View Full Version : Who is still in the fight?
03-31-2010, 11:07 PM
All right,,,GO TIME!!! Whos still after it?
03-31-2010, 11:29 PM
It's dropping into the low 20's right now and looks like good sap weather for the next two weeks.
Russell Lampron
04-01-2010, 05:12 AM
I'm still in although it doesn't look to promising.
04-01-2010, 05:36 AM
It's dropping into the low 20's right now and looks like good sap weather for the next two weeks.
Low 20s! You're colder than Mt Washington...that's a good freeze.
I'm going to be finishing up sap I collected last night from earlier this week. Weather had be me tied up. I think I'm the last to finish in Connecticut. I can't say Southern New England because I'm sure there's some one still boiling in the Berkshires. That's it for me good freeze in sight here for a while.
Thompson's Tree Farm
04-01-2010, 05:38 AM
Still going! Just out to start the RO rinsing. Frost on the wife's car. Over 50 gallons yesterday and over 1000 gallons of sap in the tank right now. Supposed to be 68 today and about 80 tomorrow and Saturday. No lows below 40 in the 10 day...Wife says "Give those check valves a real test".....
Buffalo Creek Sugar Camp
04-01-2010, 05:59 AM
Still making a little syrup in southern PA. Boiled 65 gallons of a good flavored medium last night. Have probably 2500 gallons of sap to concentrate today. Supposed to get real warm the next couple of days so this might be the last of it.
04-01-2010, 06:10 AM
Made 4 gallons last night but just about done. Syrup is just starting to taste a little late. It's still light amber and has a good initial taste with a small after taste you notice about 3 minutes later. I think it will make good candy, any thoughts? I don't expect too much sap today since it didn't freeze last night and hasn't since Saturday/Sunday. Had a good last run. Pulling the top taps out to drain the lines tonight and going to use the warm temps this weekend to wash the lines and equipment. Around 50 gallons this year, not good but some of my friends had a lot worse.
04-01-2010, 06:11 AM
Doug- Whats the gallon count? Im still in. Started working up 4000 and some gallons last night. Hopefully have it in barrells by tonight. Dont know what this hot weather is going to do. Sap was still running here as of yesterday. Theron
04-01-2010, 06:26 AM
Made 1.5 gallons last night!
Brian Ryther
04-01-2010, 06:29 AM
I am still in. Going to boil today.
04-01-2010, 06:31 AM
I made five gallons of B last night but it looks to be over. If it stops running today I'll boil what little is left in the tank in and get the five thats in the pans out. About a half crop for me. Just have to add more taps for sure next year and maybe put on some vacuum.
04-01-2010, 06:31 AM
Sap is still trickling in, though sugar content has gone way down. I was going to pull buckets yesterday, but decided to leave them up one more day.
I've boiled every night so far this week, but I'm thinking tonight will probably be the last. Still making Grade A Dark with good flavor. Even the red maples haven't gone buddy on me yet.
04-01-2010, 06:37 AM
It's dropping into the low 20's right now and looks like good sap weather for the next two weeks.
For the record, it IS April Fools Day.
04-01-2010, 07:19 AM
NOAA shows a possible freeze for our elevation on Sunday,Monday, and Tuesday night. Remember yesterday was suppose to get to 55 here 3 days ago and it never got out of the 30's. I don't trust the talking heads that make up the forecast. No buds in sight as of now so the buckets stay on.
04-01-2010, 07:32 AM
Tonight should be the final boil. Made 12 gallons of B last night and should make that much again tonight. About 200 gallons of sap came in last night and what I couldn't finish yesterday will be the grand finally. I don't even dare to check the sugar content just boil it. On a bright note I should be over 200 gallons of syrup after tonight which was my mental goal to produce this year. Might be a beverage or two for celebration.
04-01-2010, 08:11 AM
fellow maplehaulic still at it in Andover- probably have 250 gals to boil this afternoon...slowign down, but still at it...
