View Full Version : Its Bucket heads fault

Haynes Forest Products
04-01-2010, 07:57 PM
Bucket heads idea of cooling sap in his bulk tank got me to thinking and that can be a bad thing. I have a very small round bottom dairy tank that would make a great arch its 4'x4' on the top. The coils are on the round bottom and sides. So if I cut a wood door in the front and get a set of pans made I can run the sap thru the coils as a preheater I would have hot sap shooting into the pan as steam:) MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM lets get to work on it

Bucket Head
04-01-2010, 11:14 PM
No, no, don't do it! Don't ruin a good stainless tank! How is this my fault?

Stop the madness!

Seriously, what your describing would be a water-tube boiler. They used that style boiler on the old horse drawn steam powered fire engines. They got steam pressure up much faster than the fire-tube style. Thats why they were better for the fire service.

Alright, back to the madness...lol.


Haynes Forest Products
04-01-2010, 11:31 PM
My kids like to build a fire in the fire pit and clean the woods all day so maybe I should make a preheater out side from the tank and pump the sap into my arch preheater. Its all about complicating things and dazzling the newbies. Maybe a steam spray unit that blows hot sap steam into the hood. Patent pending:rolleyes:

04-01-2010, 11:51 PM
Haynes I was thinking the same thing while boiling this year. Have a mist of spray filling the flue pan. Seems to me the steam coming of the pans would heat the mist of sap before it hits the pans. Maybe it would get rid of some water before the sap hits the flue pan. I was dreaming up a float switch that kicks on the pump when the level drops in the pans. I might play a little while I boil some birch syrup. I can dig around the shop and find enough stuff to make it happen. Hey my patent was already pending before yours was lol.

Cabinet man
04-02-2010, 07:42 AM
Tried it. It works to a degree. Not near as much as expected. I think in a continuous flow flue pan that you will get cross contamination big time. It is pretty violent. Pulls a lot of heat out of your sap.

But it looks impressive.

Haynes Forest Products
04-02-2010, 08:10 AM
Maybe some used Diesel pump injectors off a Ocean Spray tanker:o Dang this reinventing the wheel is getting to me. I went to bed thinking about Bucket heads idea and woke up building a steamaway unit out of my two 18" x 36" finish pans that I crinkled last year.............Man I got to get back to sleeping with the wife again;)

04-03-2010, 12:49 AM
WHy would it cross contaminate if you had the nozzles in the first section of the flue pan? After all it all starts there anyways.

04-03-2010, 07:47 AM
My kids like to build a fire in the fire pit and clean the woods all day so maybe I should make a preheater out side from the tank and pump the sap into my arch preheater. Its all about complicating things and dazzling the newbies. Maybe a steam spray unit that blows hot sap steam into the hood. Patent pending:rolleyes:

Last year I basically did this. I had a small wood stove made up out of a steel 5 gallon pail and a large SS pot and heated sap on it all day to feed my preheater on the evaporator. Gained me a good bit of boil time and let me try and catch up. I thought I would have to do the same thing this year with the new evaporator but it boiled so well I just used the old copper tube trick. I had a great plan made up to really get the sap boiling before it hit the main.

Haynes Forest Products
04-03-2010, 08:09 AM
Now that we are discussing steam injection lets run with it. I'm with 3rdGen Its not so much as why would it cross contaminate BUT who cares if it cross contaminates? Contaminate sounds bad. What we are doing is spraying sterial sap in the form of steam into the flue section. They do make commercial units that are tall towers that they spray the steam consentrate in the top and super hot air rises up from the bottom and you get dried powder Like in instant Coffee or powderd milk.

Now we dont want to do that. We just want feed the flue pan with super hot sap that gives up its water when it hits the flue section. Now dont be giving me crap on this one But I did sell a used shower steam unit that was low volume but it did spit out some nice steam. NO I DONT BELIEVE IT WAS FOOD GRADE. There I said it. The question is if you shoot steam that is 2% sugar would the raising steam carry any of the sugar with it? How about a food grade hotsy unit feeding the first section of the flue pan? What if the steam is shot into and onto a chamber that was part of the flue stack. Could you keep from burning/scorching the sugars if there is a constant supply of steam hitting the walls removing the sugars before they can burn????????

04-03-2010, 09:29 AM
All good input Haynes. I think the only true way to find out is to get the prototype in the works. If it fails just hang up those solar shower bags above the flue pans and let them drip into them. Evaporator IV bags:D I got a feeling Ken is gonna try this.

04-03-2010, 02:28 PM
How are you going to make steam with sugar in it.

04-04-2010, 12:03 AM
How does an evaporator make steam with sugar in it?

Haynes Forest Products
04-04-2010, 01:08 AM
Some times I wonder what Ken is thinking:rolleyes: But then again some times I know what Ken is Thinking. But today I have know clue:)

04-04-2010, 09:51 AM
How does an evaporator make steam with sugar in it?

Well if you read your posts your trying to inject steam with sugar in it or that's my take on it. Far as I know thw steam should just be water and the sugar stays in the boiler. Of course I am just a poor little Canuck that never used or took power egineering in school.

04-04-2010, 12:52 PM
No No No Ken I was saying spray sap into the steam not spray steam into the sap. Silly man you been boiling way to many hours. :D

Haynes Forest Products
04-04-2010, 04:00 PM
No one is answering my deep thought out questions. I need them to get answerd before I can continue with my mind games at night.:o

04-04-2010, 07:06 PM
Which question. That your nuts or that your nuts.

Haynes Forest Products
04-04-2010, 07:17 PM
If you think Im nuts then read my post about prefilters that should get me close to CRAZY.

04-04-2010, 07:55 PM

You really needed to make syrup this year. You are so syrup production deprived, you will be in trouble before next March.

Haynes Forest Products
04-04-2010, 08:17 PM
See if it can be complicated Im your guy. Your right I do need a hobby....OH wait I have a few. One day I set out to built a can crusher. After 2 air cylinders a two hand sensor and cam switch I have 20 hrs in it and it works like a charm. Its Kid safe and when its done cruching the can it shoots it into a bucket. Did I mention the Holloween ghost that has 4 air cylinders and 4 elec air valves and stands 6ft tall that has to be ancored to the ground and pops up and waves its arms and will scare the crap out of kids and parents alike. Yea I need another hobby