...Need to make more ...need to make more!!!! and make it easier, Vacuum pumps, tubing, steam away pans, preheaters, blowers, R.O.'s, and what everelse you can think of to make more in a shorter time...for most why because we have to go to WORK too!!!!

I am just as guilty as the next guy that wants ...not needs more STUFF.

OH yeah someone quoted here don't bitch run for office...and run for office get real nothing gets done there!!! and these are opinions...I do love this country and none of them are perfect in fact nothing is but I still do have the right to bitch about what I want...at least for now.

maple flats
04-21-2010, 12:51 PM
China has some great countryside. Their population is not evenly dispersed, it is much greater concentration than the US in many areas but there are vast wide open areas too.
As far as bitching on a maple sight, I think if it is a topic of interest to us we should discuss it here.
My complaint is mainly with the general public. They don't care where things are made just look at the price.

04-21-2010, 04:02 PM
China already has hundreds of kinds of maples. I think in Korea they have a time when they drink the sap from certain kinds of maples.

Nobody else can make maple syrup because they don't have our kind of weather.

Napoleon tried to grow maples in France, but for some reason they didn't produce over there.

Here's a wiki page on maples.


04-21-2010, 06:50 PM
I think if you figure it out that since maple sap is only 2% that unless they can make it really cheap theres no way in hell anybody would make it in a country where wood and fuel is in short supply. Thats why sugar cane and beets still rule the sugar market. Everybody would make birch syrup if it was worth while but at .5% sugar only us fools make it unless we know how to actually market it at $60 a liter.

04-21-2010, 10:43 PM
All this socialist/ fascist stuff eats at my gut too. Scary deal when the gov't hands us what's "best" for us even when we don't want it. Hope it holds together until Nov. and then vote every incumbent OUT!
It will all seem like a secondary concern come Dec.21, 2012. That polar flip, now that's real scary.
In the meantime, I plan on cutting all the wood and making every drop of syrup I physically can. Just in case the flip doesn't happen , and I get to retire.;)

04-22-2010, 05:37 AM
One of the last real buy American items has some baggage.

If I buy a big three truck, I am buying American which is good.

If I buy a big three truck, I am supporting the union leaders socialist agenda which is very very bad.

04-22-2010, 06:19 AM
I know what you guys are saying. My boys are little sosicalits. I think theyve been talking about organizing behind my back. They make me pay them through lunch, buy lunch, they only want to pull like 10 taps a day and charge me for the whole day. Stuff like that. I dont know where they pick this stuff up. Next thing you know Im going to owe em pensions. Thee(How does a small business owner make it anymore)rooon

red maples
04-22-2010, 06:59 AM
One of the last real buy American items has some baggage.

If I buy a big three truck, I am buying American which is good.

If I buy a big three truck, I am supporting the union leaders socialist agenda which is very very bad.

Believe me I am Chevy guy, but aren't most if not all parts made in canada and assembled here? or is it just aftermarket parts?:confused:

This turned out to be a good thread and it is nice to get this stuff off your chest and at the same it does effect us all here on this site and across the country... the maple (at this time) is only made in north america and hopefully it will stay that way and we should all be proud of what we make!!!:)

Do your best to buy to always buy local. And support your local farms and farmers markets because they once were, and will be again someday, the backbone of our country!!!

Haynes Forest Products
04-22-2010, 07:56 AM
Didnt GM just have to shut down a line because the Chineese Micro chips had a flaw. If you buy GM your helping bail out the Union and pension not the company and they are going to vote in the present bunch to keep getting the bail outs.

red maples
04-22-2010, 12:18 PM
See that you can't even be a loyal Chevy guy anymore

OOHHH the humanity!!!!

Haynes Forest Products
04-22-2010, 03:29 PM
It is funny how you only read about Toyotas recalls and not the big 3s I just sold my Chevy for a Dodge:rolleyes:

04-22-2010, 05:41 PM
It is about time you smartened up Haynes:D

04-22-2010, 06:51 PM
Ford didnt get any bail out money. Theron

04-22-2010, 07:27 PM
Ford didnt get any bail out money. Theron

And I will continue to drive em.

Brian Ledoux
04-22-2010, 08:05 PM
Here's a good one that surprised me recently. I live in New Hampshire and was in the grocery store (Hannafords) the other day when I was reading the label of a "organic" bottle of apple cider when I noticed that it said "Made in China"!! I could not believe it. We live in new england, where apples grow abundantly, and our grocery store is selling apple cider from CHINA! Unbelievable.

Bucket Head
04-22-2010, 09:47 PM
Organic apple cider from China? Thats nice. I would'nt be surprised if syrup comes from there eventually too. Simply unbelievable.

I can see it now, organic maple syrup from the "Who Flung Poo Maple Tree Co.".

I have to log off now before I start typing words that are not allowed on the Trader...


P.S.- I'm with 802 on the Fords. Thats all I own and thats how it will be. I applaud Ford for not taking the Government's "dangling carrot on a stick".

04-22-2010, 10:09 PM
I have a Ford because they made the small pickup with the best gas mileage. They were the only ones that didn't take the bailout and they're the one that gained the most market share over the past couple of years.

I am fine with the workers being union. They made a good product and were paid a decent wage. What's the matter with that?

I don't think the government should have bailed the other car companies out at all. That's the idea of capitalism. If you make an obsolete product that nobody wants to buy you go out of business.

All those cars and Suv's that get 10 miles per gallon are dinosaurs and should be seen in a museum.

Or sell them to the Chinese.

04-22-2010, 10:35 PM
The old timers here say they would rather push a Ford then drive a Chev. I hate Ford cars most ofthe time but the trucks seem to run. I drive a Ranger and it's me second one. I had one of the first Rangers that they made in Germany and it ran well but the parts were expensive.