TF Maple
04-01-2010, 08:35 AM
I'm still in but not for long. Working on boiling batch number 5 but will be letting the pan sit sweet so I can boil the last of the sap all in this batch and not start another one. Pulled about 18 taps that have gone dry, mostly from the taps on the south side of the trees. the north side of most trees are still running good as of yesterday, but with no freeze the rest of this week, this will be the end in a day or two. Had a great season because I had many more taps this year compared to last year.
04-01-2010, 10:31 AM
So - that's what real vacuum looks like! My vacuum release valve froze closed last night so when I checked it - vacuum was at 24". I usually run the old Deleval at 18ish. When temps hit mid 30's, sap was flowing nicely. Dropped vac down to 18, and got that smaller stream.
Have about 400 gallons for my last boil tonight - expect to boil about 300, and fill the pans with 100 for a month to clean.
Wonder how long that Delaval would have run at 24" before self destructing? As it was cold last night, pump was not even that hot.
We boiled off the last of it last night. I pulled all the buckets and put the tube out to drool. We're officially done now. No more sap coming in.
There is still a lot of stuff to finish off, but that can happen any time in the next week or so.
Now I'm going to pluck the gravity taps and call it a season.
Amber Gold
04-01-2010, 11:19 AM
Calling it quits. Pulling taps and cleaning tubing this weekend. I don't think the buds have broken yet, but it's sure not boiling/tasting good.
04-01-2010, 12:04 PM
I predicted our last boil was every night this week. CV's still produced about 1/2 gall per tap every day up till today. Just shut the pump off as I heard the fat lady singing away.
All in all, I would call it a good season.
04-01-2010, 12:09 PM
I'm boiling what's in the tanks tomorrow morning and chasing with water.
04-01-2010, 02:18 PM
Guys- Ive looked at the forecast and looked at it and it looks like its going to freeze the night of April eighth. I think Im going to reem the whole 5000 taps. I think its probly worth it. If I work throught the nights I should have it all done in time. Gotta go. Got to get reaming. Theeeron
04-01-2010, 02:24 PM
Guys- Ive looked at the forecast and looked at it and it looks like its going to freeze the night of April eighth. I think Im going to reem the whole 5000 taps. I think its probly worth it. If I work throught the nights I should have it all done in time. Gotta go. Got to get reaming. Theeeron
I rest my case - he is definitely loco!!!! Or we've just been April fool'ed.
04-01-2010, 02:25 PM
04-01-2010, 03:58 PM
Bygar she run today. Not alot but steady drizzel. Monday might freeze. I'll let the trees decide.
04-01-2010, 05:27 PM
Sap gushing here. Made 120 gals in the last two days, sugar content still 2% and hoping that it stays that way through the weekend.
04-01-2010, 05:44 PM
Checkvalves still doing it! Was calling it quits this morning, after seeing the tank running over, I'm still in the game!! Sap was pouring out with the 80 degree temps. Off to boil now before I'll have to dump it all.
04-01-2010, 07:20 PM
gathered 65 gals of not so good syrup today and combined with my unfinished from yesterday, i expect I will be done tonight.
farmall h
04-01-2010, 07:30 PM
Just in there ridi'n the waves of sap as they roll off the hill! Capped off barrel 5 yesterday. Vac on 24-7. I'll boil 'till the buds come out. No April fools joke here.:)
04-01-2010, 07:40 PM
still getting sap, here hopfully we get to make syrup next week too! should fill a other 55 tomorow
04-01-2010, 07:42 PM
Sap still flowing, not great, but it's still coming out....Made a 30 gal drum full of high side dark amber today.......I'll take it!
