View Full Version : Well that was fun!!!!

04-12-2010, 11:05 PM
Hello My name is Todd and I have been an addict for 1 season now!!!!

Well what a fun "experiment" I set out to show my 6 year old where Maple syrup came from, Started with the turkey fryer......:lol: That was fine in the beginning, allthough the $20.00 or more per gallon of propane kind of hurt but hey I was only going to do 2 gallons for my own use............

Well then a friend of mine got ahold of my extra taps and went crazy, about the time we were sitting on about 50 gallons of sap and me evaporating about 1 gallon per hour with the fryer, I told him he had better find a more efficient way to boil and fast, Being landscapers we had all kinds of cement blocks, pavers, ect laying around as well as loads of good hardwood. So with a case of beer and some good cigars we built our first true evaporator. Here is a picture.

MAN THAT WAS NICE, we were now evaporating at over 10 gallons per hour average. Our best day we did 97 gallons of sap. We ended up doing 5 batches of syrup for a total of 6.87 gallons! (about 870 oz)

We learned alot, like how NOT to run in and take a shower when the sap is getting close, (my friend did this with almost 30 gallons run through a turkey fryer.......very burnt pan) Oh and also learned NOT to buy a 55 gallon drum used for rasberry flavoring.........no matter how much bleach/baking soda you run through it it still flavors the sap.....:o That was a loss of 40 gallons of good sap.....although at least I did not cook for hours and hours and then ruin it all.........lol

In the end it was a riot, we tapped only about 10% of the trees we have access to, We even found a buyer of the end of the year, VERY VERY dark stinky stuff.......as we call it, My friend is actually related to someone who brews beer and said it was hard to find the strong stuff to mix with his beer (and he paid a fortune for it in previous years), next year he wants 5-10 gallons! So in our first year we already had an order we could not fill. Cant beat that I guess.

We went into this year not wanting to spend much money, the only thing we bought was the steam pans, some filter material, some used taps, and a few jars. We used milk jugs for collection, and we have friends in the resturant business, so all the food grade buckets we need. (and all the beer growlers we need for temporary storage next year)

So for next year, who knows. more storage, more evaporation, more beer..........lots more beer!:D

Here are some of the pics of our backwoods operation...........and yea one night we sat in the rain and got soaked............we dont need no sugar shack........:lol: There IS a roof over the evaporator, so the sap stayed out of the rain, just not us.

This site was a great help!

04-12-2010, 11:08 PM
And one more, the largest batch we made, 360 oz of GREAT syrup, this was by far the best tasting stuff, later in the year but not too late. this is our personal stash!

04-12-2010, 11:22 PM
This was once we got our filtering down, man what a difference getting crystal clear syrup!

04-13-2010, 04:04 AM
That's how it starts. Next thing you know you'll be buying a Hurricane Force5, and tapping every maple you can find! see thread "How to know when your hooked" for more info.

Seriously, glad you enjoyed yourself. Did you actually show your 6 year old anything?

04-13-2010, 05:51 AM
Hey Todd - Enjoyed reading about your first year. Sugar Shacks have a way of sneaking up on you. First a couple of 4 x 8 sheets for wind blocks - than a few poles and tarps to keep the snow and rain off the humans and before you know it - SHAZAM - A Sugar Shack --- Keep a Boiling --- Mike

Haynes Forest Products
04-13-2010, 08:21 AM
LMM Get a mason jar with a handle so you can keep the beer and the syrup seperate:lol: Good looking outfit for a small outlay. Now remember this day because you can never go back. Now I suggest that you warm your neck muscles up with a few excercises before you leave the yard because you will strain it keeping a sharp eye out for shinny stuff. Cold calling on homes with SS in tha yard. Chasing down leads on vac pumps and tanks:o

04-13-2010, 09:09 PM
Hey Todd - Enjoyed reading about your first year. Sugar Shacks have a way of sneaking up on you. First a couple of 4 x 8 sheets for wind blocks - than a few poles and tarps to keep the snow and rain off the humans and before you know it - SHAZAM - A Sugar Shack --- Keep a Boiling --- Mike

Yea it totally sucked when we sat in the rain for 3 hours, and it was a hard rain too.........Next year there will be at least a tarp!