04-23-2010, 05:09 AM
We also have to thank China for the Asian long horned beetle. Our own government has used our tax dollars to sell us out for decades but, when an invasive pest arrives because of this selling out there are no tax dollars to combat the pest.

04-23-2010, 06:13 AM
when an invasive pest arrives because of this selling out there are no tax dollars to combat the pest.

Actually the USDA is spending quite a bit of money to eradicate (not control--- eradicate) the ALHB wherever it is found.

04-23-2010, 10:16 AM
I agree with Dr. Tim- I've seen the feds and state forestry officals go after ALHB and Emerald Ash Borer infestations hard and fast...USDA and APHIS take the lead on most if not all infestations...

04-24-2010, 07:48 AM
Actually the USDA is spending quite a bit of money to eradicate (not control--- eradicate) the ALHB wherever it is found.

Point well taken, where does the USDA money come from? Or should it be, who is ultimately on the hook?

Thompson's Tree Farm
04-24-2010, 08:22 AM
The point was made that our gov't (us) was doing nothing to stop the ALHB. Dr Perkins was pointing out that indeed, some of our money may be being put to a use that benefits us.

04-24-2010, 06:10 PM
Money is being spent to help stop infestations but very little is being spent to stop the bug before or even as it enters our ports.

Clan Delaney
04-24-2010, 11:05 PM
Regarding ALB, info on restrictions and enforcement of Solid Wood Packing Materials (SWPM), taken from this document (http://www.aphis.usda.gov/publications/plant_health/content/printable_version/faq_alb_07.pdf)

Q. What is being done to prevent further
infestations from occurring?

A. In 1998, APHIS published an interim rule immediately requiring that all SWPM from China be completely free of bark and live plant pests and be treated with either preservatives, heat, or fumigation prior to arrival in the United States. Effective September 16, 2005, all wooden packaging materials (e.g., pallets, crates, boxes, and dunnage) imported into the United States from all countries must be heat treated or fumigated with methyl bromide and marked with the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) logo and appropriate country code designating the location of treatment.

APHIS analyzes threats to U.S. agriculture and develops rules for importing commodities based on the risks they present. APHIS provides the U.S. Department of Homeland Security inspectors at U.S. ports of entry with pest alerts, outreach material targeting importers, and the necessary training to increase overall vigilance during import inspections. These inspectors form the first line of defense against exotic plant and animal pests and diseases.
All international passenger baggage, cargo, packages, mail, and conveyances are subject to inspection upon entry into the United States. APHIS has worked with industry, cooperators, and the public to heighten awareness of the ALB to help increase detection. APHIS is also conducting thorough surveys in high risk areas where potentially infested cargo has been imported.

The tremendous volume of imported cargo makes it impossible to visually inspect every shipped item for evidence of an infestation. However, based on port of entry inspections—which include confirming that all imported SWPM is marked with the IPPC logo—we know that more than 98 percent of imported SWPM is in compliance with current regulations. When noncompliant material is identified, it is immediately quarantined and promptly shipped back to the
exporting country until compliance has been met. If infested packing material is found, in most cases, the infested material must be separated from the
imported products and immediately destroyed.

When an ALB is found in cargo at a port of entry, APHIS also identifies the cargo shipment’s intended destination, and officials inspect the storage facility and previous shipments that may have been imported from the same area. Surveys are conducted in the vicinity around warehouses with infested cargo to determine if beetles have escaped into the environment.

wanting to get into it
04-24-2010, 11:43 PM
OK I cant stand it any more Im going to jump in with both feet. If you dont like all your stuff being made by China and being cheap and poorly made wait till Andy Stern gets the biggest problem we have and thats UNIONS running Walmart or Your favorite Resturant. HELLO CARD CHECK kiss all the jobs goodby! There is a tipping point and we passed it about 2 years ago. Wait till all us NON union workers bail out all the union leader screw ups. Now all the health care worker will have to be government union workers. You will all be going to Costa Rica for your health care:mad:

Problem with our stuff coming from China isn't the unions fault. The problem is with currency manipulation on China's end. It is so cheap to ship stuff to the United States from China and pay Chinese 25 cents an hour. Sure SOME of the unions here are going a little overboard. Everyone is entitled to their opinion on unions. Sure I belong to one, and I am very grateful and proud to be a member as well. I have paid health insurance and a pension for when I retire. Isn't this what a majority of us want? I don't agree with the auto unions and the greed. I took labor history classes and truthfully if it weren't for the unions forming you would be working weekends, holidays, no overtime, and probably would start a full time job when you are 12 years old. I know some of us have to work weekends, so do I but at least I get overtime doing so. And you can partially blame Wal Mart for some of the business going to China. All in all, the union has provided a comfortable way of life for me and my family and I am truly grateful for that. Before joining the Union I struggled to make ends meet and was always coming up short. Now I am capable of making ends meet and to put my wife through school and my daughter when the time comes.

red maples
04-25-2010, 09:26 AM
unions are good for some...having worked in hotels and being a non-union manager of union line employees...unions help bad employees keep their jobs and hurt good employees. Why? I'm not say all unions are bad. but when you have good employees that rarley make a mistake and when they do make a mistake you have to crusify them and if you don't the bad employees take advantage of it and make the same mistakes on purpose. I hate dealing with union reps and shop stewards!!!! I really just hate it. they are like sneaky low down laywers...sorry if there any ethical lawyers that visit this site...

just my opnion.

and its not the complete fault of the unions for business going over seas but they do have some responsability invovled. but I mostly blame government. for example if you take a whatever business that makes say toasters

1. You have to deal with state laws, permit fees, business registration fees legal(lawyer fees), meetings, building permits, maufacturing permits and fees, liability ins, property ins, umbrella ins, business ins, and what ever else you might need, mortgages, bank notes what ever, and you haven't even broken ground yet.

