View Full Version : Max Flue Pan-Anyone Own One?

Bruce L
04-01-2010, 07:44 PM
I was looking at Leader's website about the new check valves for plastic spiles and saw this new? style of crimp pan,or has it been out for years? I am thinking this might be a more economical way to go rather than spending on a new high efficiency evaporator and arch,simply replacing the current pans with this style.Any input would be greatly appreciated.

04-01-2010, 08:32 PM
I don't own one but I was reading a chart in the front of Bascom's catalog. According to the information in the chart you can get 50-60 gph evaporation rate by adding the max flue pan to a 2x6 evaporator with a 4' flue pan and 85-95 gph if you include a steam away with it.

You can get 20 more gph just by adding a steam away to your existing 2x4 flue pan giving you 50 total gph out of a 2x6 evaporator. The only drawback is the price of a 2x4 steam away is around $4300. I can only imagine the cost of the Max Flue Pan......

04-01-2010, 09:29 PM
I think they came out 2 yrs ago. The only comment I have heard about them to be concerned with is that you need more heat than you can get with a conventional wood fired arch. So you either need an inferno, force 5, intenso fire, etc. or oil fired to get the results that can be had. Basicly it is a hybrid of a short drop flue with raise flues giving you much more surface area for heat transfer.
If you tried it on an old conventional wood arch you would not get the added boilng rate they advertise. I have seen them demoed and they will boil

04-03-2010, 07:57 PM
I added a max flue pan and a steam-away for this season. My boiling rate more than doubled. I do have a hurricane arch, and you need to be diligent feeding it with wood to keep the pans hot. I am very happy with the performance.

04-03-2010, 08:54 PM
I've only see one in action, at Uncle Richards in Ontario, who runs 3000 - 3500 taps, and just happens to be the nearest Leader dealer.

He used one last year and this year. He said his GPH went up a huge amount. I've forgotten exactly what he said but I think it was 40%. He did not change his oil burner nozzle and the stack temp dropped 40 to 50 degrees.

Of course, he is absolutely impartial !

04-03-2010, 11:57 PM
I've got a 6 foot max on my 2x8. I love it. I can run 88 - 90 gph on an average boil and when you get one of those boils where everything is just right I can be right at 100 gph. Mine is all raised flue, not the hybrid mentioned in an earlier post. I do have a preheater on top of it.

Bucket Head
04-04-2010, 10:39 AM

Those are impressive numbers! Do you burn oil or wood? If wood, what do you have for forced draft?


maple man-iac
04-04-2010, 08:19 PM
I am considering the max flue pan for my next upgrade. I have a 40"x12' forced air, air tight front arch. Im thinking of a 7' flue pan and 5' syrup pan with a preheater. Could anyone tell me what I could expect for evaporation rate?

04-04-2010, 08:51 PM
The book claims you can expect 185-200 gph with a 7' max flue pan on a 40"x12' evaporator.

Killington Maple
04-09-2010, 07:12 PM
I have a new 3X10 wood fired with inferno arch, and the7' hybrid pan. With dry wood I was easily evaporating 150 gallons per hour without any preheater. However, most of my wood wasn't as dry as it needed to be and these arches DO NOT like anything but DRY WOOD!

04-09-2010, 08:52 PM
Buckethead, I've got a wood fired Leader Inferno and feed it a steady supply of DRY pallet wood. I'm thinking about putting an enhanced steam-away on it but not sure when the funds will be available for that upgrade.

04-11-2010, 06:07 PM
I visited a nearby new sugarmaker, and he's running a CDL 3x12 oil, with the bells and whistles. He said he's getting about 200gph using only 7.5 gph oil. Not sure if Leader can match that. I'm using 6gph oil on my Leader with regular Steamaway (2.5x8) and only getting 100-110 gph.

04-11-2010, 08:04 PM
3x8 leader infreno arch. Raised max pan enhanced steam-away, revolution front. it boils 175 gph easy with seasoned wood. I do seem to be making more darker syrup with this rig 3rd season. Don't know why but it does. It's very expensive too.

04-11-2010, 08:05 PM
I visited a nearby new sugarmaker, and he's running a CDL 3x12 oil, with the bells and whistles. He said he's getting about 200gph using only 7.5 gph oil. Not sure if Leader can match that. I'm using 6gph oil on my Leader with regular Steamaway (2.5x8) and only getting 100-110 gph.

I think the key is he says he is getting. I don't think that is possible only burning 7.5 gph of oil on a 3x12 arch and a stanard flue pan.

04-11-2010, 10:17 PM
I almost bought a new leader max pan inferno arch setup this year but after checking around and talking to other owners in my area I bought a CDL intensofire instead. Its a 30" X 10' and I can easy get 100 gal per hour with good wood. I am not using any preheater or a RO. The price on these is a lot less then leader and is a very impressive rig. I made 415 gal of syrup this year and used about 10 full cords of wood about half the wood it would have taken with my old leader 2x6. It also makes very light syrup with the crossflow pan setup. I would not trade for a new leader even up!:)

04-12-2010, 05:44 PM
Leader's catalog says a bareback 30"x10' should get 70gph. So sounds like your doing very well with your CDL!

Mapleking, looks like your right in the ballpark with your 3x8, according to the Leader catalog.

They actually say the 3x12, max, enhanced steamaway, gets 300+gph!! I just wonder how much oil they have to put under it to achieve this.