04-01-2010, 08:41 PM
Im just giving you guys bullcrap. Im not reaming, Im too tired. We got a wind storm and It messed my vac up. I should go out anf fix leaks but its not going to happen tonigt. Got three hours sleep last night and four the night before. R.O's are really slowed down with all the bad sap. It is what it is. Tough season. I think were going to hit 1400 gallons. Not bad for as warm as its been. 1.5% sap all seasn. Only reason weve made so much is the vac. I dont ever want to hear anybody say anything about early tapping again down here. I had everything tapped in in January and the taps are still running. I think the checkvalves work but Im hearing everyone say how they helped now that they are done and they probly did but Im still making syrup on January taps and all Ive done is keep the vac up and kept the pump on for months and ran new plastic in the trees and Im still making syrup even now. I think if a guy is running gas pumps and has to turn them off at night I think they really help. If your lucky enough to have the pump on electric and keep it on I dont know how you can complain about three months running making syrup on summer time temps. I think thats the deal. If you cant leave the pump on I bet they help a lot. Hope everyone had fun, Im going to bed. Thee( beat to heck, a totall trainwreck)roooon. Theron
04-01-2010, 09:04 PM
Theron, you can't throw it in or I am going to make more per tap than you and I have been going for a week tomorrow. The thermometer is headed for a freeze tonight here, 37 and dropping, the weather talking heads are going to be wrong about the night time temperature I think. Get up and get out there, you will have time to sleep in August.
farmall h
04-01-2010, 09:09 PM
802Maple...I heard there was an April fools joke played by one of the weathmen for CBS news this morning.:)
maple sapper
04-01-2010, 09:37 PM
I modified my releaser. Installed it yesterday. Got to my pump this morning to find it sucked sap right in. So, after pumping basements, fixing roof leaks and then tinkering with the releaser with no quick fix, I threw in the towel. I am done for 2010 (collecting sap anyway, still got tons to clean). Sort of sad about it cause I know I can fix the releaser, but a whole day with the pump off may end the flow if sweetness. It was a good end with the new addition of the vac. But a less then stellar outcome syrup wise once again. Two years in a row, boo hoo
04-01-2010, 10:22 PM
Trying to keep in the fight. At least two more days to go and then should be done maple and go on to other things. Like birch.
04-01-2010, 10:27 PM
Still going, thought I was going to shut the pump off today but still getting sap so she's not getting a break yet.
See what happens in the next few days.
Syrup has lightned up big time.
You guys....It's Theron's B-Day today, Happy Birthday Buddy. THose bones got another 40 left in them?
04-01-2010, 10:28 PM
I had a bat commit harrie-carrie in my head tank as I was finishing up tonight - that and swatting mosquitoes while boiling in a t shirt was sign enough for me. Sap flowed surprisingly well today with a high of 78 degrees.
04-01-2010, 10:51 PM
Dumped a lot of my buckets because of yellow sap and flies but still picked up 100 gallons of sap on day #5 without a freeze. Made a couple more gallons and I'm up to 111 gallons for the season.
Going to pull the buckets and smaller field tubing runs tomorrow but leave the woods pipeline plugged in and see what happens at 80 degrees tomorrow. In any event, the peepers are finally out so I am most likely all done after tomorrow.
Russell Lampron
04-02-2010, 05:19 AM
After 24 hours with the pump on I only got about 50 gallons of sap. The bottom of the tank looks like 1/2 of that is white slime. I shut off the pump and am calling it a season. After I finish what is in the evaporator I should be close to 150 gallons of syrup for the season so I can't complain.
04-02-2010, 06:15 AM
Guys- You know what Im kind of thinking about. My trees arent budded out. Its real hot today and tomarrow but next week there might be a freeze. Wonder if it would be worth it on my property only to ream one tap per big tree from 5/16 to 7/16. Thats what people used for years anyway. Wonder if it would be worth it. I just hate looking at those big holes. Theron
04-02-2010, 06:56 AM
I am pulling taps today, the longer them buckets are out in that warm the harder they will be to clean, made more than last year so I am happy with that!
04-02-2010, 07:06 AM
That could have been but I think they are always playing an April fools trick as it got down to a slight freeze here last night and it was supposed to get only down to 42 or so.
802Maple...I heard there was an April fools joke played by one of the weathmen for CBS news this morning.:)
Matt has that frog come in the sugarhouse yet?