2. then get into your employee and labor laws, non-descrimination laws, medical insurance, setting up your tax infrastructure, your human resources dept, unions, benefits, etc. and you still haven't manufactured a single toaster yet.

3. I haven't even touched on the taxes yet!!!! I am stressed out just thinking about it. If I were to start a manufacturing company why would I want to do it here!!!!!!!!!!!

and this new thing that has just come to light in the past month or so is the new VALUE TAX. which if you don't know is a european concept that the Federal government charges a tax to the manufacturer not the consumer. its sort of a federal sales tax that we don't see and is charged before we even get the product. and its not like a state sales tax that is like 3,4,5,6% its more like 10-20%. So Obama's people say it won't impact the consumer...yeah right!!! the maufacturer will just charge more for the product and who does that effect????

AH politics aren't they fun:mad:

04-25-2010, 09:49 AM
The value added tax, or VAT has been cooking for some time. Though recently has just hit the media, it has been planned a long time ago. The tax is part of a global agenda and will go directly to foreign offshore banking cartels. It will do anything but help our country. It will do the opposite.


Read the above and see whats in store.

red maples
04-25-2010, 11:03 AM
oh yeah I forgot the removal of import tarrifs who did that was it the bush senoir years or the Clinton administration?? thats where it really started from!!!

red maples
04-25-2010, 11:13 AM
ok we're screwed now!!!!

The value added tax, or VAT has been cooking for some time. Though recently has just hit the media, it has been planned a long time ago. The tax is part of a global agenda and will go directly to foreign offshore banking cartels. It will do anything but help our country. It will do the opposite.


Read the above and see whats in store.

04-25-2010, 04:07 PM
Back in the early 70's my friend and current ranch partner was brandishing about a book titled" None Dare Call it a Conspiracy".
The scenario currently playing out, has been in the works for longer than most of us realize.
Most people have their noses so tight to the grindstone they won't take time to think for themselves any more.
I really didn't think the flip would happen this fast, and with so little opposition.
OBAMA= One Big --- Mistake America

wanting to get into it
04-25-2010, 04:14 PM
ok we're screwed now!!!!

I will agree here!!! Ever just want to give up. I mean seriously, unless you have a big wallet and a multi billion dollar corporation your voice will not be heard in this country. This is how we have evolved. For me, yes it is scary. But more so for my daughter and her future.

wanting to get into it
04-25-2010, 04:17 PM
Back in the early 70's my friend and current ranch partner was brandishing about a book titled" None Dare Call it a Conspiracy".
The scenario currently playing out, has been in the works for longer than most of us realize.
Most people have their noses so tight to the grindstone they won't take time to think for themselves any more.
I really didn't think the flip would happen this fast, and with so little opposition.
OBAMA= One Big --- Mistake America

This has been going on since ronnie took office. Now everyone is getting in a panic? Almost too little too late. Next they are gonna be knocking on the door for my guns! And they will get'em out of my cold dead fingers!!!!

04-25-2010, 10:47 PM
I never wanted to believe it could happen here. This Nov. election will tell if there's any hope.( And I think there is) The media is spinning such a mind bending web .

04-26-2010, 07:32 AM
I am glad everyone is agreeing here! That is the first thing we all must do in order to stop this crap!! I don't know how many of you looked up the plugs I gave for Alex Jones, but the man is absolutely dead-on in listening to his radio show.

He simply exposes the fact that USA, and many other countries have been or are in the process of being hijacked by the big banks, Federal Reserve, Bank of England, and other foreign offshore banks. The World Bank and IMF being central. They have over the years created fiat money out of nothing and orchestrated it in such a way that THEY control the government. Washington is nothing more than a bunch of puppets.

Alex teaches (and I have learned) about the left-right paradigm as he calls it. The Republican/Democrat slideshow. And how they play one side off against the other and make it look like there is 2 parties, but really only one with different "flavors and facets".

Understanding this one thing is the key to understanding the rest of it.

The reason most don't care, or most don't get it, is because they have been dumbed down by fluoride in the water (google sodium fluoride MSDS),aspartame, unprecedented vaccine programs, TV and sports were invented to get one so hooked on that all people care about is their TV and football games, soaps for the ladies.

And now the latest gadgets, texting, cell phones.

My gosh when I go on break at work....good luck trying to communicate with my texting zombie co-workers. The darn things have literally taken them over.

Do you want tyranny or liberty? We can have liberty if people wake up, pay attention and say NO to this crap. Everyone needs to get educated, or we will be wiped out and there isn't much time left.

They are actively trying to shut the web down. Time is of the essence and God only knows how much longer we all will be able to talk openly on things like this and MAPLE SYRUP!!!

Don't believe:http://www.infowars.com/rockefeller-internet-is-number-one-national-hazard/

Department of Homeland Security and FEMA were invented to take on the American people. They are for, veterans, returning veterans, gun owners, those that believe in private property, libertarians, anti federal reserve people, tea partiers, basically anybody that loves freedom and the constitution of the US.

red maples
04-26-2010, 08:09 AM
hey I like watching sports!!!

in other words the democrates give give give and get folks dependent on things then WAM tax it regulate it what even. back handed politics.

yes... november we will see.

as far as the VAT taxes and FAT taxes and what ever else it looks to me like the big world banks are looking at us and want their money back!!!! and you know what the US is kinda like the giving money to family you know your not going to get it back. And I can respect that from them. but to keep printing money like obama its not worth the paper its printed on.

Why can't the government just spend less money...period!!! and stop borrowing money to give to other countries. I mean look at how much aid went to haiti. OK its a natural disaster and people need help etc, but there are still people effected by hurricane katrina that are still looking for help...hello...they are in our country!!!!

one thing I was thinking and tell me what you think...it might regulate things a bit./ but could bite us in the but too.

these taxes the VAT taxes what if we only charged those taxes on on products made over seas in other countries. I think that would level the playing field a bit because the products coming from outside the US borders would become more expensive than the products already made here.

