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View Full Version : Any Good Ideas

04-10-2010, 03:14 PM
Hey guys i been thinking of the 275 gal oil tank as we have 3 of them, but I also can get my hands on some old 500gal propane tanks as these are very heavy, thought about doing one the same way the folks have beeb doing the oil tanks, open for new ideas here, also being so heavy i think they are 1/2 or close to it would a guy need all the fire brick and stuff ? There are some guys around here making the outdoor woods stoves out of these things and are working great for that, well mlets see what you guys on here think ?
We done about 3 gals on turkey cookers this, and about 15 taps first time since i was a kid had lots of fun but man time and money for propans sucked but worth it.

Haynes Forest Products
04-10-2010, 04:32 PM
OK you know the dangers of cutting into the tanks GOOD. As far as the propane tanks they do work for wood stoves but that is standing them on end RIGHT?

Check out the new thread about making a rig out of a 275 oil tank...GOOD I think we dont have to dicuss how to do it ever again all we can do is look at how it should be done.

04-10-2010, 05:09 PM
Yes we know about cutting into them saftey first, just thoght these would be a little more longer lasting is all with no fire brick is what we were wondering, i guess will just try one and see what we come up with just like anything else right ? as far as the wood stoves this guy is building them just like the high dollar ones but less than half the price Im talking about the water boilers, if i get buy my father inlaws will take a picture and try and post it for yas to see they are pretty slick.