Oh and yea my 6 year old did learn something, And man can she consume the syrup, candy, and anything else made from it.

At least I did not have to show her where honey comes from.......:o :lol:

farmall h
04-14-2010, 08:23 PM
Mason Jars with syrup.....that's what I'm talki'n 'bout. I mason jar 20 gallons that way. Looks nice doesn't it. Would be great to go with larger glass jars....hey, I think I found a $niche.:D

12-16-2010, 10:22 PM
Wow reading my first year follies is great, well scary to say I DID invest in a new evaporator pan from Andy at Wegner Metal Works GREAT guy to deal with, I bought a standard 2X3 pan and with a little fab work made a very portable frankenstien evaporator. (pics will come once its tested....lol) We will still use the cinder block evaporator we built last year but with the new one will double our production. So yea I can see now, 1st year= turkey fryer........half way through 1st year = home made evaporator.........2nd year= 2x3 evaporator pan & home made evaporator........who knows what next year will bring...........a structure of some sort would be nice........:)

Only problem now is I know what a child feels like when they get a bike, or some other "summer" toy for Christmas that they cannot play with cause its the middle of winter.....:cry:

Friday or Sat there will be a big batch of fresh water boiling in it though.........gotta see if it works right?:)

Dave Y
12-17-2010, 04:45 AM
I started out the same way you did 8yrs ago.I have had 3 evaporators in those 8yrs. I currently have a 4x14 force 5w/steam away and 5000 taps for this year. Be afraid ,very afraid!

Haynes Forest Products
12-17-2010, 09:01 AM
YA RIGHT LMM you need to see if it works right. Just like all the kids you will see riding their bikes in the snow Christmas day in pajamas JUST TO MAKE SURE IT WORKS RIGHT:lol: Thats how I explained it to the neighbors when I run my ultralite trike down the road without the wing. JUST MAKING SURE IT WORKS RIGHT! Gota love this sport:)

maple flats
12-17-2010, 06:56 PM
I also started small, but my first was a used half pint on my patio with a vendors tent over top and the stack leaned at about 30-35 degrees and was braced to hold it up, the lean was to keep it from the tarp. The second I built a 16x24 sugarhouse, sold the half pint and bought a 2x6. 2 years and I bought my current one, my 3x8, still in my 16x24 sugarhouse. At this point I do not see a bigger evap but I do see an RO for 2012 season.

12-17-2010, 07:18 PM
Yes what Dave Y and others are saying is true. In fact I knew Dave when he was almost normal, only several hundred taps, older well worn rig donated by a sugarmaker out west. He needed a 210 gallon sap hauling tank for the Ranger pickup I believe. Yea its all coming back huh Dave?
Most of us admit to having a problem, this forum fuels the eternal flames under the sap and keeps things cooking all year.

Of course I haven't done anything except restore a old king arch into a rat rig for syrup, go from 200 to 500 taps, go from buckets to gravity tubing, build a 26 x 33 sugar house, build hoods and stacks, buy 4 bulk tanks, build a WRU (steam pan), build a preheater, build a AOF system. See were OK!

Good luck and have fun with your son, and your friends!

P.S. I have a lawn mower problem! Felt good to say that too:)

Dave Y
12-17-2010, 07:23 PM
Sugarmaker , what can I say , they have yet to find a cure for this sickness!

12-17-2010, 07:32 PM
Could you put on another 300 taps on gravity? Then you and I would be equal in that area and only that area of production:)

Dave Y
12-17-2010, 07:39 PM
Sugarmaker, I may have them already. I will have to check. I am boiling Jacks taps as he sold his evaporator. He and I have joined forces and plan to take over the maple world in a few years.:)

12-17-2010, 07:41 PM
I will stand aside and let you roll on by! Keep it up.