On the other hand low and lower- middle classes would suffer because they have become addicted to wal mart because they have been driven down and can't afford to get out of the hole they are in which makes companies like wal mart more powerful and can get lower prices becasue there is no one that will buy that kind of quantities that they do. those classes are addicted to and over run by consumerism. And "the want to have" mentality is the USA way of life rather than "a need to have" mentality. easy to get...easy to dispose!!!!

I mean why did the TV reception have to go digital...can anyone tell me that? I don't get it. if you don't have cable you can't have TV!!!!! or you have to buy a converter. that is another government have to do rather than a need to do.

made I am getting sucked into my own thead everytime I log on here!!!

Haynes Forest Products
04-26-2010, 08:37 AM
What do you expect fron a society that thinks Jon Stewart is a news caster and PETA is a nice bunch of folks looking out for fuzzy bunnies:mad: and CAIR is a group of peaceful guys from the middle east. ARRP is looking out for your best intrest and ACORN just wants to help you vote. The UN is making sure that the world is a safe place and the last place that could be corrupted:lol: Oh and your taxes wont go up really just trust us Health care will save you money and we will all get a $2500.00 raise from our companys when its all thru the government.

04-26-2010, 09:33 AM
Big news in the States when 26 men lose there lives in a mining disaster.
China averages 10 coal miners lost per day. What part of communism warned the proletariat about that.??
Or Russia, average life expectancy, 56 years for males. Wow. Work the hell out of people, crush their hope and bury them young. That should be the creedo of the totalitarian.
Google Obama Hitler if you need further food for thought.
And watch whats going on in AZ. This could be the tip of a huge ice berg.

04-26-2010, 10:26 AM
Be care about talking about PETA. I belong to PETA and am proud of it!!!


04-26-2010, 10:55 AM
I think we should get back on the original topic which was China.

04-26-2010, 12:40 PM
Or can't we get back to picking on Chevys and Dodges?

Soon they'll be made in China too.

04-26-2010, 05:26 PM
I think we should get back on the original topic which was China.

Do You really want to? China is a very scary subject. Yep - they are still Communist, still have a lot of people, still are hungary for more land, still have the largest army in the world. But - in the last 20 or so years - there have been a few minor changes. They are now an industrial giant that can build just about anything - thanks to us. Many of their people are now highly educated in many fields. They are or are close to being the richest nation on earth and America owes them a fortune. Now that China has plenty of ships and planes to move their massive army anywhere they want - What could we now do to stop them if they started invading other countries. We could call up our National Guard and Army Reserve Units etc. But - Whoops - they are in Iraq and elsewhere......... Lets hope China is happy with the way things are and dosen't get land hungary. .... May GOD continue to smile down on America --- Mike

Haynes Forest Products
04-26-2010, 06:53 PM
OK lets get back to bashing China............As far as they are concerned they aint doing anything wrong. So if we dont like whats happening then we can end it now.....Everyone that doesnt like what China is doing then stop buying from them. I have to laugh when I hear that all Walmart sells is China crap NO you just pay more for the USA stuff. So lets ask why doesnt Zenith, Sylvania or Magnavox make TVs anymore MMMMMMMMMMMM its not because I didnt buy one. Oh ya its because they wouldnt change and they thought they could keep charging high prices and we didnt have a choice so we bought Jap and then we found China was cheaper so dont blame China. Go get a Cutis Mathis! Or the Chevy you want at a cheap price is using China as a supplier and your 401K is invested in GM and they need to cut costs so they buy from Canada.Lets Bash Canada....heck that country starts with a "C".......then we can go after KenW its his fault...GOTA GO AND GET MORE AMMO and tin foil:lol:

04-26-2010, 06:58 PM
Or can't we get back to picking on Chevys and Dodges?

Soon they'll be made in China too.

That or pick on people from Wisconsin. Haynes where are you.

Haynes Forest Products
04-26-2010, 07:02 PM
In Colorado Ha Ha He He:lol: :lol: Working on Maple syrup equipment. WHAT maple syrup equipment made in Colorado......Hang the Bastard:lol:

04-26-2010, 07:17 PM
OK lets get back to bashing China............As far as they are concerned they aint doing anything wrong. So if we dont like whats happening then we can end it now.....Everyone that doesnt like what China is doing then stop buying from them. I have to laugh when I hear that all Walmart sells is China crap NO you just pay more for the USA stuff. So lets ask why doesnt Zenith, Sylvania or Magnavox make TVs anymore MMMMMMMMMMMM its not because I didnt buy one. Oh ya its because they wouldnt change and they thought they could keep charging high prices and we didnt have a choice so we bought Jap and then we found China was cheaper so dont blame China. Go get a Cutis Mathis! Or the Chevy you want at a cheap price is using China as a supplier and your 401K is invested in GM and they need to cut costs so they buy from Canada.Lets Bash Canada....heck that country starts with a "C".......then we can go after KenW its his fault...GOTA GO AND GET MORE AMMO and tin foil:lol:

OK - I'm Going - Lets see -- more ammo and rolls or foil-------
-----I'm Back - have my made in USA foil, Grand-Dad's Air Raid Warden Helmet --- Sorry but no ammo - all was made in China so didn't buy any - but - do have a used golf club -- so KenW is the bad guy - ok ---- Whoops - now wait just a minute Haynes - I thought Bucket Head was the one at fault - this is all getting too complicated - -- I think it is past my bed time -- I'll march tomorrow ---- Mike