Still going here. Will go over a quart per tap this morning in a week not bad.
The neighbor is still making excellent flavored syrup, with not a sign of a bud to be seen
Homestead Maple
04-02-2010, 09:55 AM
The syrup I made last night was right on the line of med/dark with great flavor. The temp this morning was around 29 and I don't know if that was enough to get much of a run going. Sap was dripping into the releaser some at 8am. Turned on the vacuum and we'll see what happens. This weekends temps will probably change the trees enough that sap will be buddy next week even if it gets below freezing again.
04-02-2010, 10:21 AM
We got to 29 this morning also and the buckets are dripping pretty good now. Ran my hand accross the bottom inside of the buckets absolutely no slim. They are going to make it to the next freeze Sunday night and just like the eveready bunny they will just keep on going. LOL
04-02-2010, 10:50 AM
Jerry- Not nice to beat my three months averages with a weeks worth of sap. I have always questioned though if -25 inches will even beat a bucket on a good run day. Darned thing happened yesterday, didnt do anything different and syrup lightened up to light amber. PENNSYLVANIA FANCY, really is light though, no kidding. Its about 80 here right now, they going to run? Theron
Thompson's Tree Farm
04-02-2010, 11:25 AM
Getting tight here. Ran yesterday but I had a hard time getting it from the releaser, where the quality was pretty good, up to the RO and into the evaporator. Wanted to get pretty yeasty going through a mile and a half of black plastic. I got another 2000 gallons processed yesterday. Low last night was about 45 and nothing happening this AM. I'm chasing the evaporator and washing all the tanks today but the spouts stay in! Wait and see what happens. Stand at 1350 gallons + at this point. Like to see a few more before I go down the third time:)
04-02-2010, 01:16 PM
Can just imangine what this syrup Therons makeing smells and tastes like. It's a wonder it don't eat the bottom of the barrels out.
04-02-2010, 01:21 PM
Gathered my 55 buckets and then pulled them. Most were still running, but lots of yellow sap w/ moths and flies. Rinsed & took down about 100 taps of take-down tubing and several small barrels and they are ready to wash now.
I'm leaving my main pipeline of 600 gravity plugged in and running into the insulated tank and will gather early AM tomorrow. Truck is parked in the cool barn w/ frozen concrete floor with today's sap. Should have around 150 gallons of not-so-nice sap to boil and finish up the season tomorrow with around 115 gallons. An average year for me that started two weeks early and ended three weeks early.
Great day to wash my buckets, covers, barrels and some of my tubing. Most likely tackle the rest of the tubing washing on Sunday.
04-02-2010, 02:27 PM
Doug- I think were right at about exactly the same as you. Dads working up 3000 gallons though so you better get one more run or Ill have to be takiing you DOWWWWWN!!!! Its 80 here though today I think so you might take me DOWWWWN!!!! Theeeeron
04-02-2010, 07:20 PM
Aww heck.... I'm done and it's only April 2! Usually go until 3rd week but weather forecast for next week shows no freezes - 115G on 330 taps. If I'd taken a day off to tap last wk feb when it started and not has an RO mishap I'd have 140.
04-02-2010, 07:25 PM
All my south and east facing trees have given up but the north facing half just keeps drizzling like an old man at a keg ah. The forecast has gone from poor to bad so if I don't get a freeze by Tuesday I'll pack it in. Made three gallons of B today off the drizzle.
04-02-2010, 08:03 PM
Very Strange! Didn't go below 50 here last night and up to almost 80 today and there was almost a drip/second coming out of some of the droplines from the bigger trees into the 5 gallon pails, although I doubt it would've made good quality syrup. Threw out what ran last night and this morning after we collected a measly 20 gallons yesterday afternoon. We'll probably wait to take down 'till at least next weekend as it's supposed to freeze one or two nights here late this week. Heard first peepers on the evening of the 31st.
