View Full Version : vac pump

04-10-2010, 03:21 PM
Okay guys I need some help. What do you think of this free pump and it's potential. Gast is telling me she is rated for 25" hg and 47 cfm's. It has a 3 hp 220 motor on it and an electric oiler. So if you got any ideas as to improve it so I can run vac next year fill me in. I can get more like it and some smaller for nothing. http://picasaweb.google.com/104105556199577456315/UntitledAlbum?feat=directlink

Haynes Forest Products
04-10-2010, 04:22 PM
Its VERY worthy......That baby has all the things I like to see in a vac pump

Moisture trap on the intake.........CHECK
Intake oiler with Pulse pump........CHECK
High HGs.................CHECK
High CFMS.................CHECK
2 oil reclaimers mufflers............CHECK
Nice big motor (HP)............CHECK
Complete unit ready to mount on rubber shocks.............CHECK

Haynes Forest Products
04-10-2010, 04:27 PM
Comes with some kind of elec sensor from the oil unit maybe a auto shut off...................thats COOL:) Now you need to get all of them you can and referbish and get on the trader site so others can share in the joy of vacuum.

You need to let me know what part of the printing prosess they are used for? Im thinking the suction cups that they use to pick up and move the print stock. Maybe a cardboard type printing press. Maybe there are some place Im missing when it comes to junking.

04-10-2010, 05:05 PM
Haynes that particular one is off a very large bookletmaker. The machine itself requires 2 of them but one was already gone. The machine was an early model and was junk before it ever got to the end of the production line. You know what is sad in my younger years if I new any better I could have dozens of that same setup sitting in the garage. But yes the pumps are used to pick up sheets of paper and also to blow air between the sheets to separate them. Just about any machine in the industry that handles paper has a pump on it. The larger the machine/size of paper it handles the bigger the pump. I have 2 more smaller ones I have not looked at the specs on them but maybe they could handle 50 taps or so. I know where there is a warehouse printing scrap yard close by that has alot of potential for pumps as well.

04-10-2010, 05:11 PM
So the question is would you plumb this pump right to the releaser or into a tank (here we go with the booster) then to the releaser?

farmall h
04-10-2010, 06:29 PM
Tank then releaser then fire it up! Free...that is the best!

Haynes Forest Products
04-10-2010, 07:28 PM
3rdGen With that High a vacuum and secondly the high CFMs there isnt really a need for a tank if your pump and releaser are close together. Now if the releaser is out aways from the pump a reserve tank cant hurt. You still have to tell me about the elec wire out the top of the oil tank.

04-10-2010, 07:45 PM
Gast pumps will run forever, then it'll cost 250 to rebuild then your kids can worry about the next rebuild. Good score.

04-10-2010, 10:42 PM
What I want to know is how you make the picture bigger. Some of use have old eyes. The price looks right.

04-10-2010, 10:45 PM
Guys the machine it came off was serviced by me for many years and just so happens I put new bearings and vanes in it about 2 years ago so it is good to go for a long time. Haynes the wires running to the oiler opens and closes a valve inside the resivour. It was factory wired to a control panel that regulated how often it opened the valve to release oil to the pump. In the paper world too much oil is a bad thing as it will cause blow by and spray oil on the paper. Unfortunately one of the employees wanted all the copper wiring and cut the wires on the pump and took everything else. Oh well I can either pull out the valve and put a wick down in the tube to suck oil in or build a new control board for it. I have two sections I want to put this setup on and either one can be right at the releaser. One I can run it of the diesel generator or the other I can run it off power straight from the house. I would like to put it by the house first so I can monitor its performance but the other bush has a higher tap potential. We will see gonna pull out the other pump setup and see what she specs at and maybe put that on the smaller bush if it can handle it. I did put out a mass email to all the equipment dealers in search for more pumps. I will see what I can come up with.

04-10-2010, 10:46 PM
What I want to know is how you make the picture bigger. Some of use have old eyes. The price looks right.

Ken once you go to the link when it opens click on the picture it should enlarge it.

Haynes Forest Products
04-11-2010, 12:24 AM
Im thinking that the valve opened when the unit was powerd up and closed when the vac pump was not running. That way it didnt flood the pump and blow oil as you said all over the printer when the equipment was off. I would keep that feature hooked up. I have the same set up I took off my Massport its a impulse type pump that ony uses the intake air to pulsate the oil into the bearings. Oil doesnt go into the intake. Its easy to to turn that into a flood if need be. What does Gast say about over heating at high vac?

04-11-2010, 01:02 AM
I asked that question Haynes about overheating and they did not give a reply. I was wondering about switching it over to a flood system. Iam thinking if I hooked a false setup on it with a relief vavle and let her run to find the sweetspot in the near future I will have a better idea of how I will run it. As you know on the printers etc there is not constant vac. When the printer is not grabbing paper a valve opens in the sysem to relieve the vac. But with that said they are run for 3 shifts, days on end with no break so they can take a beating.

farmall h
04-11-2010, 07:46 AM
What I want to know is how you make the picture bigger. Some of use have old eyes. The price looks right.

kenwp, double click mouse on picture and it will magically appear larger:)

04-11-2010, 08:49 AM
When I double click on it the picture becomes this little tiney square with four colors. Believe me I tried that already.

PS Figured it out. I have to click on it not double click on it. DUH

farmall h
04-11-2010, 07:38 PM
Guess I need to count my mouse clicks...just assumed 2 clicks and it is really one.:)

04-11-2010, 08:45 PM
Got two response emails from the mass email I put out yesterday. Both places are within an hours drive and said they have pumps I can have. Gotta go look at them and see if they are worthy. I am on a mission guys. I am gonna get as many vac pumps as I can find and share. :D Ken I said click not double click.