04-26-2010, 10:51 PM
Well I cant take it anymore you guys have sucked me into this thread. The political state this country is in boils my blood like nothing else can. I can write pages about it and b!tch for days on end. Here is an example of how smart those chinese are and how dumb we are. China is buying our used printing equipment by the boatloads. Why? well because the economy is in the dumps and the cost of good used equipment is worth more money than the cheap crap made overseas. So there is no market for it left in the us. So that leaves alot and I mean alot of equipment dealers dead in the water. 5 years ago our printing equipment exploded and the used market value dropped and the vast majority of us dealers took advantage of it and just kept buying up these great deals. The manufactures of the equipment started taking huge advantages of americans and kept raising and raising there prices on everything, new equipment prices, service, parts etc. Printers got fed up and started buying used recondition equipment for half price and went to independant service orginations to meet their needs. The dealers were making money and just kept buying every used peice they could get ahold of. Then we the dealers woke up one morning and the whole **** market crashed and we are sitting on millions and millions of dollars of used equipment. What happened was manufactures made deals overseas to have their equipment manufactured and found out it was alot cheaper and they now could outprice the used market. The kicker is the import and export taxes that made this all possible. Import tax basically does not exist. There is a weight limit and if a machine exceeds that it gets taxed or even rejected into the us. Which in return made cheap lightweight equipment able to enter the us. Now on the flip side export tax is absolutely insane. It cost an equipment dealer in excess of 10,000 dollars in taxes regardless of the value of the equipment. Now with that said China wakes up and sees us dealers struggling to survive and we let them open several business locations in the us with yep you guessed it their own employees to seek out our used equipment that is better than their new equipment. So they buy it from us dirt cheap. Fill as many containers full as possible and ship it back to their homeland where the can have nothing but the best equipment. So after that crap all happens they realize they do not have the resources to service or maintain their new used equipment. Now this is where we get even dumber. They hire our service technicians to go overseas to China and we train them how to fix the equipment they bought from us for pennies on the dollar. Why do we go? Well because they did not give us the resources to fix the junk they sold us that we were suckers enough to buy so their is a bunch of techs running around trying to feed their families and China flashes some coin in their faces and they jump. I can shamefully say I was one of these guys. Although the inventory I was holding was small compared to most. I almost took the trip to China as well and opted out at the last moment. I woke up not liking the situation and refused to do business with them after realizing I was not helping americans at all or myself in the long run. What is really depressing about this whole thing is alot lot of these dealers had nothing to lose at this point and gave large credits to China. China would consistantly send funds to keep them happy but once their inventory was gone and could not meet China's need any longer the funds stopped coming as well. So what does a small business owner do against the government of China to get their money? Nothing. I should also mention it is not a private business in China that is doing this it is their govenment. I will also note that for us to import the parts needed to maintain this equipment and the service fees it sometimes leads to them junking it and buying a new one. This is just what I have dealt with and I cannot imagine how much of this goes on and to what extent. And who is gonna suffer the most from the mass govenment spending Barrack Hussein Obama insist on doing is our kids. I read some stats the other day and it was greatly disheartening. One stat claims that only 47% of our college grads will find employment after graduation. As far as China and all the other overseas countries that make junk for us it is our fault. We americans have a serious problem of wanting everything. What happened to wanting the best? Now it is all about who has the most. Cant have one car but have to have 2 or more, cant have one phone the whole family has to have one, Cant have one tv in the family room we got to have one in every room, Cant have one pc in the house gotta each have one, the list goes on and on and on. How do we afford all this stuff? Easy just buy the imported junk. Heck if it breaks throw it out and buy a better newer version. Want to make a change in this country? Get back to our grass roots and buy american. Teach our kids how to provide for themselves. Show them how to plant a garden, teach them how to fish and hunt. Throw the exbox and playstations in the garbage, take the tv out of their room, eat dinner at the table as a family and get to know them a little. Dang man make them earn the useless crap we buy them instead of just spoiling the crap out of them. I see kids everyday that have no idea how to even clean the dishes let alone wipe their own butts. Just tell me how are they gonna survive on their own. Grass roots, find it, learn it and teach it to our kids.
Now do not even get me started on the Great One in office and immigration, or health care, or bailouts, or stimulus money, or NASA, or wellfare, or taking our kids finantial aid money and sending adults who are lazy to college with my money, etc etc etc..................... How about that speech this weekend our president gave. If that does not scare or make an american sick nothing will. We need to unite african americans, latinos, children and women in this country.. What about the white and elderly americans? Must be he forgot to mention that part. Im sure is was on the tellepromter somewhere. You really really think that when November comes things are gonna change? False hope Im afraid. It might get a little better yes but they are all one in the same with just a different agenda. It is all about the power trip and the almighty dollar. It is one big friggin football game to them. Its the democrats against the republicans. Until we stand up and stop the game and all become one team for the fight to better america as a whole instead of divided individuals Im afraid it will be a never ending cylce of b.s. Ever think about why Obama wants to empty Gitmo out? Heck it seems it would be a good spot to stick some fed up americans. Thanks guys for sucking me into this one. Im sorry but I gotta hit the submit button anyways. My apologies in advance to whom I have offended.

04-26-2010, 11:30 PM
3 cheers 3rdgen,
Spot on man!!

04-27-2010, 05:24 AM

Why you holding back man, tell us how you really feel.


Mike Van
04-27-2010, 06:14 AM
When union membership in this country is down to record lows, why do they still get blamed for everything? 50 years ago, union wages were paid, people had good jobs. Union workers made billions of dollars for the "big three" automakers. Where is all this money today? Stuffed into poor management decisions, golden parachutes for execs, millions of dollars of still building [by management decisions] gas hogs? The cost of doing business in the USA is staggering, and it's not [always] the unions fault. Legal costs, zoning costs, greasing the local political machine, etc. all add up. Are there some bad union workers, of course there are. Not any more corupt though than some of the politicians, clergy, judges & police that are out there. And don't say "unions are no longer needed" Just look at the mine disaster in West Virginia a few weeks ago, there would be many more of them if management cut costs, saftey & jobs. Cheaper to make overseas? Of course it is where there are no enviromental, health or saftey concerns for the workers. It's always a management or boardroom decision to close up shop here & hire it out in China.And as long as people stand for antifreeze in toothpaste, poisen in pet food & lead in kids toys, they'll keep doing it. America, someday all we'll make is excuses.