04-02-2010, 08:46 PM
Still in the battle. Trees are running and the frogs are hopping around the evaporator. Has to stop some time soon. It was over 80 degrees today. Had to ice down the sap as soon as I got it home.
04-03-2010, 10:49 AM
sap still running here. I'm not quite ready to give up, and am hoping for a freeze Sunday night to carry us into next week.
farmall h
04-03-2010, 11:41 AM
Too warm today. Shut the vac off and boiling what we have. Kinda yellow and very cloudy. Washing out tanks but won't pull the spouts 'till next week. Ya never know what mother nature will throw at us next.:)
04-03-2010, 12:20 PM
still in for the fight here, hope we get to make syrup till next week atleast but who knows
04-03-2010, 01:35 PM
Picked up my last 100 gallons of sap and pulled the plug. Took off 3 more gallons and up to 114 gallons. Should get 2-3 gallons more from the contents of the evaporator.
I let the evaporator cool down then dumped the back pan contents in the front pan and put water in the back pan. Now I've boiled the front pan down as low as I dare and will finish inside.
All the buckets, take-down tubing, tanks and barrels are washed. Woodshed is already 1/3 full and I've got a mountain of slabwood ready to fill it up next week. Just the main bush of 600 taps left to wash and the pans and I'm all done.
Done. Whopping 0.1gal per tap. Second to last boil was lightest of the season. go figure.
maple flats
04-03-2010, 04:17 PM
I'm finally hanging it up. Yesterdays boil was terrible, I had to raise the flue pan hood several times and skim thich foam off the rear half. Kept losing evaportion rate. That was the end for this year.
04-03-2010, 04:29 PM
today was a different boiling day for sure. i started making a light b and then the denisty started to drop off at 220 degrees. i looked in the draw off pan and bit right thru my hydormeter. and shut the rig off i was making jelly instead of syrup. the long part of the story is done for season.80 degree weathewr and sap do not mix. sap is still running great releasers dumping every 5 minutes but i do not think that starting over will help this. we had totally wash the flue pan and all tanks before this and it made no difference.
farmall h
04-03-2010, 04:50 PM
Last boil...made "c" for sure. Shut down, but...never know what will happen next week...won't pull the taps 'till next week anyway.
04-03-2010, 05:15 PM
Finished off what I thought was the last yesterday, looked in buckets today and looks like another boil tomorrow. Weird season.
04-03-2010, 05:18 PM
NOAA says that we could get a freeze tommorrow night, if we don't the buckets come down Tuesday.
04-03-2010, 06:38 PM
Boiled in what was in the pans and drew off about five gallons of C but just over the B line. I have a cone filter with liner brim full of that C and will have to reheat it to get it though a clean filter. It is the end of season "why fool with it" time but with a short crop a gallon of C is a gallon of C. and it is nowhere near buddy syrup as yet. That's next week if I haven't pulled and washed the lines yet.
Homestead Maple
04-03-2010, 09:07 PM
Boiled Friday night and made 25 gallons of nice dark syrup. I shut the vacuum off Friday night even though the sap was still coming in. I had a funeral to attend in Deerfield, NH today, so I knew I wouldn't be able to boil today.
04-03-2010, 09:43 PM
I haven't collected any sap in two weeks so I started taking buckets down today. I will finish and clean them all tommorrow. I am tripleing my taps for next year hopefully.
04-04-2010, 01:06 AM
I am finished today also. Who ever boiled in shorts and a t-shirt. Got last year beat at least and never got any buddy sap this year compared to last. I only got about 15 gallons of sap at 6 tonight and most of that was off of just a few trees. The rest were dry. Any I get tomorrow goes into the birch tank and I will make beer out of it.