04-27-2010, 06:38 AM
Wonder when Big Al is going to fly his Jumbo Jet into China and convert them to his Go Green Religion? Most likely he will promote a mind set in the News Media that burning wood to stay warm and boil sap is somehow wrong and we should pay some kind of a carbon tax to keep doing this. Sounds nuts dosen't it? Well - anything is now possible in the new world of change. ---Mike

04-27-2010, 10:16 AM
Nice rant 3rdgen.

You have to remember that Obama is just the latest captain of the Titanic, and that the iceberg was hit some time in 2008. We are just waiting on the tilting deck now.

It is time to learn how to live off the land now.

Fortunately we have a little head start.

Haynes Forest Products
04-27-2010, 10:43 AM
In this down economy and so many people out of work I still cant get someone to work at a desent wage. They would rather get their 2 years worth of unemplyment and 1/2 their Cobra paid for by the government (us) and now a new program to cut the mortgage to $500.00 per month screw the banks and your credit rating. So why wouldnt I go get a company in china to build something for 1/2 price.

04-27-2010, 04:52 PM
Haynes, That seems to be the plan, get people used to, begging for government life-support with a fiat currency system. Its alot easier to control you that way.

Haynes Forest Products
04-27-2010, 05:15 PM
Mark Im with ya on that aspect of of the present administrations plan. I know a guy that lives in wisc. He is on Badger Care............food stamps subsidized heating oil. The guy has a business, (5)snowmobiles,camper with slides,(2)four wheelers, 42ft boat and he is in the prosess of getting a 2 seat ultralite. From the looks of things the kids and wife are well fed. He was telling me that the state came calling on him because of his tax return and offerd it to him. Heck im self employed and dont show that much income and dont have unemployment benefits but I subsidize others. Wait till they pass the value added tax:mad: :mad:

04-27-2010, 05:15 PM
In this down economy and so many people out of work I still cant get someone to work at a desent wage. They would rather get their 2 years worth of unemplyment and 1/2 their Cobra paid for by the government (us) and now a new program to cut the mortgage to $500.00 per month screw the banks and your credit rating. So why wouldnt I go get a company in china to build something for 1/2 price. That is exactly why it annoys me to no end when I see extension after extension of unemployment. I understand it can be difficult to get work, I have been there before, but I fear we are creating a nanny state of mind. Far as I am concerned, whenever you see government subsidize something, you get more of it. It creates a state of mind that says( why work when government will bail me out). My thoughts only. As a self employed landscaper, some of this asinine stuff annoys me to no end.

04-27-2010, 05:24 PM
The establishment knows that if they pull the life support too soon, they may not be ready yet with the police state. They actually have it set up where you beg for it, beg the government to save you.

Read that the political leaders in Illinois are calling for troops on the streets of Chicago. This is what happens when a class 1 nation starts falling to 3rd world status.

And look at Arizona....the borders could be 100% controlled within hours if the feds were to follow the constitution. They want the illegals in here to fight with law-abiding citizens.

04-27-2010, 06:11 PM
And talking about Arizona, the fed is considering suing them over the immigration law that is pretty much copied after the US version that isn't being inforced now. Go figure.

04-27-2010, 08:45 PM
The reason people keep getting unemployment extensions is that they truly don't want to work. Amazing how proud some people are and used to the big $$$ that they wouldn't dare stoop down to a lower paying job or lower on the ego scale.

Haynes Forest Products
04-27-2010, 09:27 PM
What you tax you will get less of and what you subsidize you will get more of:cry:

Thats what Daley gets for outlawing hand guns in Chicago. An armed society is a polite society. After DC lost the Heller case and people were allowed to defend themselves in their houses crime went down 26% NY is next with that jerk Bloomberg.

04-28-2010, 02:32 AM
I heard on a radio show (don't know who) last night, that Mayer Bloomberg over time has shifted 250 million plus of income off shore with not one cent of tax. Any ideas how to do that with syrup income?

red maples
04-28-2010, 01:31 PM
As far as illegal immagrant are concerned...the way I see it is if they are paying taxes and everything else that comes with being a citizen then fine they can stay but they aren't and thats what burns me. I mean sue AZ for wanting to deport ILLEGAL aliens the darn term illegal its right there ILLEGAL ALIENS....come on now!!!!

I would love to be able to take a little peak at the future to see if Governments around the world will ever be over thrown and if its really possible. let me correct myself "POWERFUL" governments of the world. Boy if there was a way to just fire all the politians and start over with the basic "realistic" fundimentals the country was founded on instead of the corruption that out great democracy has turned into and we all know what that is a bunch of greedy old money hungery lawyers and politcians and are just for yet a few more dollars to line their already stuffed pockets!!!

But homeland security will never let it happen. I guess it would be an internal terrorist group then wouldn't it.

And wow nice rant 3rd gen I was sure you would get sucked in sooner or later. :)

Oh man thought of another thing to add to what I said about school loans being 100% managed by government. Its really just another way of them controlling who goes to college and who doesn't...right.

Control, control, control....what ever happened to freedom...freedoms by policy.

anyway enough of ranting from me for now!!!!

04-28-2010, 02:53 PM
Frodo Baggins: I wish none of this had happened.
Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.

Some words of wisdom I often fall back upon when I, like y'all, am frustrated in various ways with the turns of fate in our nation today. All I can do is go home, kiss the wife and hug the kids. And in the end, that's probably the best thing to do anyways, no matter whether it's the best of times or the worst of times...

04-28-2010, 04:23 PM
Probably why Obama is so against Arizona making their own immigration laws is that if he got pulled over and couldn't prove he was a US citizen ,they might have him deported

04-28-2010, 06:14 PM
Probably why Obama is so against Arizona making their own immigration laws is that if he got pulled over and couldn't prove he was a US citizen ,they might have him deported

that's yesterday's news, genius. :)

04-28-2010, 06:41 PM
I saw today that a canadate for govenor in Alabama says he will stop allowing drivers test to be given in any other language other than English.
His comment was "we speak English here"
When the big surge of imagrants came to the US in the early to mid 1900s they were expected to learn English and that is the way it should still be.
Not to pick on anyone in particular but an example of what I mean is a neighboring town has to pay for a translator to ride the bus because some of the kids can't speak English

04-28-2010, 06:46 PM
What do you guys think will happen in the November elections? Theron

04-28-2010, 06:49 PM
What do you guys think will happen in the November elections? Theron

Seeing I am a genious, I will answer this one. Some will get elected and others won't

04-28-2010, 07:01 PM
Jerry- Spoken like a true polititian. Your taking the fun out of things though, I wanted to see everyone freak out some more. Theron

red maples
04-28-2010, 07:38 PM
yeah me too. this has been a fun thread. its kinda funny what everone thinks will or will not happen. I do like silverleaf's quote of enjoy what you have.

But what can we really do except enjoy what we have...this country is still way free-er than most ...the scariest thing is this when it really comes down to it are we mear sheep, pawns, this country is suppose to be for the people by the people. but when you vote for a president you don't vote for a president you like you vote against a president you don't like. if you write a letter to your congressman if he doesn't agree with it it will go in the circular file(trash can) and he's going to do what he wants to anyway and it won't matter.

I think in the future everyone will have thier ID cards with GPS sensers in them so they know who you are and where you are at all times...ITs coming don't you worry and there will be border patrolls at state lines and you will need a passport there too.

what do you say to that:rolleyes:

04-28-2010, 07:47 PM
I heard on a radio show (don't know who) last night, that Mayer Bloomberg over time has shifted 250 million plus of income off shore with not one cent of tax. Any ideas how to do that with syrup income?

Who the hell makes a income from syrup.
You guys at least don't have to learn french and spanish and farsi and what ever else gets throwen our way. I am not allowed to speak english in school and somedays have no idea whats going on as they don't allow translators. They allow spanish since it has weird words too but not english.

04-28-2010, 10:19 PM
I have not even started to rant yet. I actually deleted half of what I wrote. Got to save some for later.lol Anyways the reason why bloomburge and the rest of the corrupt people in polotics send business over seas is cause of the great promise they make to them when they fund there campains. If you do not like a particular politition just do a little search on who funded their campains and boycott the jerks. I have a nice little list going for myself.
Another little note that kills me when we vote for our president is that we actually don't vote for one. We are voting for the electoral college and the facts are there are only a select few states that really matter when it comes down to it. Why in the world can they just not add up the american peoples votes and highest vote wins. I love the studies when the media hits the streets and ask who and why you voted for a certain person and they have no clue what so ever why. Some answers are frightening. It seems looks play a big factor in alot of americans decision process. Sad It is one big joke and Im not laughing.

Haynes Forest Products
04-28-2010, 11:28 PM
3rdGen If we counted just the total votes and didnt use the electoral College then New York, Calif, and Florida would elec our prez every time. I want Colo to have a say in the out come so stick with what we have.

Its all about the voter base and the Dems are sick with fright about having NON Citizens thrown off the voter records plain and simple.

04-28-2010, 11:54 PM
Hanes NY, Cal. and Florida are on top off the list now. Look at these numbers and tell me what states count now. It just seems to me to skip the state vote and go with a country vote.
Total: 538; Majority Needed to Elect: 270

Alabama - 9.
Alaska - 3
Arizona - 10
Arkansas - 6
California - 55
Colorado - 9
Connecticut - 7
Delaware - 3
District Of Columbia - 3
Florida - 27
Georgia - 15
Hawaii - 4
Idaho - 4
Illinois - 21
Indiana - 11
Iowa - 7
Kansas - 6
Kentucky - 8
Louisiana - 9
Maine - 4
Maryland - 10
Massachusetts - 12
Michigan - 17
Minnesota - 10
Mississippi - 6
Missouri - 11 Montana - 3
Nebraska - 5
Nevada - 5
New Hampshire - 4
New Jersey - 15
New Mexico - 5
New York - 31
North Carolina - 15
North Dakota - 3
Ohio - 20
Oklahoma - 7
Oregon - 7
Pennsylvania - 21
Rhode Island - 4
South Carolina - 8
South Dakota - 3
Tennessee - 11
Texas - 34
Utah - 5
Vermont - 3
Virginia - 13
Washington - 11
West Virginia - 5
Wisconsin - 10
Wyoming - 3

Haynes Forest Products
04-29-2010, 12:07 AM
Its all the East coast and West coast that seems to be the big players and then its Penn. Mich, and that Crazy state Minnesota. Plus Calif will pick up some more. YIKES lets get back to bashing China:)

04-29-2010, 05:02 AM
What do you guys think about all the illegals getting amnesty? It looks like it very well may happen. I was listening to John Gibson yesterday and he thinks the Republicans should lead the way on it becouse if the Dems do it he feels the the Repubs wont win any elections for a long time becouse of the huge new voting block that would be appreciative to the Dems. I wonder if both partys really want it becouse it would be a bunch of new taxes. If you think about it how different are the partys really? John McKain was pro amnesty untill just the other day and Obama is definitely pro amnesty and they were our last two presidential candidates. Theron

04-29-2010, 07:38 AM
What do you guys think about all the illegals getting amnesty? Theron

Only if its in a 2500 page bill written by lobbyists, 'cause if we have people trying to earn a living instead of hip checking each other out of the way for a govt teat there will be chaos and economic turmoil the likes of which we have never seen.