04-04-2010, 06:20 AM
I am not going to take sanborns or Hill apart just yet,,rte.11 and hoit road are getting taps pulled today,,,pumps and releasers home now,,,I could wacth the buds grow on the reds yesterday as I was boiling,,,,the broke out in the afternoon,,,,,,I am very happy I have an airtight front on Marvin now,,,I had all the doors and windows of the sugarhouse open while boiling yesterday,,,with the standerd front I would not be able to boil with the sugarhouse open like that,,,,the sap I had to boil was unique,,,I pu my hand 4" below the surface and could not see my fingers,,did not smell bad boiling,,looked real funny-kinda white,,,with like a slime-jelly on top of it,,,,,,the 3rd till over from the draw off on the syrup pan just kept foaming over-only way to stop it was to shut the blower off let it die down then start it agin,,,went thru a quart of olive oil in that one till,,,,I have seen all the tills rolling over befor,,but never just 1 like that,,,,,pushed the stuff thru with water,,think we made 519 gallons,,,,I know the voulme of sap we moved is going to be absolutly staggering,,,Steve is bring the truck log books by to day and Ill add them up,,,,low sugarcontent late in the season means lots of boiling,,,,,,,did accomplish one goal-woodshed is empty,,ready for a fresh 50,,,actually had to work up a littel wood from outside to finish off,,,,
Hurdhaven Farm
04-04-2010, 08:08 AM
Finished up yesterday. On Friday took down the buckets while I collected a bit of sap/ants/moths. Washed all buckets and did an acid wash on the evaporator pans. It was a strange and short season.There is something wrong when I can golf in short sleeves in the morning and collect sap in the afternoon in Northern Vermont!
I did make nearly the same amount as last year, but took 43 more taps to do it. Sugar content of sap never got above 2% and mostly 1.5-1.8%. From what I have read here and heard talking to other sugar makers is that this year proves that I really need to go vacuum sooner rather than later.
But, even though this was a below average year, I still enjoyed my time in the woods and sugar house. Already dreaming and planning for next year.
04-04-2010, 08:34 AM
finished up yesterday talk about a hot day 80 degs. in the shade and as we were bottling up we had to contend with mosquitoes! April 3rd. we finished up with 10 gls. 4 gal short of last year the sap wasn't as sweet as in the past but i still enjoy going north going out to eat with my dad.
our sugar bush is right on the Canadian border so border patrol is alwas watching yesterday when we were coming back from the bush i allwas sit on the front of the timber jack and there was a patrol standing in the woods just watching us. making sure we weren't smuggling illeagl aliens.:lol:
farmall h
04-04-2010, 08:49 AM
Oh what the heck...nice day...Easter Sunday...might as well start pulling taps. :)
04-04-2010, 11:04 AM
still getting syrup and making light syrup with cloudy nasty 90 degree sap, R/o is my electric preheater lol:D
04-04-2010, 06:12 PM
I have a gallon to gallon and half in each bucket to gather tomorrow, Still no slime in them. It could freeze here again tonight, wait and see.
Brian Ryther
04-04-2010, 06:16 PM
Any word on how Twin Maple has done this season?
04-04-2010, 06:29 PM
Still running in Walden. Made 20 gal of nice B last pm which probably would have been a lot lighter if it wasn't 75 degrees out (or 95 in the sugarhouse).
As of now we are 26 gallons short of our record year, but it just seems wrong for it to end so early.
We haven't had a freeze since Tuesday, so I'm thinking that tonight is the make it or break it night. Either way, I'm in it to the bitter end -literally.
04-04-2010, 06:50 PM
They got started late and I haven't heard any news on them. I saw them boiling a day or 2 ago. They have a late sugarbush to due to their elevation. I will check in and see.
Any word on how Twin Maple has done this season?
04-04-2010, 09:52 PM
I talked to Bruce Gillian(Leader evaporator) on Thursday or Friday, can't remember which day and he said nearly everyone in that area was having a very good year and were still going at that point.
04-05-2010, 07:01 AM
Pulled all taps, everything is cleaned but the pans, best year I have had with 21 gallons cant wait until next year to do it again!
04-05-2010, 08:00 AM
We got down to 29 again this morning, will wait and see. My neighbor was boiling last night although the syrup was taking the turn to metabolism. I most likely will pull everything tomorrow.
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