04-29-2010, 07:43 AM

Difference between democrats and Republicans? Dems will destroy the country in less than 5 years it might take the Repubs 10.


04-29-2010, 08:10 AM
I suppose this thread is serving it's purpose- a chance to rant about non-maple topics, but it's now official: I will not read this anymore!! If I want political opinion, I can find it inlots of places. ...And I still think that posts like these on non-political site are nothing but useless digital clutter.

04-29-2010, 08:36 AM
Seeing I am a genious, I will answer this one. Some will get elected and others won't

reason for the barb is that you've marginalized the value of your opinion by continuing to dispense disproved rhetoric. rigid adherence to "facts" that have been shown to be incorrect is not the way to demonstrate your support for conservative ideals or garner support from centrists or moderates, whether you have liberal leanings or conservative leanings.

04-29-2010, 10:46 AM
Only if its in a 2500 page bill written by lobbyists, 'cause if we have people trying to earn a living instead of hip checking each other out of the way for a govt teat there will be chaos and economic turmoil the likes of which we have never seen.


Do you really think if the Gov gives them amnesty the lines will get any longer? or do you think they are all ready in the lines? :cool:

04-29-2010, 06:37 PM
I like reading you guys's mindless digital clutter. I just wanted to know who you guys thought will win this fall. Maybe with everything going on the Repubs will take the house and the senate and we will have a good mixed representation from both partys and they will work together for the betterment of the nation and everything will be good then? Theron

04-29-2010, 06:50 PM
I suppose this thread is serving it's purpose- a chance to rant about non-maple topics, but it's now official: I will not read this anymore!! If I want political opinion, I can find it inlots of places. ...And I still think that posts like these on non-political site are nothing but useless digital clutter.

Agreed! Take this and the Walk Naked thread elsewhere.

04-29-2010, 10:24 PM
Well, now here I go. I've been reading this thread everyday since it's started, been very much entertained, and now I'm going to take my turn. And I'm going to preach, so if you haven't been to church in a while, here you go.
I think its great to be discussing such things, even here on the trader. Yeah, it's not maple, but hey, there's more to life than syrup, so my wife tells me. And just like the TV, we do have a choice of whether or not we tune in to this thread.
It's pretty evident that some people here are concerned about politics, and some are concerned about America, and not to exclude our northern neighbors, the general state of world affairs. Folks, lets try to see past our noses here, and stop getting upset about all these side battles that usually categorize us as either conservative or liberal.
A few of you have already eluded to this, and I'll say again, we need to be looking at the big picture here, not just staying loyal to the political parties we were/are part of. I could rant and rant some more about all the ills of society and politics, talk about how stupid people are for not seeing the obvious, offer logical solutions, etc., but it won't do much good.

This is what I'm concerned about - truth. This is what we should all be seeking. And what we have to realize is that truth is not what we decide it is. Truth is.
All these other issues - China, immigration, health care, etc., are just secondary in nature to the real issue at hand, the issue that many don't want to deal with - the fact that we live in a fallen world where people are serving themselves rather than their Creator. Nearly all cultures worldwide have abandoned any standard of truth as the basis for their personal lives and their governments, and when this happens, chaos ensues because the people continuously fight for whose morality their society is to live by. Fallen people continuously try to alter the society to make themselves comfortable, avoiding their guilty conscience. That is why we must seek a morality (truth) beyond what our selfish nature decides it to be. Their must be a fixed standard. Without it, society plunges into a state of moral depravity, ever worsening, while a few manipulative, organized, power-hungry elitists grasp an ever-increasing choke-hold on God-given liberties and freedoms. We are so side-tracked with all these side-battles that we forget to fight the war on the main front, that battle between good and evil. And don't get me wrong, I don't think it's bad to discuss the side issues, as long as we keep them in the light of truth.

I doubt this country (or any) will ever go back to such a fixed standard, but I'm going to live my life by and spread as much truth as I can, hoping and praying that others will see the light. The Bible tells us to expect all these things we are seeing in today's world, and I think it's futile to try to go back to the "good ole days." Not that we shouldn't try to impact our culture with truth. I think it's of utmost importance to influence the lives of individuals for Christ, and that in itself will have the most positive impact on society.

And, if anybody wants, you can pm me for the dissertation on how this ties to the original post ;)

Haynes Forest Products
04-29-2010, 11:54 PM
Hey I just got back from Grainger with a time delay relay that will be part of the most complicated releaser ever built. So Im keeping a list of country of origin

Time delay relay......China
relay socket........China
2 Skinner air valves.....new Britan CT USA
2 MDC vacuum valves that I saw on Ebay and had to have ...California USA
2 Beer kegs...............Spartensburg USA
6 stainless Steel fittings cut up for ports...............China
Small DeVilbiss compressor......China
2 check valves flapper type...............no name

Im still getting things together so My maple syrup will have China connection

04-30-2010, 04:28 PM
OK - How about Mexico?
A lot of American Companies went to Mexico because of a cheaper Labor Force and less taxes -- etc.
A lot of Americans retired to Mexico because of a cheaper cost of living etc.
A lot of Mexicans work here and take or send their earned money back to Mexico.
Mexico has some very large oil reserves.
Mexico's illegal drug trade makes a lot of money and most of it is probably spent in Mexico.
Mexico should be in pretty good shape and be able to have jobs for and take care of its people.
The good old USA - on the other hand - is like a gambler who lost all his money and is still borrowing from everyone that will lend it - so it can gamble and spend more and more on gambling and hair brained schemes.
This being the case - why would any Mexican want to come here? Shouldn"t we be trying to sneak into Mexico for a better way of life?
I really do not understand this one - could anyone explain - the News Media is still living in some other time and the real stories seem to go right by them.....